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Page "Francisco Tárrega" ¶ 5
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had and brought
He remembered Clayton's mocking smile in the saloon when he had asked him what he would do if they brought their cattle to water.
He had ordered the ponies brought inside the fortified circle and had assigned Pierre and a band of picked engages the job of trying to keep them steady under fire.
But a moment later he brought his horse forward into the light, and Wilson had a good look at him.
Barton was relieved to see that Carl Dill and Emmett Foster had brought extra mounts.
Foster had brought extra clothing also.
In the hut to which I was assigned -- Max had his own quarters -- my food was brought to me by a wrinkled crone with bare drooping breasts who seemed to enjoy conversing with me in rudimentary phrases.
Aristide Devol, the sardonic manservant who had been brought in chains years before from his native Sierra Leone, smiled thinly and touched his well-brushed beaver hat.
In the following year her father undertook to give a course in Hebrew theology to Johns Hopkins students, and this brought to the Szold house a group of bright young Jews who had come to Baltimore to study, and who enjoyed being fed and mothered by Mamma and entertained by Henrietta and Rachel, who played and sang for them in the upstairs sitting room on Sunday evenings.
And after all this, Shann went over all that Bang-Jensen had brought up ''.
He had brought it along to continue during the voyage.
Sometimes, Mrs. Coolidge would close herself in the Green Suite on the second floor, and play the piano she had brought to the White House.
It had been whispered privately that she had smiled in the congregation, and the Governor Prence sent to knoe her business, and command, after punishment as the bench see fit, her departure and also anyone who brought her to the place from which she came ' ''.
Bad relations between England and Flanders brought hard times to the shepherds scattered over the dales and downs as well as to the crowded Flemish cities, and while the English, so far, had done no more than grumble, Othon had seen what the discontent might lead to, for before he left the Low Countries the citizens of Ghent had risen in protest against the expense of supporting Edward and his troops, and the regular soldiers had found it unexpectedly difficult to put down the nasty little riot that ensued.
Blackman had brought news from Kansas City.
The excesses of nationalism had brought down upon Europe a generation of tyranny and war, and a return to the old order of things seemed unthinkable.
The commotion had brought her into the wings.
The equation was simple: wealth brought them happiness, and their united front to the world was their warning that they meant to keep everything they had, let no one in on the secrets.
She was going to tell Bobby Joe about how mistaken she had been, but he brought one of the cousins home for supper, and all they did was talk about antelope.
Only a few more than 10,000 boats had been registered with the Division of Harbors and Rivers at the end of the 1960 boating season, but many had been taken out of the water early when the threat of a hurricane brought the season to an early close.

had and along
These new pictures focussed on the familiar and commonplace objects that he had heard the men in his prison camp talking about as the things they missed most, hence associated with the sense of lost freedom: the cafe at the corner, the newspaper kiosk, the girls in doorways and windows along the street, the golden-crusted French bread they lacked, the cigarettes denied them.
To you, for instance, the word innocence, in this connotation, probably retained its Biblical, or should I say technical sense, and therefore I suppose I must make myself quite clear by saying that I lost -- or rather handed over -- what you would have considered to be my innocence two weeks before I was legally entitled, and in fact by oath required, to hand it over along with what other goods and bads I had.
From his playmates in Savannah, Mercer had picked up, along with a soft Southern dialect, traces also of the Gullah dialects of Africa.
I had always thought of that lovable man as many years older than myself, although he was perhaps only twenty years older, and he confirmed my feeling, along with the feeling of both my sons, that teachers of the classics are invariably endearing.
He had bought a little piece of property down along the coast of the hard country of Calabria that he knew so well.
The apartment where we were talking that afternoon in March faced onto the street Garibaldi's men had charged up and along.
Trujillo's dictatorship had been along conservative, right-wing lines.
Walking along the lake before breakfast, Mr. Podger had seen the feather, and the bird that had lost it in flight.
His legs suddenly feel heavy and unaccountably weary, as if he had walked for miles, instead of strolling a few hundred yards along the old campus paths.
Despite several years of front-page stories, the average citizen was unable to get a complete picture of McCarthy until he saw on the television screen what the reporters had been seeing all along but had no effective way of communicating.
The tulips and the big pink peonies had been blooming along the drive, and he had walked up from the bus almost singing.
Du Pont, he said, had proposed disenfranchisement of its General Motors stock along with other restrictions on the Du Pont - General Motors relationship.
Since the writer had established this democratic procedure in the beginning he had to go along with their decision -- after, of course, pointing out whether he thought their decision was a wise or an unwise one.
They had traveled only a short distance when they spotted five Mexicans riding along a horse-trail across the stream just ahead of them.
The seemingly quiet ocean had crashed a wall of water from 10 to 100 feet high upon beaches crowded with bathers, drowning thousands of them and flattening villages along the shore.
Congress had already appropriated money, and plans were well along to tear down the buildings flanking Lafayette Square and replace them with what one critic calls the `` marble monumentality '' of government office buildings.
He found them near the carcass of a zebra that had been killed the night before, and he circled once, nose to the ground, hair shooting up along his back, as it did when he was after lion or bear, and then he lifted his head and bayed, and the pack joined in, all heads high, and Jones knew it was a hot trail.
A row of mailboxes along the wall had numbers and names on them.
Rev had known all along.
Kitti had come along to justify everything.

had and with
In any case, he had no intention of being caught asleep, so he carried his revolver in its holster on his hip and he took his Winchester with him and leaned it against the fence.
His wife had said to him: `` Nellie is in love with Clayton Roy.
As I dug in behind one of the bales we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large party of screeching warriors had overrun our company.
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
I had always, I said, hankered after working hard with my hands.
He had been worried that with Miller and Rankin added to the escape party they would be short.
Was it not possible, after all, that the forest was in league with her and her child that its sympathy lay with the Culvers that she had erred in failing to understand this??
The forest had become an alien world where she strove, alone, unprotected, unguided, to deal with whatever hindrances were offered.
He seemed very pleased with himself, as though some intricate scheme was working out exactly as he had planned.
That was the day that he had practically mopped up the main street of Big Sands with Aaron McBride, field boss for the Highlands Oil & Gas Company.
He himself had heard that there was gangster money in the company, but that had nothing to do with him.
Then, as he doubled, gasping, vomiting the breakfast he had so lately eaten, Lord straightened him with an uppercut.
Tom Brannon had caught up with the outfit shortly after the Maguires joined it, which had been at midday.
He'd been in an angry mood: Conchita had thought his face almost ugly with the anger in him.
But the day of the deadline came and passed, and the men who had scoffed at the warnings laughed with satisfaction.
For, with a single exception, nothing had happened to them.
He'd mounted up immediately and raced with a revolver ready toward the spot from which he'd estimated the shot had come.
For Tom Horn, it turned out, had a number of rancher and cowboy witnesses ready and willing to swear with straight faces that he had been in Bates Hole the day of the killing.
The mere fact that the tall figure with the rifle and field glasses had been seen riding that way was enough to frighten three rustling homesteaders out of the Upper Laramie country in a single week.
But to the cattlemen who had been facing bankruptcy from rustling losses and to the cowboys who had been faced with lay-offs a few years earlier, he was becoming a vastly different type of legendary figure.

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