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Page "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" ¶ 13
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She and wields
She has a woman's head, torso and arms, the body of a snake and has a live scorpion on her back that can detach itself of her body, and she wields a staff.
She also wields two poison-tipped scimitars.
She wields a great deal of power inside of the Weyr.
She wields a pair of bladed sai as her trademark weapon.
She wields both a standard bullwhip and the cat o ' nine tails with expert proficiency.
She wields the power of water.
She is Amigo's sister, and wields a tambourine.
She wields the Wolf Quasar Saber and controls the element of thunder.
She wields the sword Harusame ( which would reappear in Shaman King as a primary medium for Amidamaru ) and expresses an interest in travelling to find her birth parents.
She is intent on re-establishing her reputation as the deadliest woman in the universe and now wields a powerful blade known as Godslayer.
She wields a bow and variety of arrows with great accuracy, and can also call upon plants to blind or bind enemies.
She also wields a power mallet, charged by her psychokinetic energy, which grants her flight.
She is also the one who most commonly wields the Ghost Traps.
She also wields a powerful supernatural sword, with unknown powers.
She still wields a chain as her personal weapon.
She wields a neutronic crossbow with deadly accuracy.
She wields the water paopei, Muroken Konmo, and is constantly surrounded by a protective water veil.
She wields the dimensional paopei " Kinkojin " which can bend or emit light.
She wields the magic-destroying sword Chonryongdo, one of three legendary dragon blades.
She wields the legendary Sword of Retribution, Haeryongdo.
She is an expert technique-user and wields the same bow her older sister once used.
She also wields two swords that resemble mantis arms.
She wields a high tech weapon called a " Mega-rod ", which produces extremely powerful concussive energy bolts capable of felling even Superman, teleport herself and others extremely long distance, increase gravitational forces, and works as a powerful melee weapon.
She wields the same weapons as Ebisumaru and possibly is his daughter.

She and Wildcat
She was later developed into the future Infinitor, the second Wildcat ( Yolanda Montez ).
She ultimately decides to withhold this new information from Wildcat, but her motivations are unclear.
She grows close to her godfather, Ted Grant, who is the mystery man Wildcat, who operated during the 1940s.
She still ranks seventh in Wildcat history with 378 career assists.

She and Quasar
She becomes the new Quasar after the original one is killed by Annihilus.
She is openly bisexual, and has been romantically attracted to Daredevil, Thor, Cloud, Quasar, Marlo Chandler, and Phyla-Vell.
She was convinced that in time Quasar would realize they were eminently qualified to form the universe's most cosmic coupling.
She led the Starforce in a confrontation with Quasar.
She selected Quasar, Hercules, Wonder Man, Hyperion, Doc Samson, and Forgotten One for this task.
She battled Quasar and was attacked by Jack of Hearts, but was saved by Quasar from Moondragon.
She also helps Quasar out in Operation: Galactic Storm, battling Starbolt, and willingly guarding the Star Gates that, by their very operation, threaten Earth's existence.
She psychically drained the Kree Captain Atlas of strategic information, and then confronted but was unable to control Quasar.
She returned the Pink Quasar Saber to its altar, which resurrected Kendrix.

She and Saber
She introduces herself as Saber, calling herself Shirō's Servant, the personification of a renowned figure in history created to aid participants in the War.
She was the victor of the Fourth Holy Grail War with another Master and claims to be the strongest out of all Servants in the Saber Class, but Shirō's incompetency as a Master greatly hinders her abilities.
She is most famous for her portrayal of three of the characters from The Condor Trilogy ; her heavenly role of Xiaolongnü along with Andy Lau as Yang Guo in the 1983 TVB adaptation of Louis Cha's Wuxia novel The Return of the Condor Heroes, as the witty Huang Rong in Taiwan CTV's The Legend of the Condor Heroes ( 1988 ) along with Howie Wong as Guo Jing and as the innocent Xiaozhao with Adam Cheng as Zhang Wuji on The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber ( 1978 ).
She failed when the combined blasts of the Quadroblaster and Spiral Saber Booster Mode destroyed Mamamite.
She is the only female “ Mestra en Gai Saber ” ( Master in the Art of Poetry ) of the Jocs Florals ( Literary Contest ) after Mercè Rodoreda Gurgui.

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