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Page "Marcel Mauss" ¶ 2
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Like and many
Like many others, he had to work hard, long hours in a struggling family business which, though it was allied to art of a kind -- the design and production of engraved seals -- bore no relation to the painting of pictures.
Like many regular army officers from the South he was opposed to secession, but resigned his commission soon after he heard of the secession of his adopted state Texas.
Like many games of its time, Asteroids contains several bugs that were mostly the result of the original programmers underestimating the game's popularity or the skill of its players.
Like many intellectuals before World War II he promoted eugenics.
Like many other cross-channel linguistic acquisitions, many Britons readily took this up and followed this rule themselves, while the Americans took a simpler rule and applied it rigorously.
Like many of his poems ( e. g. fr. s 38, 326, 338, 347, 350 ), it begins with a verb ( in this case " Let's drink!
Like many ancient historians, Ammianus had a strong political and religious agenda to pursue, however, and he contrasted Constantius II with Julian to the former's constant disadvantage ; like all ancient writers he was skilled in rhetoric, and this shows in his work.
Like craft acrylics, they adhere to many surfaces.
Like many cartoonists, Capp made extensive use of assistants ( notably Andy Amato, Harvey Curtis, Walter Johnson and Frank Frazetta ).
Like many ancient Egyptian deities, Anubis assumes different roles in various contexts.
Like many other buildings, it suffered extensive damage during the Second World War and had to be restored.
Like many artists, Watterson incorporated elements of his life, interests, beliefs and values into his work — for example, his hobby as a cyclist, memories of his own father ’ s speeches about ‘ building character ’, and his views on merchandising and corporations.
Like so many others, Étienne was eventually forced to flee Paris because of his opposition to the fiscal policies of Cardinal Richelieu, leaving his three children in the care of his neighbor Madame Sainctot, a great beauty with an infamous past who kept one of the most glittering and intellectual salons in all France.
Like his father, Bayezid II was a patron of western and eastern culture and unlike many other Sultans, worked hard to ensure a smooth running of domestic politics, which earned him the epithet of " the Just ".
Like many forest ungulates bongos are herbivorous browsers and feed on tree / bush leaves, bushes, vines, bark and pith of rotting trees, grasses / herbs, roots, cereals, shrubs and fruits.
Like the Authorized King James Bible and the works of Shakespeare, many words and phrases from the Book of Common Prayer have entered common parlance.
Like Case, many cyberpunk protagonists are manipulated, placed in situations where they have little or no choice, and although they might see things through, they do not necessarily come out any further ahead than they previously were.
Like most imperative languages in the ALGOL tradition, C has facilities for structured programming and allows lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.
Like many Prussian officers serving in Russia, he joined the Russian-German Legion in 1813.
Like many other chorded keyboards, this keyboard can be used with one hand.
Like many other NFL teams located in temperate climates, the Panthers traditionally wear their white jerseys at home during the first half of the season — forcing opponents to wear their dark ones under the warm autumns in Charlotte.
Like many programming languages, Perl has mechanisms to use external libraries of code, making one file contain common routines used by several programs.
Like many other Chinese historical figures, Chiang used several names throughout his life.
Like many proteases, chymotrypsin will also hydrolyse amide bonds in vitro, a virtue that enabled the use of substrate analogs such as N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine p-nitrophenyl amide for enzyme assays.

Like and members
Like other groups, the members of this family show patterns in its electronic configuration, especially the outermost shells, resulting in trends in chemical behavior:
Like other members of the genus, all three are aerobes capable of producing endospores.
Like other genera associated with the early history of microbiology, such as Pseudomonas or Vibrio, members of the Bacillus genus ( 266 species ) are found ubiquitously, and it is one of the genera with the largest 16S diversity and environmental diversity.
Like all other former Illuminati members, Xavier has sworn to never use the gem and to keep its location hidden.
Like many members of older established aristocratic families in England, Oxford flirted with Catholicism ; after his return from Italy he was reported to have embraced the religion.
Like many members of the royal family, Mountbatten was an aficionado of polo.
Like other members of their order they nest in cavities, usually tunnels dug into the natural or artificial banks in the ground.
Like its predecessor, the UN does not have its own standing armed forces, but calls on its members to contribute to armed interventions, such as during the Korean War and the peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia.
Like many German territories, Mecklenburg was sometimes partitioned and re-partitioned among different members of the ruling dynasty.
Like Henson's Muppets, the Feebles are animal-figured puppets ( though some were people in suits ) assembled together as members of a theatre troupe.
It became a kind of new pop formula and, within a short while, " Smells Like Teen Spirit " was charging up the charts and even the members of Nirvana said later that it sounded for all the world like a Pixies song.
Like other members, they are elected initially to represent only a constituency.
Like other mainline denominations, the PC ( USA ) has also seen a great deal of demographic aging, with fewer and fewer new members and a steadily declining membership total in every consecutive year since 1967.
Like other senior members of the party, after having no conservative government since Alexander Mair in 1941, Robson had no experience in government, had little interest in policy and alienated many party members by trying to forge a closer alliance with Michael Bruxner's Country Party.
Both countries are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Like Minded Group, and the Group of 77 ; these relations strengthened when Sudan declared its support for Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani Wars.
Like a set, it contains members ( also called elements, or terms ).
Like the pioneering Bronx crews of DJs Kool Herc, Afrika Bambataa and Grandmaster Flash, the soundsystems provided party music for public spaces, often in the economically deprived council estates from which some of their members originated.
Like most non-media science fiction conventions, all Worldcons are run entirely by volunteers, with no paid staff ; senior committee members devote hundreds of hours ( not to mention thousands of dollars in travel expenses in some cases ) in preparation for a particular convention.
Like most members of the horse family, zebras are highly social.
Like other groups, the members of this family show patterns in its electronic configuration, especially the outermost shells, resulting in trends in chemical behavior:
Like genetic algorithms, the PSO method depends on information sharing among population members.
Like other members of the Anacardiaceae family ( which includes poison ivy, sumac, mango, and cashew ), pistachios contain urushiol, an irritant that can cause allergic reactions.
Like many other members of the genus Bacillus, Bacillus anthracis can form dormant endospores ( often referred to as " spores " for short, but not to be confused with fungal spores ) that are able to survive in harsh conditions for decades or even centuries.
Like other members of the Commonwealth, a justice of the peace is addressed as " Your Worship ," and a Master of a Superior Court is both addressed and referred to as " Master.

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