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Page "Māori Battalion" ¶ 44
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Some Related Sentences

However and attribution
However, this attribution of authorship is speculative.
However, the attribution was disputed by reports showing the plant extracts from fresh leaves contained another substance more behaviorally active than cathine.
However, Heraclides seems to have been a versatile and prolific writer on philosophy, mathematics, music, grammar, physics, history and rhetoric, notwithstanding doubts about attribution of many of the works.
However, his attribution of epistemological and explanatory primacy to God leads to difficulties.
However, Clemens Brentano's attribution of the book The Dolorous Passion to Emmerich has been subject to dispute, with allegations that Brentano wrote much of the book himself ; a Vatican investigation concluding that: " It is absolutely not certain that she ever wrote this ".
However, even when participants were made aware ulterior motives existed to take a particular position, such as with the pro-and anti-Fidel Castro essays mentioned above, they were still prone to the fundamental attribution error.
However, some modern scholarship accepts Moseley's attribution, placing the lost work in the same category of collaboration between Fletcher and Shakespeare as The Two Noble Kinsmen.
However, this attribution is not generally accepted by experts on Shakespeare.
However, it is likely apocryphal, as The Churchill Centre describes the attribution as " an invented phrase put in Churchill's mouth.
However this attribution is tenuous.
However Diodorus who supports the attribution of a personal motive to Pausanias dates the events which led to the assault on Pausanias to the time of the Illyrian Pleurias and the last known campaign taken by Philip against the Illyrians took place in 344 BC.
However, the duality in the attribution may also have been intentional.
However, this attribution is controversial.
However, some scholars question this attribution, and have been raising questions as to the potential authenticity of the statuette itself, if not the inscription.
However Hooker does not use the phrase " via media " nor " middle way " nor indeed " Anglican " in any of his works ; the attribution of via media to him is much later.
However, that attribution is uncertain, as no record of Huni's name has been found at the site.
However, the exact number, names and the attribution of his children to their mothers is unclear.
However, its attribution to Pope Gregory I ( 590-604 ) shows us that Gregory did much to reform the liturgy.
Apart from the stylistic differences between Il ritorno and Monteverdi's other surviving late opera, L ' incoronazione di Poppea, the main issue which raised doubts was the series of discrepancies between the score and the libretto However, much of the uncertainty concerning the attribution was resolved through the discovery of contemporary documents, all confirming Monteverdi's role as the composer.
However, Agashe doubts this attribution on the grounds that the two works differ very widely in style and tone.
However, most scholars consider this attribution to be incorrect ; 1 Kings 2: 10 says that David was buried “ in the City of David ,” an area of Jerusalem geographically disparate from Mount Sion.
However, recently the attribution of the temple to Jupiter has been put under discussion, due to the discovery of inscriptions dedicated to Venus.
However, there is nothing to connect him to the red cross on yellow, this being an attribution of our day.
However, according to Holmyard, the earliest manuscript attribution of the work to Maslama al-Majriti was made by the alchemist al-Jildaki, who died shortly after 1360, while Ibn Khaldun died some 20 years later.
However, extensive research by Marcie Muir supports its attribution to Charlotte Barton.

However and remark
However The New York Times review of Deighton's novel appeared to treat Samson's remark as factual, and added the detail that Kennedy's audience found his remark funny:
Colonel Canby had little or no confidence in the hastily recruited, untrained New Mexico volunteers, “ who would not obey orders or obeyed them too late to be of any service .” However, Canby did remark about Carson and his volunteer ’ s “ zeal and energy ”.
However, their blossoming romantic relationship is shattered when he makes an inadvertent remark about " hideous, bioengineered mutants "— referring to some bugs Mark has been bioengineering.
However, in Orff's denazification file, which has been discovered by Viennese historian Oliver Rathkolb in 1999, no remark on the White Rose is recorded.
However, Else proved to be a perfect foil for Alf, and could put him down effortlessly with a withering look or cutting remark.
") However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: " I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.
" However, the rumour was discredited by Efteling: one of the causes of the rumour was an off-hand remark by a PR person for Efteling, who had dropped to reporters that Disney could well have visited Efteling — the reporters accordingly dropped the hypothetical from the phrase, and a legend was born.
However, Lane learned from a passing remark by another TNR editor that Glass had a brother at Stanford University, located in Palo Alto.
However, an increasingly difficult relationship with Unionist parties meant her role in the talks was ultimately taken over by Tony Blair and his staff, prompting Mowlam to remark to then-US President Bill Clinton " Didn't you know?
However the periodicity of comets was probably unknown in Eilmer's time, and so his remark " It is long since I saw you " could have referred to a different, later comet.
However, they also remark that the majority of geological structures may be accounted for without invoking any organic " life on Mars " hypothesis.
" However, they remark that the highlights of the volume are the " numerous methods Ryoma takes to make his opponents eat their words on the tennis court.
However, over a remark made by Fat Dom Gamiello about the late Vito Spatafore and implication that Carlo Gervasi was gay, an enraged Silvio attacked Fat Dom by hitting him in the back of the head with a handheld vacuum.
However, that was his last demeaning remark to her.
However neither any later paper or any actions by the NSA or NIST give any support to this remark by Courtois.
However, this remark did not affect sales in the United Kingdom.
However, they also suggested that some of the blame should be put on one of the English professionals, who " made use of a grossly insulting remark to the crowd about their being nothing but ' sons of convicts '".
However, other, more mundane explanations for his downfall: boasting about his influence on the Tsar or making an incautious remark about his mistress Catherine Dolgorukov, have also been suggested.
However, in the short term, Buñuel's disconcerting public remark on Rey's performance in other Bardem's film, Sonatas ( 1959 ), " I love how this actor plays a corpse ", could only increase Rey's apprehensions ; but anyway Rey became eventually Buñuel's preferred actor and closest friend.
However, it has been under the aegis of Liberal ( later Liberal Democrat ) Sir Alan Beith since 1973, and previously the area has been notable for its liberal leanings – both Sir William Beveridge ( influential in the formation of the National Health Service ) and Edward Grey ( Foreign Secretary at the start of World War I, best remembered for the " lamps are going out all over Europe ...." remark ) have served this constituency.
However, Mark Edwards from Stylus Magazine gave it a scathing remark by saying " Listening to the first tracks on Ultimate Kylie, you want to skip straight through, because early songs like “ I Should Be So Lucky ” and “ Locomotion ” are unlistenable — horribly naff, squeaky songs " and criticized Stock, Aitken and Waterman songs they produced in the 80's by stating " songs transport the listener back to a time when every single in the UK charts was either written by Stock, Aitken and Waterman or sung by an Aussie soap star, or both.
However, when the sentry was about to return the documents, the major made an impetuous remark of driving all night.
However, a remark may be made as to how far into the cloud the light was able to penetrate as this may be useful.
However, Leanne becomes suspicious about remark that Simon makes about Michelle Connor ( Kym Marsh ).

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