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learns and they
Similarly, in Avery Corman's book The Old Neighborhood ( 1980 ), an upper-middle class white protagonist returns to his birth neighborhood ( Fordham Road and the Grand Concourse ), and learns that even though the folks are poor, Hispanic and African-American, they are good people.
Over the next two years, Harkonnen learns that both of his nephews Glossu Rabban and Feyd-Rautha are conspiring against him to obtain his throne ; he lets them continue to do so, reasoning that they have to somehow learn to organize a conspiracy.
When looking at these areas ( amygdala ), it was proposed that a person learns to fear regardless of whether they themselves have experienced trauma, or if they have observed the fear in others.
She wrote of the Americans, " The boy learns to make advances and rely upon the girl to repulse them whenever they are inappropriate to the state of feeling between the pair ", as contrasted to the British, where " the girl is reared to depend upon a slight barrier of chilliness ... which the boys learn to respect, and for the rest to rely upon the men to approach or advance, as warranted by the situation.
On the Ringworld, there is an analogous ( and apparently more potent ) compound developed from Tree-of-Life, but they are mutually incompatible ; in The Ringworld Engineers, Louis Wu learns that the character Halrloprillalar died when in ARM custody after leaving the Ringworld, as a result of having taken boosterspice after having used the Ringworld equivalent.
" Potential tutors train during an extensive 23-hour tutor training workshop in which they learn the philosophy, techniques and tools they will need to work with adult learns.
Ultimately, Joe Chip learns that Runciter, in fact, was the sole survivor of the explosion on the moon, and that his messages to the group are the result of his attempts to communicate with them while they are in half-life.
The reader learns why they are where they are: the King has sent for them.
He learns that his pot-smoking, ex-hippie parents have donated the money they promised him for finishing school to a crooked televangelist.
However, the house includes a mysterious suite of rooms that no one ever enters ; Catherine learns that they were Mrs. Tilney's, who died nine years earlier.
The slug dies under torture from electric shocks, but in the process Sam learns that they come from Titan, the largest moon of Saturn.
Thomas begins doing research and learns that if the birds aren ’ t taught to fly properly, they will fly off on their own and get lost or possibly not survive the winter.
Krill realizes they forgot about Ryback and learns the kitchen is an unsecured area.
Afterward, Walter offers to remarry Hildy, promising to take her on the honeymoon they never had in Niagara Falls, but then Walter learns that there is a newsworthy strike in Albany, which is on the way to Niagara Falls by train.
After their honeymoon, they set up housekeeping in extravagant fashion, though she soon learns that Johnnie is broke and was hoping to live off her father's generosity.
Though Woods assures his friend that they will be able to avoid incarceration by bribing one of the soldiers, Archer soon learns that Woods is wounded in an escape attempt.
Fred learns that Doris had encouraged Susan to have faith, and suggests they get married and purchase the house.
When his family learns that he has no plans to join the army in World War I, they spurn him, prompting him to enlist as a drill sergeant.
But when he learns to use his tools effectively, they are confiscated: the scissors, when he reasons that in addition to cutting his fingernails, he might cut his throat ; the blocks and rope, when he discovers that they might make a gallows .” ( Vladimir and Estragon also contemplate suicide in this way at the end of Waiting for Godot ).
After meeting the Captain on the bridge he learns that they are actually on a hollowed-out planet named Zanak, which has been materialising around other planets to plunder their resources.
When he and his young son, Charlie, finish the late, legendary St. Nick's trip and deliveries, they go to the North Pole where Scott learns he must become the new Santa and convince those he loves that he is indeed Father Christmas.

learns and can
in working with these patients the therapist eventually gets to do some at least private mulling over of the possible meaning of a belch, or the passage of flatus, not only because he is reduced to this for lack of anything else to analyze, but also because he learns that even these animal-like sounds constitute forms of communication in which, from time to time, quite different things are being said, long before the patient can become sufficiently aware of these, as distinct feelings and concepts, to say them in words.
As the character learns more about the item and its history, he can unlock more and more power within the item.
Farmer Giles learns that he can be bullied, but is smart enough not to push him to desperation.
The team is successful and during this time, Bobby learns that he can be completely destroyed but then pull himself back together again.
An adult who learns to read impacts not just himself but the whole community: he becomes an example to his children and grandchildren, and can better serve his community.
" The narrator learns this copy of Manon Lescaut was a gift from Armand to Marguerite, Armand telling him that she read the story " over and over again ," making notes in the margins and " declar that when a woman loves, she can not do as Manon did.
When passenger Eldreth " Ellie " Coburn visits her pet, an alien, semi-intelligent " spider puppy " that Max has befriended, she learns that he can play three-dimensional chess, and she challenges him to a game.
He also learns that the stalemate between the First Foundation ( Branno ), the Second Foundation ( Gendibal ), and Gaia ( Novi ) was intentional, and that through the ship's computer, he can decide who shall ultimately prove victorious.
Seurat was also influenced by Sutter's Phenomena of Vision ( 1880 ), in which he wrote that " the laws of harmony can be learned as one learns the laws of harmony and music ".
She even finds the feral Black Cat that wandered around the house in the real world can talk, however she learns he is not of the Other World ; he only travels from one world to another and he has come to warn Coraline of the imminent danger, but Coraline pays him no heed.
" The reader learns that the Cuckoo's plan is to escape from the Land so that she can fly through the worlds and lay her own eggs in more young girls ' minds.
At the prompting of his mother, he learns what he can of courtly manners and sword-play, but fails at more scholarly subjects like Latin.
He learns that this is a " peaceful, restful place, where a man can slow down to a walk and live his life full measure.
Darby learns that King Brian has brought him into the mountain so that Darby can avoid the shameful admission to Katie about losing his job.
Acclimation to the small field of view offered by the reading segment of bifocals can take some time, as the user learns to move either the head or the reading material rather than the eyes.
This is generally not accepted and, if a student's advisor learns of the student's plans, can result in early termination.
As stated in the Tinker Bell film, after the baby's first laugh breaks into numerous ( bubble-looking ) pieces, any piece that can blow with the wind and survive the trip to Pixie Hollow becomes a fairy, who then learns his / her specific talent.
While waiting for the timer countdown, the group learns about the differences in the alternate Earth from their own, and often become unwillingly involved in events that they must resolve before they can safely leave via the vortex.
In the second degree Reiki course, sometimes given the Japanese name of Okuden (" 奥伝 " in Japanese, meaning " Inner Teachings "), the student learns the use of a number of symbols that are said to enhance the strength and distance over which Reiki can be exerted.
According to the specific branch of Reiki, either one or more attunements can be carried out and the student learns a further symbol.
A few days later Mr Partridge bumps into Black George and, over a few pots of beer, learns that he is working for Squire Western and can convey letters to Sophia in order to help Tom.
Her journey to finding her self and making the hardest choices of her life begins when her mother says she can ’ t afford to keep her and sends Sybylla to her rich grandmother's house where she learns to love.
While a veterinarian can clean a sheath, it is not a medical procedure and can be done by any person who learns the proper method.
Gradually, the infant learns that certain involuntary, reflexive movements can result in pleasurable sensory experiences, and will attempt to repeat the motions voluntarily in order to experience the pleasurable sensation.

0.132 seconds.