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Page "Electoral system of Australia" ¶ 13
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Preferential and voting
In Australia-where it is used to elect members of, among other institutions, its lower house-it is called Preferential voting ; in the United Kingdom and Ireland-where it is used to elect the president-it is known as the Alternative Vote, or AV.
An alternative to the Two-round voting system is the single round instant-runoff voting system ( Also referred to as Alternative vote or Preferential voting ) as used in Australia, Ireland and some states in the USA.
* Preferential block voting, a voting system with multiple winners and a preferential ballot
Preferential voting was among the topics discussed, but no serious negotiations were entered into, with both parties indicating that such a move would be premature.
Preferential voting was among the topics discussed, but no serious negotiations were entered into, with both parties indicating that such a move would be premature.
Preferential voting for a single seat is used in elections for the Federal House of Representatives ( since 1918 ), for all mainland State lower houses, and for the Northern Territory's Legislative Assembly.
* Quota Preferential by Quotient, a proportional-representation voting system

Preferential and has
" Sowell since then has written on affirmative action in an international context to address such criticisms in two books ( Preferential Policies, Affirmative Action Around the World ) and has written about pay differentials and occupational segregation in Economic Facts and Fallacies.
Preferential parking has 150 drawers located between Causeway Boulevard and the Ethnic Fidel Velazquez.
Preferential deer herbivory of native species seems to be the primary cause of this invasion, and a deer exclusion has been attempted.

Preferential and lower
There are 2 types of cards: Preferential and General, cost rates with 50 and 15 % lower total cost.

Preferential and state
Preferential sputtering can occur at the start when a multicomponent solid target is bombarded and there is no solid state diffusion.
* Queensland, along with New South Wales, operates a balloting system known as Optional Preferential Voting for state elections.

Preferential and is
The term is also present in geopolitics, where the Melanesian Spearhead Group Preferential Trade Agreement is a regional trade treaty involving the states of Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
The primary mechanism for achieving the goals given above is the Common Effective Preferential Tariff ( CEPT ) scheme, which established a schedule for phased initiated in 1992 with the self-described goal to increase the " region ’ s competitive advantage as a production base geared for the world market ".
This is known as the Common Effective Preferential Tariff ( CEPT ) scheme.
The Mayor is directly elected using Preferential Voting.
This situation is made worse by the fact that the state's Optional Preferential Voting system operates effectively as a first-past-the-post system and prevents Liberal and National candidates supporting each other by preferences.
Voting is by the Optional Preferential Voting system ( OPV ).
The BEE legislation is supported and functions in conjunction with various other forms of Legislation, including the Employment Equity Act, Skills Development Act, Preferential Procurement Framework and others.
A Preferential trade area ( also Preferential trade agreement, PTA ) is a trading bloc which gives preferential access to certain products from the participating countries.

Preferential and also
: See also: Secured creditor, Preferential creditor and Unsecured creditor

Preferential and used
He attacked Prime Minister Gordon Brown saying he "... now wants to fiddle the electoral system " by wanting to look at a Preferential Voting system with a single transferrable vote, similar to that used in Australia and other countries.
From 1964 until 1977 an Optional Preferential Voting System was used.

Preferential and other
* Preferential civil rights for Japanese subjects over other nationalities.

Preferential and such
Preferential access based on a quota system was agreed for products, such as sugar and beef, in competition with EC agriculture.
Preferential access based on a quota system was agreed for products, such as sugar and beef, in competition with EC agriculture.

Preferential and trade
The Agreement on SAARC Preferential trading Arrangement ( SAPTA ) was signed on 11 April 1993 and entered into force on 7 December 1995, with the desire of the Member States of SAARC ( India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and the Maldives ) to promote and sustain mutual trade and economic cooperation within the SAARC region through the exchange of concessions.
Preferential trade area ( PTA ) -

Preferential and .
Preferential access to sugar and clothing markets amounted to 7 % of GDP in the 1980s and 4. 5 % in the 1990s, capital and current accounts were liberalised, contributing to an investment and employment boom and the high inflow of FDI brought with it managerial skills.
Electoral reforms in 2001 introduced the Limited Preferential Vote system ( LPV ), a version of the Alternative Vote.
* Preferential issue.
* Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable: Catholics believe Jesus taught that on the Day of Judgement God will ask what each person did to help the poor and needy: " Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.
" Preferential policies " required some of the top positions in governments be distributed to ethnic minorities and women.
* Booknotes interview with Sowell on Preferential Policies, June 10, 1990.
Preferential attachment and the fitness model have been proposed as mechanisms to explain conjectured power law degree distributions in real networks.
* Bus priority: Preferential treatment of buses at signalized intersections can involve the extension of green time and / or allowing the bus to proceed sooner, out of turn, relative to the normal sequence of signal phases.
Preferential tax treatment of dividend income ( as opposed to interest income ) may, in many cases, result in a greater after-tax return than might be achieved with bonds.

voting and has
Chancellor Adenauer's Christian Democratic Party slipped only a little in the voting but it was enough to lose the absolute Bundestag majority it has enjoyed since 1957.
Although a somewhat technical subject, it has important political implications as the above discussion of the voting system indicated.
Taylor, president and voting stockholder of Taylor and Co., Beverly Hills, has been active in the securities business since 1925.
Approval voting has been adopted by the Mathematical Association of America ( 1986 ), the Institute of Management Sciences ( 1987 ) ( now the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences ), the American Statistical Association ( 1987 ), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( 1987 ).
The US version, however, has since 2001 taken on a significantly different format from the others in their second season, with a far stronger emphasis on strategy, competition and voting, where the public does not choose who to evict.
Over half of the registered voting population of Chile has opted for a change away from center-left politics by electing a right-wing candidate, Sebastián Piñera
Both the Nationals and Liberals receive Country Liberal Party delegations, and the party president has full voting rights with the National Party and observer status with the Liberal Party.
Town Meetings are presided over by the Town Moderator, but he has no vote unless all the Members present and voting are equally divided.
The Legislative Assembly has ten members, eight of which are elected using block voting ( five from the Stanley constituency and three from the Camp constituency ) and two ex officio members ( the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance ).
Historically, FPTP has been a contentious electoral system, giving rise to the concept of electoral reform and a multiplicity of different voting systems intended to address perceived weaknesses of plurality voting.
Guyana has sought to keep foreign policy in close alignment with the consensus of CARICOM members, especially in voting in the UN, OAS, and other international organizations.
In 2004, Indian elections covered an electorate larger than 670 million people — over twice that of the next largest, the European Parliament electionsand declared expenditure has trebled since 1989 to almost $ 300 million, using more than 1 million electronic voting machines.
After voting on all of the articles has taken place, and if the Lords find the defendant guilty, the Commons may move for judgment ; the Lords may not declare the punishment until the Commons have so moved.
Since 1982 Kabir has been a voting member of the prestigious Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, who are responsible for presenting the Oscar awards.
Second round: If no candidate has won the required number of votes in the first round, the voting will be repeated in 14 days ( 1 of November, 1998 ).
The presidential elections were the most competitive in the history of the country in which the difference in the ballot count between the winner and the first runner up was less than one percent point, and in which neither candidate got absolute majority in a system in which a second round of voting has not been instituted.
Methodist denominations typically give lay members representation at regional and national meetings ( conferences ) at which the business of the church is conducted, making it different from most episcopal government ( The Episcopal Church USA, however, has a representational polity giving lay members, priests, and bishops voting privileges ).
Under the so-called " Volkswagen Law ", any shareholder with more than 20 % of the voting rights has veto power over any corporate decision in the annual general meeting – in effect, any shareholder in VW AG cannot exercise more than 20 % of the firm's voting rights, regardless of their level of stock holding.
In the United States, however, the term has come to be used almost exclusively for a fixed tax applied to voting.
Since " going to the polls " is a common idiom for voting ( deriving from the fact that early voting involved head-counts ), a new folk etymology has supplanted common knowledge of the phrase's true origins in America.
Recent debate has arisen about whether requiring citizens to purchase a state identification card acts as a poll tax and bars poor voters from voting.
They discovered that persuasion has little or no effect on advertisement ; however, there was a substantial effect of persuasion on voting if there was face-to-face contact.

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