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Page "Cleopatra I Syra" ¶ 6
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line and with
Mike ran down the line, slashing picket ropes with the bayonet.
They poured through the opening in the valley, then spread out in a long line to come at us, brandishing their lances and filling the morning with their spine-chilling scalp cry.
The husband points the steps out with his flashlight: `` Its white stare filling her pale eyes To the blind brim with appetite, Bleaching her hands that grazed my thighs And sent us from the table in surprise To let the dishes soak all night, '' ( Mary Jane asked herself if Meredith was blushing at this line, or was it the fire??
Now, the next morning, they were anchored at The Elbow and the boat was riding directly over the underwater ledge where the green water turned to deepest blue and the cliff dropped straight down 600 fathoms, with the weighted line beside it ; ;
so that a line running down the length of the South marking the upper limits of tidewater would roughly divide the Old South from the new, but with, of course, important minority enclaves.
Yet within this limitation there is an astonishing variety: design as intricate as that in the carpet or miniature, with the melodic line like the painted or woven line often flowing into an arabesque.
Sighting a line from the bridge to a small field directly to the side, I pitched the tent that evening on the stateless `` line '', digging a small trench around it as best I could with a toy spade donated by a neighborhood child.
We find `` reluctant recruits '' whose values are not in line with their expected occupation's characteristics.
And as they go through college, the students tend to bring their political position in line with that prevalent in the social groups to which they belong.
Recently Treasury Secretary Dillon and Labor Secretary Goldberg fell into line with Mr. Hodges' appraisal, though there has been some reluctance to do so at the White House.
The Cunard line has under consideration replacing the Queen Mary with a ship smaller than 75,000 tons.
They advanced in a line across the entrance hall to the stairway and up, with gingerly steps, towards the first landing.
The uniform fiscal year brings the town's fiscal year into line with that of the schools, which expend the largest share of local disbursements.
therefore, only with precise foreknowledge of the line frequencies is an astronomical search for the radio spectra of these molecules feasible.
A naval blockade would be thoroughly in line with the Monroe Doctrine, would be a relatively simple operation to carry out, and would bring an abrupt end to Soviet penetration of our hemisphere ''.
Mr. Devey will be responsible for the commercial expansion of VecTrol's line of electronic and electrical power control components as furnished to end equipment manufacturers, working closely with Walter J. Brown, President and Director of Engineering of the recently acquired Sprague subsidiary.
Big Magnum calibers appeared in the Remington line for 1961, with the addition of the and to the list of Model 725's.
Do line barbecue fire bowl with heavy foil to reflect heat.
On each side of the motor well there's storage for battery, bumpers, line and spare props with six-gallon gas tanks below.
Eager as he was to pursue this promising line, he was so loaded down with the management of the pharmacy and lectures in the medical and pharmaceutical faculties at the university that he could devote only Sunday afternoons to `` galvanizing ''.
The silver chloride was fused under vacuum in the presence of aluminum chips with the resultant product of Af which was sublimed into a flask on the vacuum line.
In addition to the method described in the section above, chlorine and radiochlorine were prepared by the electrolysis of a Af eutectic on the vacuum line, and by exchange of Af with molten Af.

line and ancient
The ' far-away light ' () is a reference to St Elmo's Fire, an electrical discharge supposed by ancient Greek mariners to be an epiphany of the Dioscuri, but the meaning of the line was obscured by gaps in the papyrus until reconstructed by a modern scholar — such reconstructions are typical of the extant poetry ( see Scholars, fragments and sources below ).
Avellino ) may also follow an ancient line.
The celebration of deeds of ancient Danish and Swedish heroes, the poem beginning with a tribute to the royal line of Danish kings, but written in the dominant literary dialect of Anglo-Saxon England, for a number of scholars points to the 11th century reign of Canute, the Danish king whose empire included all of these areas, and whose primary place of residence was in England, as the most likely time of the poem's creation, the poem being written as a celebration of the king's heroic royal ancestors, perhaps intended as a form of artistic flattery by one of his English courtiers.
Bishops ( as well as other members of the priesthood ) can trace their line of authority back to Joseph Smith, Jr., who, according to church doctrine, was ordained to lead the Church in modern times by the ancient apostles Peter, James, and John, who were ordained to lead the Church by Jesus Christ.
The tomb lies on the line of several cairns that marked the east-west route of the ancient Monks ' Path between Buckfast Abbey and Tavistock Abbey and it was no doubt erected here as part of that route: it would have been particularly useful in this part of the moor with few landmarks where a traveller straying from the path could easily end up in Foxtor Mires.
In the Welsh language who's origins, like Cornish is from the ancient British or Brythonic language line, ' Cist ' is also used for such ancient graves, but in modern use, can also mean a chest, a coffer, a box, or even the boot / trunk of a car.
In this line of interpretation, Cernach is taken as an epithet with a wide semantic field — " angular ; victorious ; bearing a prominent growth " — and Conall is seen as " the same figure " as the ancient Cernunnos.
Later ancient commentators such as Proclus ( 410 – 485 CE ) treated many questions about infinity as issues demanding proof and, e. g., Proclus claimed to prove the infinite divisibility of a line, based on a proof by contradiction in which he considered the cases of even and odd numbers of points constituting it.
Assuming Ignatius ' view was the Apostolic teaching and practice, the line of succession was unbroken and passed through the four ancient Patriarchal sees ( those local churches known to be founded by apostles ), Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria.
The key to knowing the origin of the Japanese imperial line may lie within the ancient imperial tombs known as kofun.
Many ancient critics also rejected Theogony ( e. g. Pausanias 9. 31. 3 ) but that seems rather perverse since Hesiod mentions himself by name in that poem ( line 22 ).
One of Mulcahy's most dynamic alterations was the relabeling of the Zeist footage as a flashback to an ancient, technologically-advanced civilization on Earth, much more in line with the later continuity of the first film and the later TV series.
* Boustrophedon ( Greek: " ox-turning ") – an ancient way of writing, each line being read in the opposite direction like reversible ploughing.
The Ridgeway passes near many Neolithic, Iron Age, and Bronze Age sites including Avebury Circle, a stone circle similar to Stonehenge ; Barbury Castle, Liddington Castle, Uffington Castle, Segsbury Castle, Pulpit Hill and Ivinghoe Beacon Hill, all Iron Age and Bronze Age hill forts ; Wayland's Smithy, a Neolithic chieftain burial tomb ; the Uffington White Horse, an ancient chalk horse carved into the hillside near Uffington Castle ; and Grim's Ditch, a section of earthwork near Mongewell created by Iron Age peoples as a possible demarcation line.
White Wolf publishes a line of several different but overlapping games set in the " World of Darkness ", a " modern gothic " world that, while seemingly similar to the real world, is home to supernatural terrors, ancient conspiracies, and several approaching apocalypses.
The Knýtlinga saga treats the death of Harthacnut as the end of an ancient line of kings, and notes that he was the last Danish king to rule over England.
These kings and their successors descended from a line of ancient Merina royalty who ruled the lands of Imerina in the central Highlands of Madagascar since at least the 16th century.
Edward's host followed the line of the old Roman road, which ran through an ancient forest known as the Tor Wood, over the Bannockburn and into the New Park, a hunting preserve enclosed at the time of Alexander III.
In this line of thinking, the words curelom and cumom were transliterated instead of translated, meaning that while the ancient word is roughly transmitted, the actual animal intended is ambiguous.
Chatham stands on the A2 road along the line of the ancient Celtic route, which was paved by the Romans, and named Watling Street by the Anglo-Saxons.
The reef knot or square knot is an ancient and simple binding knot used to secure a rope or line around an object.
The novel ends with Blaine and Roland's ka-tet speeding through the Waste Lands, a radioactive land of mutated animals and ancient ruins created by something that is claimed to have been far worse than a nuclear war, on the way to Topeka-the end of the line.
Porta Soprana is the best known gate in the ancient Genoa city wallsThe city of Genoa during its long history at least since 9th century had been defended by different line of walls.
This starting line at the Delphi stadium used for the Pythian Games at Delphi, Greece has a design representative of that of many ancient Greek stadiums: stones with two lines in which the athletes nudged their toes, and round holes in which posts could be erected to support the start signalling mechanism.

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