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didn't and have
He was a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have a friend in the world.
They would have to go west through the narrow river valley that separated Leyte from Samar and hope that it didn't close in before they returned.
Their product had been endorsed by Good Housekeeping, the A.M.A., and the Veterinary Journal, among other repositories of higher wisdom, and before much longer if you didn't have a cake of their soap in the john, even your best friends would think you didn't bathe.
And he didn't have any clothes on ''.
`` Did leap into the pool, and didn't have anything on.
She didn't have the heart.
And besides, the chick had a little something the others didn't have.
`` I didn't know I was gonna have company in this car ''.
Mongi Slim of Tunisia and Frederick Boland of Ireland were early favorites in the running, but France didn't like the former and the Soviet Union would have none of the latter.
We didn't have time to speak before Eileen's voice was screeching at us from the bed.
I didn't even have the nerve to call her on the telephone.
I raised some kale by hocking the good clothes I had left over from my respectable uptown life, but when that was gone I didn't have a cent.
He had the same bullet head of curly reddish hair but he didn't have Jim's pokerfaced humor or his brains or his charm.
And she was made to fall in love with him again there in the rutted dirt driveway standing in the cold fog, mad as she was at his going away when he really didn't have to, mad at their both having got older in a life that seemed to have taken no more than a week to go by.
`` We were on our vacation in Canada '', Howard explained, in a muffled voice that must have been used to booming, `` and the news didn't catch up with us till we were nearly home.
There have always been tales of disillusionment -- the competent technician who became an administrator, willingly or not, and found he didn't like it ; ;
During these first days of the trial I didn't have as much time to commiserate with Viola as I should have liked.
`` I wrote Bill in my last letter to forget that I had told him that I didn't mean to reconsider my decision not to change my mind -- and he seems to have misunderstood me ''.
`` Moore and Longfellow didn't have the fate that faces us '', Moreland said.
Bob Fogg didn't have today's advantages of Instrument Flight and Ground Control Approach systems.
When she said that she didn't have the money, he said that she could come in for treatment with his office model until she was ready to buy one.
She didn't like her stepmother, but nothing is known to have occurred shortly before the crime that could have caused such a murderous rage.

didn't and much
Keith was on his feet because he didn't care at all about life any more: Penny on her feet, proudly, because she cared too much.
He recalls with a wry smile the wit who said, on returning from a homecoming reunion, that he would never go again because all his class had changed so much they didn't even recognize him.
She was wise enough to realize a man could be good company even if he did weigh too much and didn't own the mint.
But he didn't figure Ma for much.
He didn't seem to think that attaching a pegboard to a stone wall was much of a problem and he tossed off the building of the worktable equally lightly.
Usually she marked the few who did thank you, you didn't get that kind much in a place like this: and she played a little game with herself, seeing how downright rude she could act to the others, before they'd take offense, threaten to call the manager.
Big Band Percussion ( SP-44002 ) seemed one of the least attractive discs -- the arrangements just didn't have so much character as the others.
It was all gravy, and Donald didn't need much to live on ; ;
And you didn't see her much at Longue Vue or anywhere, for John had drifted away from the gang.
Maybe I didn't see as much of Gladdy as I'd like, but how much worse it would have been if I'd had to board her out somewhere after Alice went -- send my daughter to an orphanage or a boarding-home.
I didn't much care if she were there or not.
The astrologers performed much worse than merely basing decisions off the individuals age, and much worse than 45 control subjects who didn't use birth charts at all.
The electrons in these tubes moved in a slow diffusion process, never gaining much speed, so these tubes didn't produce cathode rays.
Its ROM also contained some DOS bug fixes that didn't appear in the 1571 until much later.
" If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans ", he said.
They both rebelled, and, according to Kelly: " We didn't like it much and were continually involved in fistfights with the neighborhood boys who called us sissies ... I didn't dance again until I was fifteen.
I just couldn't believe that I'd put all that effort in and found I just got kicked in the teeth and it just disappointed me that much, that I didn't apply for another job.
The stimulus didn't work ... We're being told what cars we can drive, how much we can make ... Obama has made this a personal crusade now ... As we can see it really is about him.
In 2003, Ronnie recalled that " Things didn't work out that much, you know.

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