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Since and collapse
Since the 1990s the region has experienced an exceptionally tumultuous period in its regional economy with the collapse of large portions of the ground fishery throughout Atlantic Canada, the closing of coal mines and a steel mill on Cape Breton Island, and the closure of military bases in all three provinces.
Since the USSR's collapse, Russia faced many problems that free market proponents in 1992 did not expect.
Since the collapse of the Taliban government in 2001, new trade relations are emerging with the United States, Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, the EU, Japan, Uzbekistan, India and other countries.
Since the underlying behaviour doesn't violate local causality, it follows that neither does the additional effect of wavefunction collapse, whether real or apparent.
Since a productive period in the 1970s, the mining industry has been hampered by the Iran – Iraq War ( 1980 – 88 ), the sanctions of the 1990s, and the economic collapse of 2003.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Tuareg Rebellion, the Army has struggled to maintain its size, despite recent military aid from the United States.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union on 31 December 1991, privately owned Russia-based multinational corporations, including producers of petroleum, natural gas, and metal have, in the view of some analysts, become oligarchs.
Since gaining its independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, Russia has faced serious challenges in its efforts to forge a political system to follow nearly seventy-five years of Soviet rule.
Since Schrödinger's time, other interpretations of quantum mechanics have been proposed that give different answers to the questions posed by Schrödinger's cat of how long superpositions last and when ( or whether ) they collapse.
Since three of the major broadcast networks had their transmission towers atop the North Tower ( One World Trade Center ), coverage was limited after the collapse of the tower.
Since matrix schemes follow the same laws of geometric progression as pyramids, they are subsequently as doomed to collapse.
Since something " outside the calculation " was needed to collapse the wave function, von Neumann concluded that the collapse was caused by the consciousness of the experimenter.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city has become a relatively lively and well-provisioned capital, with a much higher standard of living than in most rural areas of the country.
Since Camden no longer existed after an earlier collapse of the corporation, and the post office was named Penn, this caused confusion and more and more the town was called Pennville.
Since the collapse the mountain has experienced shaking and periodic rockfalls.
Since the collapse of the coal mining industry in the 1980s, the local economy has been through difficult times as it re-orientates to service industries and manufacturing.
Since the towers continued to slant and their collapse could still not be ruled out, a second restoration became necessary.
Since the collapse of communism, there has been a renaissance, led especially by historians of the early modern era, in the history of diplomacy.
Since the criteria for cloud collapse ( the Jeans instability ) depends on density, a higher density makes it more likely for clouds to collapse and form stars.
Since the collapse of the World Trade Center, debate about the safety of rent-space-maximized designs have engaged the profession, but most would agree that the design of the World Trade Center actually withstood the impact of the plane with enough time to allow many thousands to evacuate safely.
Since the Peace of Augsburg 1555 until the end of World War I and the collapse of the German Empire, some Protestant churches were state churches.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union large numbers of eastern European women have advertised themselves in such a way, primarily from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.

Since and communist
Since then, consistent liberalization and astute economic management has led to the removal of 95 % of all price controls, low unemployment, a positive balance of payments position, a stable exchange rate, a shift of exports from former communist economic bloc markets to Western Europe, and relatively low foreign debt.
Since the fall of the Eastern European communist regimes, the Soviet Union, and a variety of African communist regimes, only a few currently remain, including: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam.
Since the end of the communist era in 1989, Poznań municipality and suburban area have invested heavily in infrastructure, especially public transport and administration.
Since 1990 they became the apologists of the idea of civil society as a result of work of communist propaganda in Poland using it as a tool of neoliberal transformation, legitimizing development of the third sector as a substitute for the welfare state.
Since the end of the communist era some of the churches have been renovated and returned to their congregations.
Since the marching route had to pass the border of the communist base in Shaanxi, Hu Yaobang and Qin Jiwei decided to return to the communists, and secretly organized an escape.
Since coming to power, President Sadat had started encouraging the growth of Islamic extremism in the country as means to fight communist groups and solidify his own power.
Since most of the communist truck traffic was at night, the Air Force developed and began using special equipment to detect the nighttime traffic.
Since his first visit to Beijing in 1956, Sukarno has began in the 1950s to increase his ties to the People's Republic of China and the communist bloc in general.
Since the direction of the PCB remained rigidly faithful to Moscow, a division of Mao with the rest of the communist movement has attracted the sympathy of PCdoB, who sent emissaries to Beijing to formalize the ideological link with the new ideological guidelines of the Communist Party of China, Among these messengers, was the party's exiled former president, Joao Amazonas, who was received by Mao Tse Tung.
Since then, the party has gradually approach postulates Maoists, considering only China and Albania People like communist countries, and that the other had kicked a guideline and not more revolutionary revisionist.
Since the 1960s a secret faction known as the " Smith Group " and later as the " Party Group " had operated within the CPGB based around the theories of the Italian communist leader Antonio Gramsci.
Since the collapse of the communist regimes of eastern Europe, Germany has experienced a great influx of Russian and other Jews from the former Soviet Union.
Since 1990 he became an apologist of the idea of civil society as a result of work of communist propaganda in Poland using it as a tool of neoliberal transformation legitimizing development of the third sector as a substitute for the welfare state.
Since communist Czechoslovakia was going through a period called Normalization, during which the borders were closed with non-communist countries, Medvecká surreptitiously arranged for an audition for Gruberová in the summer of 1969 at Vienna State Opera, which immediately engaged her.
Since then, such a policy was repeated only in Revolutionary Mexico and some communist states.
Since 1949 the party is under control of the communist dictatorship
Since the Russian Revolution, the hammer and sickle have come to represent various communist parties and socialist states.
Since 1972, the city's name is Dimitrovgrad, after the Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov.
Since the fall of communism the platform has been dominated by a statue of Constantin Brancoveanu and his sons, replacing the old statue of Ion Popescu-Puturi, a communist leader.
Since the Kaiser's abdication at the end of the First World War, it had seen a series of major internal disturbances, including government takeovers, several general strikes, some leading to communist revolutions ( e. g. the Bavarian Soviet Republic ), By July 1920, which is when the Soviets were on the verge of taking Warsaw, the Weimar Constitution was still brand new and the humiliating Peace of Versailles, even more so.
Since then until these Games the communist PRC boycotted the games due to the Taiwan's presence as the Republic of China.
Since October 6, 1978 until January 9, 1979 she was a secret agent of communist Służba Bezpieczeństwa ( SB ) pseudonym Kowalska.

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