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Page "Tommaso Maria Zigliara" ¶ 10
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Some Related Sentences

own and order
How embarrassing it would be if the newly appointed Congregationalist missionaries should suddenly switch their own beliefs in order to embrace Baptist teachings!!
He had thought that the suggestion of taking it himself would tip the colonel in the direction of serving his own order, but the slip of paper was folded and absently thrust into the colonel's belt.
In order to simplify the exposition of a typical fully apportioned cost analysis, let us assume the application of the analysis to an electric utility company supplying a single city with power generated by its own steam-generation plant.
It is a matter of some disappointment to me that still many of my own countrymen are too shortsighted to ascribe any symbolic significance to the plight of a minority, such as artists, in any social order.
As only a member of the family can share in the innermost joys of the family, likewise one must belong to the family of God in order to receive the benefits that are promised to those who are His own.
We should not allow the image of an immanent end brought about indirectly by our own action in the continuing human struggle for a just endurable order of existence to blind us to the fact that in some measure accelerating the end of our lease may be one consequence among others of many other of mankind's thrusts toward we know not what future.
Montgomery calls for a leader who will first put the West's own house in order.
Dmitri Mendeleev claimed he arranged his tables in order of atomic weight (" Atomgewicht ") However, in deference to the observed chemical properties, he violated his own rule and placed tellurium ( atomic weight 127. 6 ) ahead of iodine ( atomic weight 126. 9 ).
Later he lies freely in order to gain the confidences of other characters, either inventing his own reason for being interested in the case or a family excuse for pursuing a line of questioning.
It reflected Alfred's own belief in a doctrine of divine rewards and punishments rooted in a vision of a hierarchical Christian world order in which God is the Lord to whom kings owe obedience and through whom they derive their authority over their followers.
After the termination of this engagement he began to work on his own account, and received from his patron an order for a group, Orpheus and Eurydice.
Whereas the claim above suggested that Luke was writing to Rome, this view proposes that Luke may be writing to the church in order to convince the saints of his own view that Rome is not a threat to the church.
In the latter case a battery observation team can order fire to their own battery and may be authorised to order fire to their own battalion and sometimes to many battalions.
Despite Phillip's earlier order that Aboriginal Australians must never be slain, and his insistence that no retaliation be taken to avenge his own non-fatal spearing, Phillip's stance toward Aboriginals changed markedly after the death of his gamekeeper, John MacIntyre.
In spite of the objections of his own cabinet and without Parliament's consent, he obtained a short-term loan from Lionel de Rothschild in order to purchase 44 % of the shares of the Suez Canal Company.
The Atari 8-bit family had their own Atari BASIC that was modified in order to fit on an 8 kB ROM cartridge.
Nowadays, electric buses often carry their own battery, which is sometimes recharged on stops / stations in order to keep the size of the battery small / lightweight.
Bayer did not always follow this rule ; he sometimes assigned letters to stars according to their location within a constellation ( for example: the northern, southern, eastern, or western part of a constellation ), according to either the order in which they rise in the east, to historical or mythological information on specific stars within a constellation, or to his own random choosing.
Within the order, each individual community ( which may be a monastery, a priory or abbey ) maintains its own autonomy, while the organization as a whole exists to represent their mutual interests.
In some areas, the Militant tendency were held to be systematically targeting weak local party branches in safe seat areas in order to have their own candidates selected, and thus become MPs.
In many places, every diocese, order or ecclesiastical province maintained its own edition of the breviary.
Scholars have interpreted this to mean that Banquo has been dreaming of murdering the king as Macbeth's accomplice in order to take the throne for his own family, as the Three Witches prophesied to him.

own and some
This time Lewis had his own rifle in his hands, and he threw some answering fire back at the mysterious far-off shot, then spent most of the day searching out the area.
I found a trooper once the Apache had spread-eagled on an ant hill, and another time we ran across some teamsters they'd caught, tied upside down on their own wagon wheels over little fires until their brains was exploded right out o' their skulls.
It is perhaps difficult to conceive, but imagine that tonight on London bridge the Teddy boys of the East End will gather to sing Marlowe, Herrick, Shakespeare, and perhaps some lyrics of their own.
This sentence would have most of the characteristics of a question, but it has some of the characteristics of a statement because the questioner has conveyed the fact that he has no faith in his own timepiece or the one attached to his car.
In The Publick Spirit of the Whigs, it may be noted, Swift himself contemptuously dismissed Steele's reference to his friend at court: `` I suppose by the Style of old Friend, and the like, it must be some Body there of his own Level ; ;
If he can't play with Mommy's magazines, he should have some old numbers of his own.
Uncle Randolph had been riding out every evening on some secret business of his own.
There was a time some years ago when local taxation by the cities and towns was sufficient to support their own operations and a part of the cost of the state government as well.
The senior policy officer may be moved to think hard about a problem by any of an infinite variety of stimuli: an idea in his own head, the suggestions of a colleague, a question from the Secretary or the President, a proposal by another department, a communication from a foreign government or an American ambassador abroad, the filing of an item for the agenda of the United Nations or of any other of dozens of international bodies, a news item read at the breakfast table, a question to the President or the Secretary at a news conference, a speech by a Senator or Congressman, an article in a periodical, a resolution from a national organization, a request for assistance from some private American interests abroad, et cetera, ad infinitum.
In their own words, it had aided them to get a clearer picture of how they had gotten into their marriages, and perhaps they had obtained some insights on why certain troubles appeared from time to time.
From here they proceeded to ( 3 ) These same areas in relation to their own future family life stages, developing these to the extent of examining various crises which could be expected to confront them at some time or other.
The answers to questions such as these certainly depend to some extent upon the educator's own social-class position and also upon his social history, as well as upon his personality and what he conceives his mission to be as an educator.
In a brief chapter dealing with `` Various Other Diagnoses '', he quotes isolated passages from some writers whose views seem to corroborate his own, and finds it `` most remarkable that a critical view of twentieth-century society was already held by a number of thinkers living in the nineteenth.
In the early 1950's, Smith, together with his distinguished colleague, George Trager ( so austerely academic he sometimes fights his own evident charm ), and a third man with the engaging name of Birdwhistell ( Ray ), agreed on some basic premises about the three-part process that makes communication: ( 1 ) words or language ( 2 ) paralanguage, a set of phenomena including laughing, weeping, voice breaks, and `` tone '' of voice, and ( 3 ) kinesics, the technical name for gestures, facial expressions, and body shifts -- nodding or shaking the head, `` talking '' with one's hands, et cetera.
almost everyone, on first hearing one of his own sessions on tape, expressed some desire to take the whole thing over again.
A sense of self-certainty and the freedom to experiment with different roles, or confidence in one's own unique behavior as an alternative to peer-group conformity, is more easily developed during adolescence if, during early childhood, the individual was permitted to exercise initiative and encouraged to develop some autonomy.
He cannot avoid observing that some of the children, in spite of their color, remind him of children he has known and loved, perhaps even of his own children.
Why, Holden said to himself, surprised at his own sudden insight, I'll bet some of those people who enter are just as happy as can be.
He told some 350 persons that the United States' challenge was to help countries build their own societies their own ways, following their own paths.
In representing part of this new picture, I will be recounting some of my own personal experiences, reactions and judgments ; ;
This time the orchestra gave him some superb support fired by response to his own high mood.

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