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Page "Aircraft emergency frequency" ¶ 3
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If and aircraft
If we could use all the small airfields we have in this country, we could disperse our strategic aircraft by a factor of 10 or more.
If, for some reason such as economy, we are not going to develop aircraft nuclear propulsion with a sense of national urgency, then we should turn our effort to developing jet engines with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 12 or 15 to one.
" If the aircraft is not being hijacked, the pilot should not squawk 7500 and should inform the controller accordingly.
If the air on one side of the diaphragm is at the static pressure, and the other at the stagnation pressure, then the deflection of the diaphragm is proportional to the dynamic pressure, which can then be used to determine the indicated airspeed of the aircraft.
If the weather is below VMC, pilots are required to use instrument flight rules, and operation of the aircraft will primarily be through referencing the instruments rather than visual reference.
If an aircraft is flying over a congested area ( town, settlement, etc.
If the rocket or aircraft is moving at about a constant speed, then distance divided by time is just speed, so power is thrust times speed:
If a jet aircraft is at full throttle but is tied to a very strong tree with a very strong chain, then the jet engine produces no propulsive power.
If the aircraft carrying the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs had been within the intense nuclear radiation zone when the bombs exploded over those cities, then they would have suffered effects from the charge separation ( radial ) EMP.
If its leading edge is raked back enough, it will escape the shock wave formed at the nose of the aircraft as transonic speeds are reached, reducing drag considerably, and the center of lift moves less than on conventionally configured aircraft, reducing trim drag.
The next citations are not found until 1955, when the May – June issue of Aviation Mechanics Bulletin included the line " Murphy's Law: If an aircraft part can be installed incorrectly, someone will install it that way ," and Lloyd Mallan's book, Men, Rockets and Space Rats, referred to: " Colonel Stapp's favorite takeoff on sober scientific laws — Murphy's Law, Stapp calls it —' Everything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong '.
If an airliner is defined as a plane intended for carrying multiple passengers in commercial service, the Russian Sikorsky Ilya Muromets was the first official passenger aircraft.
If seen, parachutist and light aircraft avoid dust devils.
If a loss of radio communications were to be encountered during VFR conditions, or if VFR conditions are encountered after loss of communication with the ground and other aircraft, the pilot of the aircraft shall continue the flight under VFR and land as soon as practicable.
If they are selected to serve as a pilot ( aircraft ), they will serve 8 – 11 years minimum from their date of winging, and if they are selected to serve as a naval flight officer they will serve 6 – 8 years.
If the APU or its electrical generator is not available, the aircraft cannot be released for ETOPS flight and is forced to take a longer non-ETOPS route.
If they are not successful, the decision to shoot down the aircraft before it reaches United States airspace is made, trading the lives of the approximately 400 innocent passengers to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people on the ground.
If the leading edge of the aileron is sharp or bluntly rounded, that adds significant drag to that wing and help the aircraft to yaw ( turn ) in the desired direction, but adds some unpleasant or potentially dangerous aerodynamic vibration ( flutter ).
If attached close to the wing root, it makes the stall gentle and progressive ; if attached near the wing tip, it encourages the aircraft to drop a wing when stalling.
If you change this example to then the analogy would be flying in space to reach any position in 3D space ( ignoring the orientation of the aircraft ).
If that pulse is on the same frequency as the sent signal, it will cause a second blip to appear on the radar display, forming the basis of early IFF systems-those blips that are doubled up have the proper transponder, and are thus friendly aircraft.
If the signal from two stations arrived at the same time, the aircraft must be an equal distance from both transmitters, allowing the navigator to determine a line of position on his chart of all the positions at that distance from both stations.
* If the aircraft is a glider a maximum never exceed speed ( Vne ) of CAS

If and violates
If anyone violates the truce of God and after the third admonition does not make satisfaction, he shall be anathematized.
If someone under a geis violates the associated taboo, the infractor will suffer dishonor or even death.
If a young person violates a condition during the supervision period, the provincial director may place the offender back into custody.
If a domain violates any of these terms, it is replaced by a Sedo ad page, and no beforehand warning is given.
If we can assume that the spacetime inside the Cauchy horizon violates AWEC, then the horizon becomes stable and frequency boosting effects would be canceled out by the tendency of the spacetime to act as a divergent lens.
If one violates land borders, or works somebody else ’ s land, or puts a fence on somebody else ’ s land, then he ’ ll pay 12 grivnas to the knyaz.
If landlord violates either, the tenant can terminate the lease and move out, or stay on the premises, while continuing to pay rent, and sue the landlord for damages ( or withhold rent and use breach of implied warranty of habitability as a defense when the landlord attempts to collect rent ).
If a service violates any other constraint, it cannot strictly be considered RESTful.
If the party against whom the judgment is rendered violates the terms of the consent decree, the judgment is as binding as any other, and the non-breaching party may seek enforcement through a contempt action.
If the listing of the credits violates right under the Lanham Act, the fact that the violation is pursuant to a contract with a third party is no defense .”
If this is not the case, the image needs to be deleted since it violates Wikipedia's image policy.
If this node violates the α-height-balance property ( defined above ), a rebalance is required.
If you buy and sell a stock before paying for it, you are free riding, which violates the credit extension provisions of the Federal Reserve Board.
If the Secretary of Agriculture has any reason to suspect that any licensed dealer, carrier, or operator violates any provision of the AWA, then their license may be suspended temporarily, but not to exceed 21 days, until a hearing is held.
If a system exists that violates the bound, i. e. by having too much entropy, Bekenstein argued that it would be possible to violate the second law of thermodynamics by lowering it into a black hole.
If the hired Company violates the contract, the Guild takes it out of their hide and out of the bond they were paid by their employer, for the violation of contracted.
If the defender violates this rule, a technical foul is assessed against him, and the opposing team is granted one free throw and subsequent possession of the basketball.
If a childe violates this, the law demands that he be destroyed, and his sire may be punished too.
If a message is marked as infected, as spam, or violates administrator-defined restrictions, it will not be passed back to the GWIA for delivery to the intended recipient.

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