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Page "Permutation (music)" ¶ 24
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Some Related Sentences

Permutations and are
Permutations are often written in cyclic form so that given the set M =
Permutations are essential to the success of many algorithms, including the workhorse Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting ( where permutations do the pivoting ).
Permutations which are textually but not functionally severance are rare, but possible.
Permutations are abbreviated " perm " in debate parlance.

Permutations and serial
Permutations of vowel-sounds, a, รค, e, i, o, u ; serial structure.

Permutations and on
The enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase is made of two ( H-form and M-Form ) different sub units, combines in different Permutations and Combinations in depending on the tissue in which it is present as shown in below table,

Permutations and for
Barry Salt, now better known as a film scholar, is known to have made a film, Permutations, six reels long which takes the word aleatory quite literally by including a customized die for the projectionist to roll to determine the reel order ( 720 permutations ).
* Permutations for 10 instruments-1956

Permutations and .
# Volume 4, Fascicle 2: Generating All Tuples and Permutations, 2005.
Permutations of the game include bonus overs ( where the bonus score is double, dismissals result in seven ( 7 ) runs ( cf.
* " Permutations " Summerset Review ( 2011 ) http :// www. summersetreview. org / 11fall / permutations. html
*" Permutations Among the Nightingales " is a play concerning the amorous problems encountered by various patrons of a certain establishment.

are and no
Unless all gadgets are properly operated -- and the wires and seals from the handles removed first -- no damage can be done.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
In Persia, where practically speaking there are no museums or libraries or, for that matter, hardly any books, the twins run free.
There are almost no fictional treatments of the industrialized south ''.
Their consequences are irrelevant -- or there are no consequences at all.
Lucretius has remarked: `` The reason why all Mortals are so gripped by fear is that they see all sorts of things happening in the earth and sky with no discernable cause, and these they attribute to the will of God ''.
In fact, although we have dispelled the fear, we have not necessarily assured ourselves that there are no dangers.
For drugs are in themselves no royal road to creativity.
He is a widower, his three children are dead, he has no one left on earth ; ;
The ingredients of Faulkner's novels and stories are by no means new with him, and most of the problems he takes up have had the attention of authors before him.
they are no longer a puzzling aspect of intricately variable, local planetary motions.
There are in The Almagest no rules for determining in advance whether a new epicycle will be required for dealing with abberations in lunar, solar, or planetary behavior.
and the laughter and the happiness are even more pronounced when no company is present.
Thoroughly modern in treatment, they are at the same time, full of simple sincerity which invariably characterizes genuine Negro folk-music and are by no means to be confused with the average ' Broadway Spirituals ' which depend for their racial flavor upon sundry allusions to the ' Amen Corner ', ' judgement Day, ' Gabriel's Horn, and a frustrated devil -- with a few random hallelujahs thrown in for good measure.
She used to tell me, `` When I stand there and look at the flag blowing this way and that way, I have the wonderful, safe feeling that Americans are protected no matter which way the wind blows ''.
In the summary of the principal events of the campaign compiled from the official records there are only ten days which show no fighting.
The poems which were addressed to her, while they are far more restrained than those of `` Love In Dian's Lap '', show no great technical advance over those of the `` Narrow Vessel '' group and are, if anything, somewhat more labored.
Therefore, it is plain that the clear distinctions of the nineteenth century are no longer with us.
After Shakespeare the master spirits of western consciousness are no longer the blind seers, the poets, or Orpheus performing his art in the face of hell.
Moreover, he rejects the contemporary accounts of Englishmen, casually adjudging them to be distorted by prejudice because `` the opinions of Englishmen are of no great value ''.
But put them before a situation which they are forced to depict '', -- he was speaking of the Spanish civil war, -- `` and they have no hesitation ; ;
The novel, which is not merely dystopian but also brilliantly satiric, describes a future America where one-sixteenth of the population, the men who run advertising agencies and big corporations, control the rest of the people, the submerged fifteen-sixteenths who are the workers and consumers, with the government being no more than `` a clearing house for pressures ''.

are and way
An earlier but still influential school of painting, surrealism, had suggested the way of dealing with the dream experience, that event in which seemingly incongruous objects are linked together through the curious associations of the subconscious.
We are not now afraid of atomic bombs in the same way that people once feared comets.
the miraculous way in which music, revelation and death are associated in a single instant -- all this seems a triumph of art, a rather desperate art, in itself ; ;
Again, the sufferings and disasters produced by any transgression against the commandment not to love are almost invariably associated in one way or another with childhood, with the figure of a child.
In a certain perfectly definite way, the method and the theme of his stories are one and the same.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
I mean something more like Freud's concept of the utility of `` play '' to a small child: he plays `` house '' or `` doctor '' or `` fireman '' as a way of mastering slightly frightening experiences, reliving them imaginatively until they are under control.
Very likely it will also include a recognition that the work we are reading reflects or `` belongs to '' some way of thought labelled as a `` school '' or an `` -ism '', i.e. a complex or `` syndrome '' of ideas occurring together with sufficient prominence to warrant identification.
We must avoid the notion, suggested to some people by examples such as those just mentioned, that ideas are `` units '' in some way comparable to coins or counters that can be passed intact from one group of people to another or even, for that matter, from one individual to another.
The spirit of this group was that we were -- and are -- living in a world doomed to eternal punishment, but that God through Jesus Christ has provided a way of escape for those who confess their sins and accept salvation.
But there are, however, several features of Aristotle's approach which open the way for the moral measure of literature.
Those who do have occasion to deal with the invasions in a more general way, like T.W. Shore and Arthur Wade-Evans, are on the side of a gradual and often peaceful Germanic penetration into Britain.
Where there were none fifteen years ago, several scholars currently are edging their way cautiously towards the acceptance of the `` shore occupied by '' position.
But there is, nevertheless, always a subtle difference in the way in which supposedly similar opinions are held.
Around that statue in the green park where children play and lovers walk in twos and there is a glowing view of the whole city, in that park are the rows of marble busts of Garibaldi's fallen men, the ones who one day rushed out of the Porta San Pancrazio and, under fire all the way, up the long, straight narrow lane to take, then lose the high ground of the Villa Doria Pamphili.
`` See, Argiento, if you control the way these folds are bunched, like this, or made to flow, you can enrich the body attitudes.
efforts, as I see it, which are being directed, by the way, toward support for future actions, not for those already past.
We want to make sure that our junior colleagues realize that ideas are welcome, that initiative goes right down to the bottom and goes all the way to the top.
Furthermore, roads that give access to National Forest timber are investments which pay their own way over a period of years.
And lest anybody think that considerations such as these are not germane in a foundation report, let me enlighten them with the truths that, under Communism there would have been no capital with which to endow the Foundation, and that there would not be that individual freedom within which the Fellows might proceed, untrammeled in every way, toward their discoveries, their creative efforts for the good of mankind.
Or a bored dog because you are more interested in something else -- maybe the way you look, or the date you have after the Class, or you are just doing this to please the parents.

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