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case and culture
In any case, other Greco-Roman writers of the 1st century AD are unanimous that the Bastarnae were, in their own time, Germanic in language and culture.
Allowing users to test developing products can have its limits in effectiveness, as the culture of the industry and desired outcomes can affect the effect on CRM creation, as a 2008 case study suggests that the responsiveness of test users can vary dramatically depending on the industry and field of the user.
While Gramsci's views argue that culture ( beliefs, perceptions and values ) allows the ruling class to maintain domination, Marx's explanation is along more economic lines, with concepts such as commodity fetishism demonstrating how the ideology of the bourgeoisie ( in this case, the existence of property as a social creation rather than an ' eternal entity ') dominate over that of the working classes.
Reconsidering ethnic culture and community: a case study of Japanese Canadian taiko drumming.
This view would produce a wide range of definition of what, exactly, constituted culture and history, but in each case the only means of explaining it was in terms of the historical particulars of the culture itself.
Some critics of intellectual property, such as those in the free culture movement, point at intellectual monopolies as harming health ( in the case of pharmaceutical patents ), preventing progress, and benefiting concentrated interests to the detriment of the masses, and argue that the public interest is harmed by ever expansive monopolies in the form of copyright extensions, software patents, and business method patents.
It may also be used, with an upper or lower case initial, as an adjective relating to Quebec, or to the French culture of Quebec.
This African Iron Age culture came under great pressure with the arrival of the first Europeans, being in this case the Portuguese explorers.
In the latter case, depending on culture and local traditions, customers might wear semi-casual, semi-formal, or formal wear.
Following the court case The Stone Roses separated themselves from Manchester's club culture and spent much of 1992 and 1993 travelling in Europe before starting work on their second album in mid-1993.
Claude Lévi-Strauss makes a case for the invention of mead as a marker of the passage " from nature to culture.
In another example of evolution of culture, Durkheim pointed to fashion, although in this case he noted a more cyclical phenomenon.
In any case, Alexander's toppling of the Achaemenid Empire, after his victories at the battles of the Granicus, Issus and Gaugamela, and advance as far as modern-day Pakistan and Tajikistan, provided an important outlet for Greek culture, via the creation of colonies and trade routes along the way.
Viral culture may be appropriate in epidemic case clusters.
Fine, Inc, 1988. describes a strain of anti-intellectualism in the American culture, in this case within the FBI of J. Edgar Hoover.
However, a line is drawn in deaf culture in the case of disabilities when " respecting that unique organization of life while regretting the conditions that create it " represents a conception of the highest quality of life.
In any case, ethnic borders in the Cantabrian mountains were not so important after that time, as the clans divisions that permeated the pre-roman societies of all the peoples of Northern Iberia fell under similar political administrative culture impossed on them by the Romans.
As was the case for the Dorset ( or Palaeoeskimo ) hunters and the pioneering Neoeskimos, the Post-Ruin Island and Late Thule culture Inuit used the Bache Peninsula region extensively both summer and winter until environmental, ecological and possibly social circumstances caused the area to be abandoned.
File: Strep throat2010. JPG | A set of large tonsils in the back of the throat covered in white exudate .</ br > A culture positive case of streptococcal pharyngitis with typical tonsillar exudate in an 8 year old.
The Greeks admired Scythians and Eastern Gauls as heroic individuals-even in the case of Anacharsis as philosophers-but considered their culture to be barbaric.
Dualistic cosmologies are present in all inhabited continents and show great diversity: they may feature culture heroes, but also demiurges ( exemplifying dualistic creation myths in the latter case ), or other beings ; the two heroes may compete or collaborate ; they may be conceived as neutral or contrasted as good versus evil ; be of the same importance or distinguished as powerful versus weak ; be brothers ( even twins ) or be not relatives at all.
In each case, a " fringe culture " expanded and grew into a counterculture by defining its own values in opposition to mainstream norms.
Adages formulated in popular works of fiction often find their way into popular culture, especially when there exists a subculture devoted to the work or its genre, as is the case with science fiction novels.

case and cannot
Suggest the following twenty-first-century amendment: By moving the term `` Republic '' to lower case, substituting the modern phrase, `` move ahead '' for the stodgy `` keep '', and by using the Postmaster's name on every envelope ( in caps, of course, with the `` in spite '' as faded as possible ), the slogan cannot fail.
`` Unfortunately '', says Chief Postal Inspector David H. Stephens, who has prosecuted many device quacks, `` the ghouls who trade on the hopes of the desperately ill often cannot be successfully prosecuted because the patients who are the chief witnesses die before the case is called up in court ''.
In the second example CH < sub > 3 </ sub > COOH undergoes the same transformation, in this case donating a proton to ammonia ( NH < sub > 3 </ sub >), but cannot be described using the Arrhenius definition of an acid because the reaction does not produce hydronium.
Access Now v. Southwest Airlines was a case where the District Court decided that the website of Southwest Airlines was not in violation of the Americans with Disability Act because the ADA is concerned with things with a physical existence and thus cannot be applied to cyberspace.
But, there is " certainly no evidence for this view in the New Testament " and in the case of Clement of Rome and Ignatius of Antioch the implication is not that it cannot be celebrated by anyone else, but that it ought not.
In the case of parallelization, Amdahl's law states that if P is the proportion of a program that can be made parallel ( i. e., benefit from parallelization ), and ( 1 − P ) is the proportion that cannot be parallelized ( remains serial ), then the maximum speedup that can be achieved by using N processors is
( Expressed more technically, in each case the pair ( m, n ) decreases in the lexicographic order on pairs, which is a well-ordering, just like the ordering of single non-negative integers ; this means one cannot go down in the ordering infinitely many times in succession.
Bennett, Bernstein, Brassard, and Vazirani proved in 1996 that a brute-force key search on a quantum computer cannot be faster than roughly 2 < sup > n / 2 </ sup > invocations of the underlying cryptographic algorithm, compared with roughly 2 < sup > n </ sup > in the classical case.
P is thought to be a strict subset in both cases ( and demonstrably cannot be strict in one case but not the other ).
In the United States, because of the broad protections granted by the First Amendment, with extremely limited exceptions, unless the media outlet is a party to the case, a media outlet cannot be found in contempt of court for reporting about a case because a court cannot order the media in general not to report on a case or forbid it from reporting facts discovered publicly.
If a plan cannot be confirmed, the court may either convert the case to a liquidation under chapter 7, or, if in the best interests of the creditors and the estate, the case may be dismissed resulting in a return to the status quo before bankruptcy.
In certain situations such as auto accidents or sports injuries, the CSF cannot protect the brain from forced contact with the skull case, causing hemorrhaging, brain damage, and sometimes death.
As the point sources move closer together, the patterns will start to overlap, and ultimately they will merge to form a single pattern, in which case the two point sources cannot be resolved in the image.
In July 2007, new forensic evidence was presented in the case and a status report jointly issued by the State and the Defense team stated, " Although most of the genetic material recovered from the scene was attributable to the victims of the offenses, some of it cannot be attributed to either the victims or the defendants.
In contrast to Positivism, which held that statements are meaningless if they cannot be verified or falsified, Popper claimed that falsifiability is merely a special case of the more general notion of criticizability, even though he admitted that empirical refutation is one of the most effective methods by which theories can be criticized.
Richard Lynn makes the case for nutrition, arguing that cultural factors cannot typically explain the Flynn effect because its gains are observed even at infant and preschool levels, with rates of IQ test score increase about equal to those of school students and adults.
In some cases, an abdication cannot occur unilaterally, but comes into effect only when approved by an act of parliament, as in the case of British King Edward VIII.
Since the base of the case must be hard, it cannot be annealed.
However, this immediately excludes from the market anyone who cannot afford the cost of the product, in this case a life saving drug.

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