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Page "romance" ¶ 768
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Some Related Sentences

I and made
`` I made you what you are '', Gavin whispered.
`` I made you so you could stand up.
I made you a man ''.
I seized the rack and made a western-style flying-mount just in time, one of my knees mercifully landing on my duffel bag -- and merely wrecking my camera, I was to discover later -- my other knee landing on the slivery truck floor boards and -- but this is no medical report.
If it were not for an old professor who made me read the classics I would have been stymied on what to do, and now I understand why they are classics ; ;
`` Tell him I made a pass at you ''.
If you tell him I made a pass at you he might think you misunderstood something I said or did, so instead of just telling him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a louse I really am.
I must say the figure was well made up.
Foster Lukuklu Frayne made a sign over his heart with his two linked thumbs: I recognized it as an ancient Manu gesture intended to propitiate the Devil.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.
I reconstruct his sentences from notes made immediately after our conversation.
My great-grandmother, I have been told, made her garden her great pride ; ;
But I suspect that the old Roman was referring to change made under military occupation -- the sort of change which Tacitus was talking about when he said, `` They make a desert, and call it peace '' ( `` Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant ''.
The rocking, I realized, is the single element in the story that carries the erotic message, the unspoken and unconscious undercurrent that would mar the innocence of a child's fantasy and disturb the effects of the work if it were made explicit.

I and mistake
While S.K. did not like Dylan Thomas, I liked his poems very much, but I made the mistake of telling Dylan Thomas so, whereupon he said to me, `` I suppose you think you know all about me ''.
There also came a brief contretemps with the sound mixers who made the mistake of being overheard during a quiet moment near the conclusion of `` Do It Again '', and she made the tart observation that `` I never saw so much moving about in an audience ''.
Training as a jockey in his teens, Jones later said " I made one huge mistake.
When Hayek left Salzburg in 1977, he wrote, " I made a mistake in moving to Salzburg ".
When I told him that to initiate war was a mistake, he agreed.
I had better mistake with the rest of the world, though it be certain, that what I have related may be thought not altogether incredible.
I was scared -- scared to make a mistake.
A frustrated Napoleon remarks, " I made one mistake in my life — I should have burnt Berlin ".
Of the influence of Dilthey, Hans-Georg Gadamer writes the following: " As far as Dilthey is concerned, we all know today what I have known for a long time: namely that it is a mistake to conclude on the basis of the citation in Being and Time that Dilthey was especially influential in the development of Heidegger's thinking in the mid-1920s.
In 2004, Ford declined a chance to star in the thriller Syriana, later commenting that " I didn't feel strongly enough about the truth of the material and I think I made a mistake.
And after winning his Best Actor Oscar later in the evening, he said in his acceptance speech, " There must be some terrible mistake, I used up all my English!
Volsky thought there must have been some mistake: " I went up to Chernenko and said, ' There was an addendum in the text.
At a Soviet Politburo meeting, Gorbachev said, " It's difficult to build a new building out of old material [...] I hope to God that we haven't made a mistake with Najibullah.
Either I mistake your shape and making quite ;
Allegedly, the last words he uttered before passing away were: " I have made but one mistake ".
" I think we at ECD we made a mistake of having a joint venture with an oil company, frankly speaking.
Eisenhower is often said to have remarked that his appointment was " the biggest fool mistake I ever made.
During this performance, he inadvertently disobeyed the choreography by walking around the stage when it was planned that he would stay still, and was chastised by the band manager after the show: " The mistake was such a big deal that from that moment on, never again did I move when I wasn't supposed to move ... That was the discipline of Menudo: You either did things the way you were told or you were not part of the group.

I and going
When they were finally satisfied, Jones said, `` I think he's going to give us work ''.
My God, how long is he going to wait, I thought.
But, by gosh, I want him and I'm going to have him!!
Now, are you going to take me or am I supposed to walk ''??
I was just doing my job, just following orders, and for that he's going to kill me.
If I don't come back in the house, Breed's going to '' --
`` So help me, Crouch, I'd like to kill you where you stand, but, before I do, I'm going to hear you admit killing him.
`` I ain't going to fight you no more ''.
The finished -- and drastically cut -- product would begin with a hazy longshot of Joyce entering the suds, then bursting above the pool's surface clad in layers of lavender lather, and I had a hunch this item was going to sell tons and tons of soap ; ;
`` When I came up, damnit, I thought I was going down.
`` I thought the entire report was going to be confidential from beginning to end.
After making a short statement about human rights, and the freedom to travel, I told them I would be going to the Kehl bridge the next morning in order to cross the Rhine into Germany.
I have known Papa to exclaim on getting his tax bill, `` we're going to the dogs ''!!
`` As Mrs. Morris may be in some want before that time '', Lafayette continued, `` I am going to trouble you with a commission which I beg you will execute with the greatest secrecy.
Baker wrote: `` I tooke order with Sr. E. Grevile for the payment of Ceartaine monei beefore his going towardes London.
and I was six days going thither and coming homewards ; ;
Remember what I said about going out to get anybody left behind??
`` I don't know what I'm going to do with you ''.
Honest I could feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck like a dog's that is going to get into a fight.
`` But brother I can't take a job right now '', she said with her eyes on her ice cream, `` I'm going to have a baby, Francis Xavier's baby, my own husband's baby ''.
He was awful angry because he'd thought Ma was going to do something big, something heroic even, especially for her I know him I know him we felt the same sometimes while Ma wasn't thinking about that at all, not anything like that.

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