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Some Related Sentences

One and such
One who invites such trials of character is either foolhardy, overconfident or too simple and childlike in faith in mankind to see the danger.
One such is Abraham Meyer, the writer of a recent book, Speaking Of Man.
One may be exasperatingly aware that if the answer is favorable it will be judged such only by those of one's own age.
One such event is the landing in Europe itself, when the mingled familiarity and strangeness of the Occident, after the blank immensities of Asia, shocks the returning traveller into a realization of the infinite possibilities of human life.
One such, in fact, is a rug.
One consequence is the occurrence of occasional conflicts because private owners of some inholdings object to public programs of use on neighboring National Forest or other Federal land, or because such ownerships are developed for uses that are not compatible with use for the public of neighboring National Forest land.
One such man was Samuel Darling.
One might have expected that such a violent epoch of transition would have destroyed the creative flair of a composer, especially one whose works were so fluent and spontaneous.
Chapter 8, is entitled `` On Magnetism '' and in it are included such remarks as, `` One has always been tempted to compare the magnetic forces with the electrical forces.
One of the most significant advancements in design of plastics signs is the so-called trans-illuminated billboard, now being produced by several large sign manufacturers such as Advance Neon Sign Co., Los Angeles, and Industrial Electric Inc., New Orleans, La..
One would not expect such an event to occur in animals possessing lungs of types 1, or 2.
One such disagreement, which will receive attention in this next chapter, concerns the question whether rates for different kinds of service, in order to avoid the attribute of discrimination, must be made directly proportional to marginal costs, or whether they should be based instead on differences in marginal costs.
One might use such findings to indicate the strength of informal primary associations in the factory, an interpretation which would run counter to Fromm's theory of alienation.
One such instance has already been presented: his use of alienation.
One is always a little surprised to bump into such individual distinctions when it is unexpected.
One such man once confided to Dr. Theodor Reik, New York psychiatrist, that he preferred to have his wife the sexual aggressor.
One such wife, Dr. Linden says, became disgusted with her weak husband and flurried through a series of extramarital affairs in the hope of finding a stronger man.
One who needed no such threats was a French financier.
One effect of the proposal, which puts a premium on population instead of economic strength, as in the past, would be to take jobs from European nations and give more to such countries as India.
One such moment came in the breathtaking way Miss Pons sang the cadenza to Meyerbeer's `` Shadow Song ''.
One question which inevitably crops up is whether such stations have a future in a nation where the Negro is moving into a fully integrated status.
One such group got all incensed over shelled `` children '' when Helva was just turning fourteen.
One such project is the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project that built on existing conservation efforts in Panama to create a country-wide response to the threat of chytridiomycosis.
One motivation for this use is that a number of generally accepted mathematical results, such as Tychonoff's theorem, require the axiom of choice for their proofs.
One such site featured in her books is the temple site of Abu Simbel in her book Death on the Nile, as well as the great detail in which she describes life at the dig site in her book Murder in Mesopotamia.

One and type
One assessor checked boats only, another trailers and tractors, one mentioned house trailers, and two others referred to trailers without specifying the type.
One type has a small univalent anion of the thiocyanate-perchlorate-fluoro type.
One main type of malocclusion is characterized by a receding chin and protruding upper front teeth.
One type of cement, called pozzolana, consisted of water, lime, sand, and volcanic rock.
One type of EW involves infecting insects with a pathogen and then dispersing the insects over target areas.
One type of MT that was implemented is known as block multithreading, where one thread is executed until it is stalled waiting for data to return from external memory.
One common type of fuel cell electrocatalyst is based upon nanoparticles of platinum that are supported on slightly larger carbon particles.
One type of archaeal cell wall is that composed of pseudopeptidoglycan ( also called pseudomurein ).
One example of this type of synthesizer was the Nord Lead.
* One drum, multi-player ( 単式複打法 )-two or more drummers play only one type of taiko.
* One drum, one player ( 単式単打法 )-one drummer plays only one type of taiko.
One of the main additions to the game is commodities, which are a type of secondary resource produced only by cities.
" One commentary characterizes the remark as making economics an approach rather than a subject matter but with great specificity as to the " choice process and the type of social interaction that analysis involves.
One specific type of sequential design is the " two-armed bandit ", generalized to the multi-armed bandit, on which early work was done by Herbert Robbins in 1952.
One can initiate this type of buzz by using the same sensation as spitting seeds, but maintaining a continued flow of air.
One must also consider the type of field over which the vector space is defined.
One of the foreign policy issues on which Palmerston and Russell disagreed apparently was the type of relationship that England should have with France and especially France's ruler, Louis Bonaparte.
One strategy, packing, is to concentrate as many voters of one type into a single electoral district to reduce their influence in other districts.
One type of volcanic oceanic island is found in a volcanic island arc.
One example of this type of route would be Metro Transit Route 114 in Minneapolis, MN.
One type, called pallasites, is thought to have originated in the boundary zone above the core regions where iron meteorites originated.
:* One use of the word semivowel, sometimes called a glide, is a type of approximant, pronounced like a vowel but with the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth, so that there is slight turbulence.
One of the last stories of this type, describing an Earth poet's study of Martian language and literature.
One portion of the G key operated a string tuned to G and the other operated a string tuned to A, similarly one portion of the E key operated a string tuned to E, the other portion operating a string tuned to D. This type of keyboard layout, known as the enharmonic keyboard, extended the flexibility of the harpsichord, enabling composers to write keyboard music calling for harmonies containing the so-called wolf fifth ( G-sharp to E-flat ), but without producing aural discomfort in the listeners ( see: Split sharp ).

0.164 seconds.