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concludes and
In fact, Luke perceives himself to be a Jew .” Finally, Rebecca Denova concludes her book with these words: Luke-Acts, we may conclude on the basis of a narrative-critical reading, was written by a Jew to persuade other Jews that Jesus of Nazareth was the messiah of Scripture and that the words of the prophets concerning ‘ restoration ’ have been ‘ fulfilled .’” Finally it should be noted that Strelan in 2008 not only concluded that Theophilus was Jewish but also that Luke was a priest.
Contarini thus openly concludes that the Doge is a combination of myth and reality, saying that in everything you may see the show of a king, but his authority is nothing ”.
He concludes that every inflection and movement implies a status and the audience gains pleasure when they see the status of each character on stage constantly being switched or ejected ”.
The author of the Catholic Encyclopedia article goes on to enumerate the accounts of each of these three persons ( the unnamed " sinner ", Mary Magdalene, and Mary of Bethany ) in the Gospel of Luke and concludes that based on these accounts there is no suggestion of an identification of the three persons, and if we had only Luke to guide us we should certainly have no grounds for so identifying them the same person .” He then explains first the Catholic position equating Mary of Bethany with the sinful woman of Luke by referring to, where Mary is identified as the woman who anointed Jesus, and noting that this reference is given before John ’ s account of the anointing in Bethany:
He concludes that multiverse theory is a productive research program ”:
Given that both A and not-A are seen to be true ,” Kant concludes that it ’ s not that God doesn ’ t exist ” but that there is something wrong with how we are asking questions about God and how we have been using our rational faculties to talk about universals ever since Plato got us started on this track!
He then concludes that if it wasn ’ t for his most excellent son Desiderius ”, he would have been in fatal danger, and that Desiderius had reached an agreement with him to restore to the Church all the lands which she had claims on that were still in Lombard hands.
It concludes with the recognition of the great maximal descent groups of Samoa and their sons ” who had been chosen to hold the highest titles.
Adams concludes that right action, by act-utilitarian standards, and right motivation, by motive-utilitarian standards, are incompatible in some cases .” The necessity of this conclusion is rejected by Fred Feldman who argues that the conflict in question results from an inadequate formulation of the utilitarian doctrines ; motives play no essential role in it …( and that )… Precisely the same sort of conflict arises even when MU is left out of consideration and AU is applied by itself .” Instead, Feldman proposes a variant of act utilitarianism that results in there being no conflict between it and motive utilitarianism.
Richard Fuchs, author of An Unerring Fire, concludes, The affair at Fort Pillow was simply an orgy of death, a mass lynching to satisfy the basest of conduct – intentional murder – for the vilest of reasons – racism and personal enmity .” Andrew Ward downplays the controversy, Whether the massacre was premeditated or spontaneous does not address the more fundamental question of whether a massacre took place ... it certainly did, in every dictionary sense of the word .” John Cimprich states, The new paradigm in social attitudes and the fuller use of available evidence has favored a massacre interpretation ...
Supporters of the claim have pointed to Book IV as providing its strongest evidence, as when the narrator asks You mean to see we have been hadding a sound night ’ s sleep ?”, and later concludes that what has gone before has been a long, very long, a dark, very dark [...] scarce endurable [...] night .” Tindall refers to Book IV as " a chapter of resurrection and waking up ", and McHugh finds that the chapter contains " particular awareness of events going on offstage, connected with the arrival of dawn and the waking process which terminates the sleeping process of Wake.
Tennyson concludes: And he that told the tale in older times / Says that Sir Gareth wedded Lyonors, / But he, that told it later, says Lynette .”
The final chapter also looks at The DeMcDonaldization of Society ,” and concludes that while it is occurring on the surface, McDonaldization is alive and well. Find McDonaldization of Society, 7 on Publisher's Website
According to Helen Burns Roosevelt met with severe criticism from the liberals and the progressives for not nationalizing the bank during the period of crisis .” She states there seems little doubt that he could have done this ” but she also concludes Roosevelt did not believe in a government-owned and-operated bank ” and was ultimately pragmatic or even conservative in his approach to banking legislation.
While accepting that under Glass-Steagall financial firms could still have made, sold, and securitized risky mortgages, all the while fueling a massive housing bubble and building a highly leveraged, Ponzi-like pyramid of derivatives on top ,” the New Rules Project concludes that commentators who deny the GLBA played a role in the financial crisis fail to recognize the significance of 1999 as the pivotal policy-making moment leading up to the crash .” The Project argues 1999 was Congress ’ s opportunity to reject 25 years of deregulation ” and confront the changing financial system by reaffirming the importance of effective structural safeguards, such as the Glass-Steagall Act's firewall and market share caps to limit the size of banks ; bringing shadow banks into the regulatory framework ; and developing new rules to control the dangers inherent in derivatives and other engineered financial products .”

concludes and feels
The sadness that Denez Prigent feels when he lives in a city is the topic of E trouz ar gêr, which concludes as the world ends, and in Melezourioù-glav, in which he finds a new hope in the last remaining natural element: rain.
The author concludes that, " in fact, clicking through Backfence's pages feels like frontier land -– remote, often lonely, zoned for people but not home to any.
She concludes that he did give her something valuable: the freedom she feels only when she drives.

concludes and like
The precise date of Francisco Álvares death, like that of his birth, is unknown, but the writer of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article concludes it was later than 1540, in which year an account of his travels were published at Lisbon.
The protagonists of most wuxia stories usually have beautiful maidens to accompany them on their adventures and the story typically concludes like a fairy tale, in which the protagonist and his lover are married and live happily ever after.
He concludes that the price of high tech transportation like the Roadways is eternal vigilance.
Annie questions the use of such methods but concludes, " With all th ' crooks usin ' pull an ' money to get off, I guess ' bout th ' only way to get ' em punished is for honest police like Daddy to use pull an ' money an ' gun-men, too, an ' beat them at their own game.
She concludes with the argument that all low-wage workers, recipients of government or charitable services like welfare, food, and health care, are not simply living off the generosity of others.
* 1665 — In his book Micrographia Robert Hooke compares petrified wood to wood, concludes that petrified wood formed from wood soaked in mineral rich water, and argues fossils like Ammonite shells, were produced the same way, sparking debate over the organic origin of fossils and the possibility of extinction.
Like The Governor, Euphues presents two close friends who are inseparable until a woman comes between them, and, like both The Governor and Two Gentlemen, the story concludes with one friend sacrificing the woman so as to save the friendship.
It, like the postcard, concludes with a suggestion that he may be out of touch for a while.
Written in Kufic, it concludes saying, " You who read this, see that dust covers my eyelids, in my place and in my house, nothing but sadness and weeping ; what will my resurrection be like?
Rabbi Shammah simply takes this logic further, and concludes that if a man judges himself sincerely and honestly, that in a particular case, he will not be enticed by a woman's voice, he may listen to her sing, even ordinary songs in concerts, and the like, depending on the case.
The drama concludes with the return of the Overmountain Men and a brief narration of the later accomplishments of some of their more prominent members, like Landon Carter.
The story concludes as The Second World War commences and she worries that her son, like his father, will be killed fighting for the country he loves.
In " A Stellar Way to Lose Money ," after looking at the dismal performance after five years to establish an audience for AsiaStar broadcasting in India, the article concludes: If you enjoy companies that pay management at a rate of 2. 5 times your company's entire revenue, burn cash like crazy, but have a story that sounds good until you listen closely, this may be the stock for you.
He rapidly determines that the dwarfs ' system of guard on it is nothing like as secure as the dwarfs think it is and that the Scone could have been stolen in a number of different ways without too much difficulty, but nevertheless later concludes that it was not in fact stolen, but destroyed in situ and its remains concealed by mixing them with the sand on the floor of the cave.
The section concludes with Jing-Mei's story, where she reveals how Suyuan had high expectations that Jing-Mei would be talented like Waverly and tried to shape a disinterested Jing-Mei into a concert pianist, which ended after an embarrassing piano recital.
Physicist Philip Ball, writing in Nature Materials, discusses this episode and concludes " Do we, like Feynman, always underestimate what our current technologies can achieve?
The Beiderbecke Tapes, like the second Nick and Nora Charles adventure After the Thin Man ( US, 1936 ), concludes with the announcement that the couple are to have a baby.
A more recent assessment, however, concludes that the film taps more deeply into 1950s Americans ' worries over invasive species and growing unease over pesticides ( like DDT ).
However, she does show that she cares for him sometimes, like in Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder where Junie B. concludes that Ollie's first tooth was the baby tooth Junie B. lost, and she smiles at him.
Maya concludes episodes by exhorting viewers to " visit your local library like ' Maya & Miguel '". Maya and Miguel is a dumb show.
Banville ’ s poem " Pierrot " ( 1842 ) concludes with these lines: The white Moon with its horns like a bull / Peeps behind the scenes / At its friend Jean Gaspard Deburau .” And as the century progressed, the association — rendered inevitable by the universal familiarity of Au clair de la lune ”— became ever more strong.
" When I'm all through, I smell like a lady ," he concludes and is shown in drag.
McGinty, like all of Lincoln's major biographers, concludes there never was any arrest warrant .< sup > p. 76-77 </ sup >

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