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Initial and work
Initial optimism in Nova Scotia about the potential of off-shore resources appears to have diminished with the lack of new discoveries, although exploration work continues and is moving farther off-shore into waters on the continental margin.
Initial work on Star Trek: Voyager started in 1993, and seeds for the show's backstory, including the development of the Maquis, were placed in several Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes.
Initial work on the missile was begun by General Dynamics in 1967 as the Redeye II.
Initial work began in 1357, but the main construction occurred from 1370 onwards, creating a strong fortress with eight towers that protected the strategic gateway of the Porte Saint-Antoine on the eastern edge of Paris.
Initial projects included research and development work on a series of " flying saucer "- like vehicles.
Initial work pointed towards the affirmative answer.
Initial work on the arrangements was done by Mark Tulin, but it became clear during the recording that Axelrod's intentions outstripped the band's technical abilities, Jim Lowe commenting that " David Axelrod was so far above what we, as a garage band, were able to deliver.
Initial work was published on the WWDC CDs, as well as a number of follow-up versions on later developer CDs.
Initial work to extend EGNOS coverage to the Southern Africa region is currently being undertaken.
Initial work focused on producing a series of CLE publications for a national audience and on encouraging and assisting state and local bar groups to establish and conduct their own programs of continuing legal education.
Initial work on classification began in 1913 by the government's Roads Board to determine the quality and usage of British roads.
Initial work on design and testing of a stereophonic audio system began in 1975 when Telesonics approached Chicago public television station WTTW.
Initial design work was completed between July and August 1942.
Initial work was on the military " Wild Goose " project, then he went onto the " Vickers Swallow ", intended to achieve a return flight from Europe to Australia in 10 hours.
Initial results of their work are as follows:
Initial work on the $ 390 million project had already been completed.
Initial design work is being done for upgrading the existing 4-lane section from Route 15 to Shediac Bridge ( 2 km ), followed by construction of a new 4-lane section from Shediac Bridge to Bouctouche ( twinning the existing Super 2 section ).
Initial attempts did not work well: there were bonding issues and air pockets.
Initial length of myocardial fibers determines the initial work done during the cardiac cycle.
Initial work on the land began on January 1, 1909, but ground was not officially broken until March 1.
# Initial Workout: Contestants work out with the trainers.
Initial work began in autumn of 2010, with the majority of the second track being relaid between December 2010 and May 2011 when the line was closed at 21. 30 from Monday to Thursday.
Initial sections of the RBG were built during the Great Depression in the 1930s as a make work project, under the impetus of Thomas McQuesten.
This includes new features like: Initial multi-tenancy support, Introduction of ServiceRegistry ( which is a major change in how Hibernate builds and manages " services "), Clean up of Session opening from SessionFactory, Improved integration via org. hibernate. integrator. spi. Integrator and auto discovery, Improved logging with i18n support and message codes, Initial work on more clear split between API, SPI and implementation classes, Clean up of deprecated methods, classes, etc.

Initial and was
Initial reports suggested that it was the skull of something unknown to science.
Initial version, released in 1984, was nothing but MS-DOS 1. 0 ported to Z80 ; but in 1988 it evolved to version 2, offering facilities such as subdirectories, memory management and environment strings.
Initial popularity of the network was spurred on by Napster's threatened legal demise in early 2001.
The Initial Declaration was signed by 143 respected leaders from all of the world's major faiths, including Baha ' i Faith, Brahmanism, Brahma Kumaris, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Indigenous, Interfaith, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Native American, Neo-Pagan, Sikhism, Taoism, Theosophist, Unitarian Universalist and Zoroastrian.
Initial reception of Calligra Words shortly after the 2. 4 release was mixed.
Initial reaction within the Communist Bloc was mixed.
Initial capacity was insufficient to perforate all stamps printed, thus perforated issues used between February and July 1857 are scarce and quite valuable.
Initial settlement was probably around the mouth of the Sa ' dan river, on the northwest coast of the peninsula, although the south coast has also been suggested.
Initial reports in the succeeding days suggested his condition was improving, so Roosevelt embarked on a vacation at Mount Marcy in northeastern New York.
Initial success in China led to an extended effort by the President to effect the Open Door Policy, particularly in Manchuria ; this was not successful due in large part to the President's reliance on the inexperienced Knox, who failed to properly assess the objections of Japan and Russia.
Initial < sup > 87 </ sup > Sr /< sup > 86 </ sup > Sr ratios are a useful tool in archaeology, forensics and paleontology because the < sup > 87 </ sup > Sr /< sup > 86 </ sup > Sr of a skeleton, sea shell or indeed a clay artefact is directly comparable to the source rocks upon which it was formed or upon which the organism lived.
Initial reactions to the pronouncement of his death were of shock and sadness, as many Blacks believed that Washington was the only top Chicago official who would address their concerns.
The booting concept was known as " Initial Program Load " for IBM mainframe computers of the 1950s and 60s.
Initial interest in this problem began with Boltzmann in 1886, and independently was re-examined by Corbino in 1911.
Initial construction of the airstrip north of the town of Jackson was completed in the 1930s.
* Vectorsite. net – Initial version of this article was based on a public domain text by Greg Goebel
Initial United States contact with the Lakota during the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804 – 1806 was marked by a standoff.
Initial Reaction to the move was positive.
Initial exploration was fruitless, until Ocean Viking found oil on 21 August 1969.
Initial funding for 1976 was $ 484 million ( in 1986 dollars )
Initial results suggested savings in journey times, smoother-flowing traffic, as well as a fall in the number of crashes and the scheme was made permanent in 1997.
Initial reaction to Finnegans Wake, both in its serialized and final published form, was largely negative, ranging from bafflement at its radical reworking of the English language to open hostility towards its lack of respect for the conventions of the novel.
Initial response, to both its serialised and final published forms, was almost universally negative.
Initial publicity generated was by the now-discredited autobiography Michelle Remembers ( 1980 ), and sustained and popularized throughout the decade by the McMartin preschool trial.

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