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Opponents and often
Opponents of school choice often object to the use of the term itself, viewing it as loaded political vocabulary.
Opponents of evolution theory have often maintained that social Darwinism is a logical entailment of a belief in evolutionary theory, while biologists and historians maintain that it is rather a perversion of Charles Darwin's ideas.
Opponents of immigration often questioned whether immigrants from southern and eastern Europe could be assimilated into American society.
Opponents of Medicare often raise issues such as long wait times, a ' brain-drain ' drawing qualified professionals away from Canada to other jurisdictions where working in the health care field is more profitable, and impairment of the Canadian health care system due to budget cuts.
Opponents of gender-neutral language often argue that proponents of gender-neutral language are impinging on the right of free expression and promoting censorship.
Opponents were often arrested, exiled ( like Kanyama Chiume ) or died suspiciously ( like Dick Matenje or Dr. Attati Mpakati ).
Opponents of solitary confinement hold that it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment and torture because the lack of human contact, and the sensory deprivation that often go with solitary confinement, can have a severe negative impact on a prisoner's mental state that may lead to certain mental illnesses such as depression, permanent or semi-permanent changes to brain physiology, an existential crisis, and death.
Opponents note that the gangs often work outside in oppressive desert heat.
Opponents on the far right often mock the Prime Minister for being ' non-white ' because of this.
Opponents contend that local languages are often non-standardised ( thus making curricula difficult ), of dubious practical usefulness ( since most are spoken by a small number of people, without any sizable corpus of publications ) and that the curriculum and funding of public schools are already too strained.
Opponents often cite the inaccuracy of a CLV prediction to argue they should not be used to drive significant business decisions.
Opponents of Planned Parenthood often refer to Sanger's connection with supporters of eugenics to discredit the organization by associating it, and birth control, with the more negative modern view of eugenics.
Its athletic contests are often so competitive that CYO has been jokingly described as " Crush Your Opponents.
Opponents of the organization often argue that it should instead focus on addiction treatment or lobbying for government health care.
Opponents of RALs, like as the National Consumer Law Center, argue that the profit motive of the lender results in RALs being issued too often to low-income individuals who are made to believe the wait for their refund is longer than it really is, who do not realize they are taking a loan, do not understand the high interest rates charged by the loan ( often exceeding 100 % APR until the last two tax filing seasons ), and who do not actually need the funds immediately.
Opponents of ritualism have often argued that it privileged the actions of the ritual over the meanings that are meant to be conveyed by it.
Opponents of the Takfiris often view them as modern-day analogues of the Khawarij, a seventh-century off-shoot Islamic sect which waged war against the Caliphate.
Opponents note that felony disenfranchisement is often accompanied by other deprivations of civil rights, such as the ability to work in certain professions, which make it harder for former convicts to lead productive lives.
Opponents of these and similar laws have often accused advocates of racism.
Opponents of the colour revolutions often accuse the Soros Foundation and / or the United States government of supporting and even planning the revolutions in order to serve Western geopolitical interests.
Opponents of the concept often invoke market efficiency to argue that free trade and capitalism will make everybody wealthy eventually.
Opponents of global warming are often snidely referred to as ' climate change deniers '; precisely the opposite is true.
Opponents usually were the runners-up from the Big 8 Conference or the Southeastern Conference, although independents Penn State and Notre Dame were also often featured.

Opponents and claim
Opponents of the minimum wage claim it has these effects:
Opponents claim that Contra warfare had largely died down, and that the Sandinistas had grown increasingly unpopular, particularly due to forced conscription and crackdowns on political freedoms.
Opponents say that such a market would encourage criminals by making it easier for them to claim that their stolen organs were legal.
" Opponents claim that they deviate from the text in a number of places ( for example, the Baker is supposed to have whiskers and hair, Fit the Fourth, but in the illustrations he is bald ) and hence should be discounted.
Opponents such as land and mining claim holders blocked efforts to reclassify the monument as a U. S. National Park for 11 years.
Opponents, who sometimes say that affirmative action is " reverse discrimination ", further claim that affirmative action has undesirable side-effects in addition to failing to achieve its goals.
Opponents of Communist states claim that this is a form of indoctrination.
Opponents to the theory deny the existence of the panthers or claim that witnesses are simply mis-identifying the native lynxes or " bobcats ".
Opponents of his regime claim that he has used money amassed through weapons sales, narcotics, international loans, and confiscation of private property to enrich himself and his political cronies who hold his dictatorship together, and that the $ 900 million published by Forbes is merely a portion of his assets, although that needs to be proven.
Opponents of the bill claim it has reduced America's international competitive edge against foreign financial service providers, saying SOX has introduced an overly complex regulatory environment into U. S. financial markets.
Opponents to both of these methods point to the large increase in reporting requirements they impose, and claim that they rob industry of necessary flexibility.
Opponents claim that a hermeneutic approach is too relativist and that their own interpretations are based on common-sense evaluation.
Opponents of such advocacy rebut this claim by pointing to the ability of same-sex couples to disperse their assets by will.
Opponents of Chávez claim that the government is abusing freedom of speech and press, especially after periodic inspections of the Venezuelan National Telecommunications Commission ( CONATEL ) and the implementation of the controversial Social Responsibility in Radio and Television Law ( best known as Ley Resorte ).
Opponents of the FMA claim polling of the public has shown a cautious response, with many polls indicating opposition, even in states such as Arizona and Colorado which are normally thought of as socially conservative.
Opponents claim that the move would result in the closure of post offices and in job losses at the nation's largest employer.
Opponents and critics of Ibn Taymiyyah claim that he rejected intercession completely as proved in Qur ' an and Sunnah.
Opponents claim that it is illegal to give or accept anything that has pecuniary value in exchange for a vote.
Opponents to the relocation policy claim that the government's intent is to clear the area – an area the size of Denmark — for the lucrative tourist trade and diamond mining.
Opponents of desegregation busing claim that children were being bused to schools in dangerous neighborhoods, compromising their education and personal safety.
Opponents claim that Dimitrov was the most loyal " lap dog " of Stalin and Stalin did not have a real reason to kill him.
Opponents of evolution claim that there is significant dissent on evolution within the scientific community.
Opponents claim they are " socialist " and innovations of Islam.
Opponents claim the barrier severely restricts the local population, particularly in their ability to travel freely over the border and to access work, thereby undermining their economy.

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