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Page "Strom Thurmond" ¶ 36
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Many and blacks
Many blacks surrendered.
Many of the poor blacks who had come to the city from the South decided to stay in Oakland, and longstanding black residents complained that the new Southern arrivals " tended towards public disorder.
Many free blacks had been opposed to colonization plans in the past and wanted to remain in the United States.
Many blacks took an active part in voting and political life, and rapidly continued to build churches and community organizations.
Many were enslaved blacks who escaped to Union lines.
Many blacks left the county and state to migrate to northern and midwestern industrial cities for work in the Great Migration.
Many free blacks were descendants of white women and African men, whether slave, free or indentured, from the colonial years when working classes lived and worked near each other.
Many whites opposed civil rights efforts by blacks, and both summer volunteers and local African Americans endured arrests, beatings, firings, and evictions.
Many Northerners were concerned for the oppressed blacks of the South, but most had no idea how these slaves lived day-to-day.
Many blacks, fearful that the racism expressed by the American Railway Union would lock them out of another labor market, crossed the picket line, which added a highly racial division to the union's predicament.
Many blacks had fought in the American Revolution on both sides and again in the War of 1812, as well as in over 250 slave revolts in the United States alone.
Many slaveholders were worried that the presence of free blacks would encourage slaves to rebel.
Many Americans continued to live in poverty throughout the 1950s, especially older people and blacks, the latter of whom continued to earn far less than whites on average in the two decades following the end of the Second World War.
Many more blacks than whites died as a result of the violence.
Many of the blacks with the Seminoles began turning themselves in.
Many of these traditional leaders were uneasy at involving ordinary blacks in mass activity such as boycotts and marches.
Many free blacks lived in the countryside and some became major slaveholders.
Many blacks and Puerto Ricans protested in front of Yankee Stadium in response to what is believed to have been a racially motivated decision.
Many blacks arm themselves with U. S. aid and begin a campaign of resistance.
Many believed that allegations of favoritism made by blacks were not supported by facts ; a number of studies disproved the allegations, including one study conducted specifically in response to this allegation.
Many who refute the underclass concept suggest that the “ underclass ” term has been transformed into a codeword to refer to poor inner-city blacks.
Many free blacks lived in Cannon's neighborhood near the Maryland-Delaware border, and were convenient targets for her kidnapping forays.
Many Northern legislators were outraged about the disfranchisement of blacks and some proposed stripping the South of seats in Congress.
Many blacks and Jews lived in the area through much of the 20th century until the late sixties when most Jews, Poles and Italians moved away.

Many and had
Many of my friends at the time thought that I had received a well-deserved condemnation when Lincoln Steffens denounced me in a review of one of my books as a perfect example of the obsolete man who could understand and sympathize only with the dead past.
Many of the myocardial fibers were hypertrophied and had large, irregular, basophilic nuclei.
Many of them had once been members of a church or at least had been given instruction in Christianity but for one or another reason had allowed the connexion to lapse.
Many times since his death that memory had worried and troubled her.
Many scholars consider modern anthropology as an outgrowth of the Age of Enlightenment, a period when Europeans attempted to study human behavior systematically, the known varieties of which had been increasing since the fifteenth century as a result of the first European colonization wave.
Many industries, notably textiles, firearms, clocks and watches, buttons, horse-drawn vehicles, railroad cars and locomotives, sewing machines, and bicycles, saw expeditious improvement in materials handling, machining, and assembly during the 19th century, although modern concepts such as industrial engineering and logistics had not yet been named.
Many Athenians prominent earlier in the century would have lost citizenship, had this law applied to them: Cleisthenes, the founder of democracy, had a non-Athenian mother, and the mothers of Cimon and Themistocles were not Greek at all, but Thracian.
Many clinical tests were inconclusive, probably because it had been used as a surface antiseptic.
Many CPU accelerator cards also had integrated SCSI controllers.
Many were in common use, but had become unacceptable in normal discourse before the end of the twentieth century.
Many homes had a sack made of deerskin filled with bear oil for cooking, while solidified bear fat resembled shortening.
Many old methods had been lost during the periods of European contact.
Many Democrats who had supported Ronald Reagan and Bush in previous elections switched their support to Clinton.
Many years later, Bob Heironimus, an acquaintance of Patterson's, said that he had worn an ape costume for the making of the film.
Many scholars debate over what happened on the threshing floor ; yet it seems unlikely Boaz and Ruth had sexual relations based on the narrative's portrayal of their character ( esp.
Many original members of the future Social Democratic Party had been members of the Manifesto Group within the Labour Party.
Many ships had only jury masts and it took a full day for the convoy to reach the mouth of the bay, finally sailing into open water on 15 August.
Many city-states in ancient Greece limited debt slavery to a period of five years and debt slaves had protection of life and limb, which regular slaves did not enjoy.
Many of the early building societies were based in taverns or coffeehouses, which had become the focus for a network of clubs and societies for co-operation and the exchange of ideas among Birmingham's highly active citizenry as part of the movement known as the Midlands Enlightenment.
Many Boers had German ancestry and many members of the government were themselves former Boer military leaders who had fought with the Maritz rebels against the British in the Second Boer War, which had ended only twelve years earlier.

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