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may and seem
To a stranger their delight in these things may seem paradoxical, for Persians chase the golden calf as much as any people.
With troops dispersed on fields of battle rather than on the parade ground, it may seem that a certain amount of monitoring is automatically enforced by the lines of communication.
The terms `` renewal '' and `` refreshed '', which often come up in aesthetic discussion, seem partly to derive their import from the `` renewal '' of purpose and a `` refreshed '' sense of significance a person may receive from poetry, drama, and fiction.
The glass may seem trivial but Communist official hooliganism feeds on such incidents unless they are redressed.
Against the dramatic fight being waged for preservation of 30 miles of Cape Cod shoreline, the tiny tract at Stone Harbor may seem unimportant.
The matter may seem a small thing to some people, I know, but it's a very good start on the road to Totalitarianism The Commission has posted signs in Washington Square saying:
If we stop thinking in terms of tremendous multimegaton nuclear weapons and consider employing much smaller nuclear weapons which may be more appropriate for most important military targets, it would seem that the B-52 or B-70 could carry a great many small nuclear weapons.
That Prokofieff's harmonies and forms sometimes seem professionally routine to our ears, may or may not indicate that he was less of an `` original '' than we prefer to believe.
It may seem to some of them that success can be purchased much less dearly by fishing in the murky waters of international politics than by facing up to the intractable tasks at home.
While the particular limits of these groupings may seem artificially arbitrary, they do fairly express a corresponding grouping of more variable material, and they eventuate also in five classes, along a similar scale, containing approximately equal numbers of cases, namely 19, 14, 15, 11, 12 in Athabascan.
But the practice is likely to be misleading, since it may seem to support a conclusion that, as long as the revenues from any class of service cover the imputed operating expenses plus some return on capital investment, however low, the rates of charge for this service are compensatory.
To those raised on Marcel's Homo Viator and Heidegger's das Nichtige, this may seem a modest role for philosophy.
Just as the suburban factory may be more convenient than the downtown plant to the worker with a car, the trip to the shopping center may seem far easier than to the downtown department store, though both are the same distance from home.
It may seem strange that a poet should come to full fruition in his seventies, but we have it on Hardy's own authority that `` he was a child till he was sixteen, a youth till he was five-and-twenty, and a young man till he was nearly fifty '' ( Early Life, p. 42 ).
`` Costs may seem high, but they used to be even higher '', says Dr. Brodie.
Today a battle cry may seem an anachronism, for in the modern Army, esprit de corps has been sacrificed to organizational charts and tables.
A technique by which it is proposed to enter with compulsion into the very heart of a man and determine his values may often in fact seem the more unlimited aggression.
We may now take up for consideration a hard case which seems to require either no action employing economic pressure or else action that would seem to violate the principles set forth above.
For while the past needs of the Church in this country may have been adequately met by collegiate institutions, which in temper and tone closely resembled junior colleges and finishing schools, it would seem that today's need is for the college which more closely resembles the university in its `` pursuit of excellence ''.
Yet though it may seem difficult to envision any definitive resolution of the problem of ownership and control, there are nevertheless certain suggestions which seem to be in order.
The vast, dungeon kitchens may seem hardly worth using except on occasions when one is faced with a thousand unexpected guests for lunch.
In this he is sticking with tradition, however far removed from it he may seem to be.

may and make
The fact that he has cast over those materials the light of a skeptical mind does not make him any the less Southern, I rather think, for the South has been no more solid than other regions except in the political and related areas where patronage and force and intimidation and fear may produce a surface uniformity.
Says he, `` I may never imagine that in the struggle between personal and supra-personal responsibility it is possible to make a compromise between the ethical and the purposive in the shape of a relative ethic ; ;
The maximum loan which SBA may make to any one borrower is $350,000.
Moreover, once these steps are taken, they may require years to make themselves felt.
If it is decided to make a small shift which may be required from military aid or special assistance funds, in order to carry out the purposes of the Mutual Security Act through this new peaceful program, this will be a hopeful sign to the world.
I strongly recommend to the Congress the avoidance of mandatory floors on the size of the reserve components so that we may have the flexibility to make adjustments in keeping with military necessity.
You may apply for such an extension by filing Form 2688, Application For Extension Of Time To File, with the District Director of Internal Revenue for your district, or you may make your application in a letter.
You should make any request for an extension early so that if it is refused, your return may still be on time.
That we had the wit and wisdom to adopt Mr. Lowell's concept and make it the base for our processes of selection is one reason why our selections have been, it may be said truly, pretty uniformly good.
The stepped-up defense procurement called for in the 1961 Budget has already begun to make itself felt in an upturn in orders for military electronic equipment and the components that go into it, and it has been suggested that an additional $2 billion increase in total defense spending may be requested for fiscal 1962.
Lack of rainfall and extreme temperatures may call for the development of shade and irrigation of a site to make it useable.
Obviously, very slight changes in P do not change the probabilities much, and a slight lack of independence may not make an appreciable difference.
At the same time, we should recognize that the obstacles to change and the lack of cohesion and stability which characterize these countries may make them particularly prone to diversions and external adventures of all sorts.
His objective is merely to determine `` what distinctions of length and syllabicity it may be desirable to make explicit in a Kikuyu orthography '' ( 59 ).
While there may be several such industries to which the model of this paper is applicable, the authors make particular claim of relevance to the explanation of the course of wages and prices in the steel industry of the United States since World War 2.
A respondent may want to make alternative answers because he does not know the precise circumstances assumed in the question.
that is, that if wages, for example, is the only issue in a labor dispute, and no workers have left their jobs because of the dispute, we may continue to make referrals.
Certain Autocoder statements make provision for more parameters than may be contained in the operand ( columns 21 - 75 ) of a single line on the Autocoder coding sheet.
Just let the rejection slips fall where they may, and keep on plugging, and finally you will make the grade.
The pain and distress associated with the performance may easily give the wife a deep-seated dread of marital relations and cause her, unconsciously, to make the sex act unpleasant and difficult for both by exercising her vaginal muscles to complicate his penetration instead of relaxing them to facilitate it.
Or a wife may make sudden demands that she be courted, flattered or coaxed, simply because she needs her ego lifted.
But Dartmouth preserves its youthful brashness even in its educational attitudes, and, although some of its experiments may still be in the testing stage, they make for lively copy.
If the change, at first sight, seems minor, we may recall that it took the Italian painters about two hundred years to make an analogous change, and the Italian painters, by universal consent, were the most brilliant group of geniuses any art has seen.
The issue which may make it necessary to have a session is the highly sensitive problem of cutting the state's congressional districts from six to five to eliminate one congressional seat.

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