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Page "Andronikos III Palaiologos" ¶ 7
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retrospect and reign
King James ' determination to avoid involvement in the continental conflict, even during the " war fever " of 1623, appears in retrospect as one of the most significant, and most positive, aspects of his reign.

retrospect and may
Statistically this has represented a loss to the nation, although one must admit that in an individual case the decision in retrospect may have been a wise one.
Viewing the American Catholic educational achievement in retrospect, we may indeed see it as a unified whole extending from grade school to university.
The term may be used with certainty only in retrospect when share prices have since crashed.
Inflation can obscure quantitative assessments of the true cost of living, as published price indices only look at data in retrospect, so may increase only months or years later.
According to the sceptics, Adomnán's story may be independent of the modern Loch Ness Monster legend entirely, only becoming attached to it in retrospect by believers seeking to bolster their claims.
Hall used a 1 / 8 inch Tiffen Black ProMist filter for almost every scene, which he said in retrospect may not have been the best choice, as the optical steps required to blow Super 35 up for its anamorphic release print led to a slight amount of degradation ; therefore, the diffusion from the filter was not required.
In retrospect, these pains may have been the first warning signs of the heart attack he was to suffer the following year.
According to Jack Paar, speaking in retrospect, he felt he may have ruined Cass's Oscar chances by lobbying too much for her on his enormously popular television series The Tonight Show.
In practice, there is considerable ambiguity and uncertainty in such cases, and decisions may in retrospect appear irrational that were, at the time, reasonable to the economic actors involved and in the context of their own incentives.
In retrospect, this match may have been a Pyrrhic victory because Platini's brilliance drew the attention of Italy coach Enzo Bearzot, who devised a successful plan to contain him in a match-up that really mattered — the first round of the 1978 World Cup four months later.
For example, a consumer may seek to reassure himself regarding a purchase, feeling, in retrospect, that another decision may have been preferable.
In retrospect, we may have judged NASA's scientific-political hierarchy as more puritanical than it is.
In retrospect, the Central Asian Muslim informants ' idea of the Ming China being a heavily Christian country may be explained by numerous similarities between Christian and Buddhist ecclesiastical rituals-from having sumptuous statuary and ecclesiastical robes to Gregorian chant-which would make the two religions appear externally similar to a Muslim merchant.
Jonson's ' Conversations With Drummond ' refers to the imprisonment, and suggests there was a possibility that both authors would have their ' ears and noses slit ' as a punishment, but this may have been Jonson elaborating on the story in retrospect.
In retrospect, the occurrence of the syndrome may have first been reported in 1929.
He said: " Obviously, there may be occasions when, in retrospect, a commander chose the wrong piece of equipment, the wrong vehicle, for the particular threat that the patrol or whatever it was encountered and we had some casualties as a result.
In retrospect the first explanation may be easy to understand for its inaccuracies, but it will be replaced with a more sophisticated explanation which is closer to " the truth ".
Some consider that ' perhaps infatuation can only be distinguished from romantic love in retrospect ... others suggest that infatuation may be the first step towards love ... can grow into a more mature love ' - marks the first stage of a relationship before ' a bumpy, but nonetheless inevitable, transition from romantic infatuation to mature intimacy '.
Kneale saw the older Quatermass of this new serial as " the same very concerned scientist who is now, in retrospect, horribly worried about what he may have done to the world through his encounters with various lifeforms that were better not contacted ".
As silly as it may sound in retrospect, at the time the governor publicly theorized that the monks of St. Leo Abbey near Tampa ( many of whom were either German-Americans or German immigrants ) were planning to arm Florida's African American community for a popular revolt in favor of Kaiser Wilhelm II, after which Pope Benedict XV ( a well documented pacifist, who was Italian, not German ) would take over Florida and move the Holy See to nearby San Antonio and close all of the Protestant churches.
While it may not seem important at first, in retrospect it will probably be a major factor.
There was a development unique to Argentina which may help to explain, in retrospect, why the country would become a very important rock producing nation.
Hard coding ( also, hard-coding or hardcoding ) refers to the software development practice of embedding what may, perhaps only in retrospect, be regarded as input or configuration data directly into the source code of a program or other executable object, or fixed formatting of the data, instead of obtaining that data from external sources or generating data or formatting in the program itself with the given input.

retrospect and be
Because of these involvements in the matter at stake, Boniface lacked the impartiality that is supposed to be an essential qualification for the position of arbiter, and in retrospect that would seem to be sufficient reason why the English embassies to the Curia proved so fruitless.
In retrospect, it would appear that the Ottoman staffs believed that the Greek attack would be shared equally between the two major avenues of approach, Macedonia and Epirus.
Much of her work contains dark and pessimistic elements, which in retrospect can be seen as reflective of her troubled emotions.
In retrospect, his illness might be diagnosed as a heart-rhythm-problem and / or a mild form of familial dysautonomia, a hereditary disease of Ashkenazi Jews, which often brings with it a curvature of the spine and epilepsy-like symptoms in times of stress.
Journalist Emmanuel d ' Astier de la Vigerie observed, in retrospect, that the Résistance had been composed of social outcasts or those on the fringes of society, saying " one could only be a resister if one was maladjusted.
Okada felt in retrospect that it needed a stronger screenplay, that it was too niche and like an " art " film to be really mainstream and successful-the film did not recoup its budget at the box office.
The singer could be addressing a former lover, whom, in retrospect, he sees as being similar to the devil in both her exciting, passionate danger and her cruel and sadistic nature.
Possibly more than any other aspect of Constable's work, the oil sketches reveal him in retrospect to have been an avant-garde painter, one who demonstrated that landscape painting could be taken in a totally new direction.
Sullivan took him up on the offer, and in retrospect believed that several advances in the treatment of mental illness could be attributed to the resulting publicity, including the repeal of a Pennsylvania law about the treatment of the mentally ill and the granting of funds for the construction of new psychiatric hospitals.
Not surprisingly in retrospect, it appears that such unconventional application of forces might be particularly efficient.
His chief cardiologist, Dr. Ira Weiss, later stated that despite his own protestations against the Rebbe's being treated in 770, in retrospect, it had turned out to be the correct decision, and " the Rebbe, in fact received better medical care in 770 than he would have had we taken him to the hospital.
Fontaine's position was offered then to ex-Grand Prix, Praying Mantis and Stratus vocalist Bernie Shaw, and that in retrospect proved to be a winning move.
In England, the most cohesive groupings can, in retrospect, be seen to cluster around what might loosely be called the modernist tradition and draw on American as well as indigenous models.
There is no evidence that they had knowledge of any prior inventions similar to theirs, but Drake accepts in retrospect that although he can be credited with invention, he was " probably no better than third ," behind mid-west based Newman Darby and Englishman Peter Chilvers.
The Belle Époque was named, in retrospect, when it began to be considered a " golden age " in contrast to the horrors of World War I.
As Mui based much of her dance choreography on the style of Madonna, Mui's moves, ( in retrospect ), were no more rebellious than what would seem today to be a comparably subdued western popular dancing style.
In retrospect, it would appear that the Ottoman staffs believed that the Greek attack would be shared equally between the two major avenues of approach, Macedonia and Epirus.
So in retrospect, it could be possible that living in space during the developmental stages of their lives helped assist or had a distinctive effect in growth or the formation of their newtype abilities.
White published Death of a Pig in 1948, an account of how he failed to save a sick pig ( which had been bought in order to be fattened up and butchered ), Charlotte ’ s Web can be seen as White attempting " to save his pig in retrospect.

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