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Page "Eastern Approaches" ¶ 27
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Some Related Sentences

One and day
One day the dogs of Ireland will do that too and perhaps also the pigs ''.
One of the most distressing of these scenes occurred at Spring Green toward the end of the open warfare, on a beautiful day in June.
One day he followed the Irish Jasper Greens, the town band, to a picnic and spent the entire day listening, while his family spent the day looking.
One day in a bar, so the legend goes, someone put a beer stein with too much force on the monacle and broke it.
One day he assigned me to lay bare a `` plot '' by the Duponts to supply munitions to a wholly fictitious revolution he said was about to occur in Cuba.
One day I tired of following the Hetman's advice of `` shadowing '' and of the `` ring-around-the-rosie '' approach to a report that Enrico Caruso had pinched a lady's hip while visiting the Central Park monkey house.
F.S.C. Northrop, in his discussion of The `` Functions And Future Of Poetry '', suggests this: `` One of the things which makes our lives drab and empty and which leaves us, at the end of the day, fatigued and deflated spiritually is the pressure of the taxing, practical, utilitarian concern of common-sense objects.
One day Alfred told him that he had decided to leave everything to me.
One day he was visited by a delegation of would-be imitators who wanted to know his secret.
Volumes One and Two, selected from the sound tracks of a television series, contain `` conversations with the elder wise men of our day ''.
One day, Ching had told him ( smiling, patting him on the back ) as they walked to the weekly conference of squad leaders, `` Keep it up, your squad is good, one of the best, keep it up, keep up the good work ''.
One day over a year before, there had been a cocktail party in an apartment of a downtown hotel.
`` One day our species promises co-existence, and the next day it threatens co-extinction ''.
One day, the children had wanted to get up onto General Burnside's horse.
One day Maeterlinck, coming with a friend upon an event which he recognized as the exact pattern of a previous dream, detailed the ensuing occurrences in advance so accurately that his companion was completely mystified.
One day when he attended a war memorial ceremony in Westminster Abbey his view was obstructed by a stout man on his left, his attention turned to the irregular pattern of the rough slab flooring and someone, clasping him by the arm, whispered, `` I want a word with you, please ''.
One day, to everyone's astonishment, someone drops a match in the powder keg and everything blows up.
One day last week, Nixon faced a painful constitutional chore that required him to officiate at a joint session of Congress to hear the official tally of the Electoral College vote, and then to make `` sufficient declaration '' of the election of the man who defeated him in the tight 1960 presidential election.
`` One, modern equipment -- much of it supplied under the Marshall Plan -- enables Fiat to turn out 2,100 cars a day.
One day, Korzybski was giving a lecture to a group of students, and he interrupted the lesson suddenly in order to retrieve a packet of biscuits, wrapped in white paper, from his briefcase.
A series of team-sponsored fan motorcoach trips from Tucson to Bank One Ballpark were inaugurated for the opening season and are still in operation to this day ( it is now known as the " Diamond Express ").
One now leads to Aberdour railway station, a beautifully kept and cared for example of a traditional station, in keeping with its role of transporting at least a quarter of the village's working population to their work each day.

One and two
One is tempted to say that, on the difference between the concepts of sovereignty in these two preambles, the worst war of the Nineteenth century was fought.
One assessor checked boats only, another trailers and tractors, one mentioned house trailers, and two others referred to trailers without specifying the type.
One of the most beautiful buildings in Istanbul, it was constructed in the early years of the Seventeenth Century, with a huge central dome, two half domes that seem to cascade down from it, and smaller full domes around the gallery.
One or two practice runs should be sufficient for solo.
One or two of the schools have a five year curriculum, but the usual pattern of American education has limited most of them to the four-year plan which seems to be the minimum in acceptable institutions.
One or two were writers of books ; ;
One medium saw two sheets flapping on a line and found that the name Shietz was significant to the sitter.
One has only, for example, to walk through Harlem and ask oneself two questions.
One good indication of the two men's personalities is the way they reacted to meeting their own heroes.
( `` One of the reasons they get along fine '', says a sportswriter who is friendly with the two men, `` is that both realize Mantle is head-and-shoulders above Maris ''.
He turned his surly, half-closed eyes toward us, stared for a second, then shouted in Yiddish, `` One, two, three ''!!
One Nepōhualtzintzin ( 91 ) represented the number of days that a season of the year lasts, two Nepōhualtzitzin ( 182 ) is the number of days of the corn's cycle, from its sowing to its harvest, three Nepōhualtzintzin ( 273 ) is the number of days of a baby's gestation, and four Nepōhualtzintzin ( 364 ) completed a cycle and approximate a year ( 1 days short ).
One example is the Banach – Tarski paradox which says that it is possible to decompose (" carve up ") the 3-dimensional solid unit ball into finitely many pieces and, using only rotations and translations, reassemble the pieces into two solid balls each with the same volume as the original.
One hundred two competitors paid the 10 franc entrance fee.
One of the earliest group automorphisms ( automorphism of a group, not simply a group of automorphisms of points ) was given by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1856, in his Icosian Calculus, where he discovered an order two automorphism, writing:
One goes to the hydrogen atom, and one each to the two neighboring carbons.
These two theories respectively evolved the doctrine of individual and universal immortality, or the absorption of the individual into the eternal One.
One such figure was Phanes of Halicarnassus, who would later on leave Amasis, for reasons Herodotus does not clearly know but suspects were personal between the two figures.
One way to explain much of the confusion concerning Ammonius is to assume that there were two people called Ammonius: Ammonius Saccas who taught Plotinus, and an Ammonius the Christian who wrote biblical texts.
One of his two great innovations was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel by adopting and adapting the Bessemer process for steel making.
One key differentiation for AppleTalk was it contained two protocols aimed at making the system completely self-configuring.
One common replacement for LocalTalk was PhoneNet, a 3rd party solution ( from a company called Farallon, now called Netopia ) that also used the RS-422 port and was indistinguishable from LocalTalk as far as Apple's LocalTalk port drivers were concerned, but ran over the two unused wires in standard four-wire phone cabling.
One must be careful here ; for instance, some analyses count an addition of two numbers as one step.
One of the two head offices of the Aargauer Zeitung, Switzerland's fifth largest newspaper, is located in Aarau, as are the Tele M1 television channel studios, and several radio stations.
One of the key clauses was that companies who made Nintendo games were not allowed to make that game on a competing system for a period of two years.

0.110 seconds.