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Page "Hasmonean dynasty" ¶ 97
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Hyrcanus and conquered
Simon was murdered in 134 BCE by his son-in-law Ptolemy, and was succeeded as high priest and king by his son John Hyrcanus I. Antiochus conquered the entire district of Judea, but refrained from attacking the Temple or interfering with Jewish observances.
Cultural pressures to circumcise operated throughout the Hellenistic world: when the Judean king John Hyrcanus conquered the Idumeans, he forced them to become circumcised and convert to Judaism, but their ancestors the Edomites had practiced circumcision in pre-Hellenistic times.

Hyrcanus and Galilee
Six years later Hyrcanus was deprived of the remainder of political authority and ultimate jurisdiction was given to the Proconsul of Syria, who ruled through Hyrcanus's Idumaean associate Antipater, and later Antipater's two sons Phasael ( military governor of Judea ) and Herod ( military governor of Galilee ).
When Herod on his own responsibility had put to death the leader of the national party in Galilee, Hyrcanus II permitted the Sanhedrin to cite him before the tribunal.

Hyrcanus and also
Hereupon they were reconciled to each other in the Temple, and embraced one another in a very kind manner, while the people stood round about them ; they also changed their houses, while Aristobulus went to the royal palace, and Hyrcanus retired to the house of Aristobulus.
Aretas, bribed by Antipater, who also promised him the restitution of the Arabian towns taken by the Hasmoneans, readily espoused the cause of Hyrcanus and advanced toward Jerusalem with an army of fifty thousand.
Josephus explains in The Jewish War that John was also known as " Hyrcanus ", but does not explain the reason behind this name.
Previously, Hyrcanus II, one of the later Hasmonean rulers of Judea, had also held the title of ethnarch, as well as that of High Priest.
When Pompey was defeated by Julius Caesar, Hyrcanus was succeeded by his courtier Antipater the Idumaean, also known as Antipas, as the first Roman Procurator.
Hyrcanus was already High Priest but also shared his mother's religious views, sympathetic to the Pharisees.
During the siege, the adherents of Hyrcanus stoned the pious Onias ( Honi ha-Magel, also Khoni or Choni ha-Magel ), who had refused to pray for the demise of their opponents, and further angered many Jews by selling a lamb of the paschal sacrifice to the besieged for the enormous price of one thousand drachmae and then instead delivered a pig, an animal deemed unclean among the Jews and therefore unfit as a sacrifice.
Onias angers the king, but Joseph travels to the court both to assuage the king's anger and to farm the taxes, while the sanguinary battle between Hyrcanus and his brothers is also obscure.
Ptolemy Epiphanes also died, leaving two young sons ; but when Hyrcanus saw that Antiochus Epiphanes, the new king of Syria, possessed great power, and when he realized that he would be unable to vindicate himself for his murderous attacks upon the Arabs, he committed suicide, and his property was seized by Antiochus.

Hyrcanus and known
Aristobulus was known for his aggression, a “ contrary temper ” and thus posed a threat to Antipater, already a friend and supporter of Hyrcanus of old.
Antipater was known as a seditious and trouble-making man, and he exploited the weak-willed Hyrcanus for the sake of his great ambitions and abilities.

Hyrcanus and Edom
In 125 BCE the Hasmonean King John Hyrcanus subjugated Edom and forcibly converted the population to Judaism.

Hyrcanus and ),
* Hyrcanus II becomes king of Judea, for first time ( until 66 BC ), on death of his mother, Salome Alexandra.
Marching east, with what would prove to be the last great Seleucid Royal Army ( including a force of Judean mercenaries under John Hyrcanus ), he defeated Mithridates in two battles, killing the aged Parthian king in the last of these.
" i. 291, note 2 ), but was to enjoy the revenues of the latter office: " but Hyrcanus, with those of his party who stayed with him, fled to Antonia, and got into his power the hostages ( which were Aristobulus's wife, with her children ) that he might perservere ; but the parties came to an agreement before things should come to extremes, that Aristobulus should be king, and Hyrcanus should resign, but retain all the rest of his dignities, as being the king's brother.
יהודה ) Aristobulus I ( reigned 104 – 103 BC ), the first ruler of the Hebrew Hasmonean Dynasty to call himself " king ," was the eldest of the five sons of John Hyrcanus, the previous leader.
Not long after this, the Partho-Babylonian country was trodden by the army of a Jewish prince ; the Syrian king, Antiochus Sidetes, marched, in company with Hyrcanus I., against the Parthians ; and when the allied armies defeated the Parthians ( 129 BC ) at the Great Zab ( Lycus ), the king ordered a halt of two days on account of the Jewish Sabbath and Feast of Weeks.
Nor was the period between Ptolemy V's marriage ( 193 ) and his death ( 182 ) sufficiently long to agree with the statement concerning the length of time during which Joseph farmed the taxes ( twenty-two years ), and still less could Hyrcanus have reached manhood in so short a space.
1. 248 ), he offered the Parthian satrap Barzapharnes " a thousand talents and 500 women to bring Antigonus back and raise him to the throne, after deposing Hyrcanus ".

Hyrcanus and forced
Instead Josephus explains that Antipater's family converted to Judaism during the forced conversions by the Sadducee-influenced Hasmonean leader John Hyrcanus.

Hyrcanus and ...
Josephus noted, " Antigonus ... came to Caesar ... and accused Hyrcanus and Antipater, how they had driven him and his brethren entirely out of their native country ... and that as to the assistance they had sent Caesar into Egypt, it was not done out of good-will to him, but out of the fear they were in from former quarrels, and in order to gain pardon for their friendship to enemy Pompey.

Hyrcanus and all
First of all, Josephus reports elsewhere that the Pharisees did not grow to power until the reign of Queen Salome Alexandra ( JW. 1. 110 ) The coins minted under Hyrcanus suggest that Hyrcanus did not have complete secular authority.
Certainly the haftarah was read — perhaps not obligatorily or in all communities — as far back as circa 70 CE: The Talmud mentions that a haftarah was read in the presence of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, who lived at that time.

Hyrcanus and ;
The Parthian Empire had supported Brutus and Cassius in the civil war, sending forces which fought with them at Philippi ; following Antony and Octavian's victory, the Parthians invaded Roman territory, occupying Syria, advancing into Asia Minor and installing Antigonus as puppet king in Judaea to replace the pro-Roman Hyrcanus.
Sidetes managed to bring the Maccabees to heel ; frighten the Anatolian dynasts into a temporary submission ; and then, in 133, turned east with the full might of the Royal Army ( supported by a body of Jews under the Maccabee prince, John Hyrcanus ) to drive back the Parthians.
Alexander Jannaeus ' son, Hyrcanus II, had scarcely reigned three months when his younger brother, Aristobulus II, rose in rebellion, whereupon Hyrcanus advanced against him at the head of an army of mercenaries and his Pharisee followers: " NOW Hyrcanus was heir to the kingdom, and to him did his mother commit it before she died ; but Aristobulus was superior to him in power and magnanimity ; and when there was a battle between them, to decide the dispute about the kingdom, near Jericho, the greatest part deserted Hyrcanus, and went over to Aristobulus.
However, Pompey's pawns soon had occasion to turn to the other side: " At the beginning of the civil war between and Pompey, Hyrcanus, at the instance of Antipater, prepared to support the man to whom he owed his position ; but when Pompey was murdered, Antipater led the Jewish forces to the help of Caesar, who was hard pressed at Alexandria.
Hyrcanus ' restoration as ethnarch in 47 BCE coincided with Caesar's appointment of Antipater as the first Roman Procurator, allowing Antipater to promote the interests of his own house: " Caesar appointed Hyrcanus to be high priest, and gave Antipater what principality he himself should choose, leaving the determination to himself ; so he made him procurator of Judea.
De Vaux divided this use into three periods: Period I, the Hasmonean era, which he further divided in two, Period Ia, the time of John Hyrcanus, and Period Ib, the latter Hasmoneans, ending with an earthquake and fire in 31 BCE ( this was followed by a hiatus in de Vaux's interpretation of the site ); Period II, the Herodian era, starting in 4 BCE on up to the destruction of the site apparently at the hands of the Romans during the Jewish War ; and Period III, a reoccupation in the ruins.
The second vision portrays seven angels bringing Levi seven insignia signifying priesthood, prophecy, and judgement ; in the vision, after the angels anoint Levi, and initiate him as a priest, they tell him of the future of his descendants, mentioning Moses, the Aaronid priesthood, and a time when there would be priest-kings ; this latter point was of particular interest to the Maccabean period of John Hyrcanus, who was both a high priest, and warrior-king, though according to textual scholars this is to be expected, since the Testament of Levi was written during Maccabean rule, between 153BC and 107BC, and closer to the latter date.

Hyrcanus and them
Hyrcanus ' incapacity and weakness were so manifest that, when he defended Herod against the Sanhedrin and before Mark Antony, the latter stripped Hyrcanus of his nominal political authority and his title, bestowing them both upon the accused.
When Phasael and Hyrcanus II set out on an embassy to the Parthians, the Parthians instead captured them.

Hyrcanus and country
According to the directions of John Hyrcanus, the government of the country after his death was to be placed in the hands of his wife, and

Hyrcanus and they
During the siege, which lasted several months, the adherents of Hyrcanus were guilty of two acts that greatly incensed the majority of the Jews: they stoned the pious Onias ( see Honi ha-Magel ) and, instead of a lamb which the besieged had bought of the besiegers for the purpose of the paschal sacrifice, sent a pig.
The Jews of Babylonia, it seems, had the intention of founding a high-priesthood for the exiled Hyrcanus, which they would have made quite independent of the Land of Israel.

Hyrcanus and would
Antipater saw clearly that it would be easier to reach the object of his ambition, the control of Judea, under the government of the weak Hyrcanus than under the warlike and energetic Aristobulus.
He took the same view of Hyrcanus ' ability, and was moved by much the same motives as Antipater: as a ward of Rome, Hyrcanus would be more acceptable than Aristobulus.
Hyrcanus threatened that any Idumeaan who wished to maintain their land would need to be circumcised and enter into the traditions of the Jews.
Josephus presents two opposing reasons, one which would help secure Hyrcanus against the rising threat of Herod, and the other being his desire to quickly dispose of Hyrcanus and take power himself.

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