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Some and jewelry
Some of the most remembered names in costume jewelry include both the high and low priced brands: Crown Trifari, Dior, Chanel, Miriam Haskell, Monet, Napier, Corocraft, Coventry, and Kim Craftsmen.
Some of these sites also market directly to consumers, who can purchase costume jewelry at greatly reduced prices.
Some of these sites include fashion jewelry as a separate category, while some use this term in favor of costume jewelry.
Some pawnbrokers have trained in identification of gems, or employ a specialist to assess jewelry.
Some jewelry experts advise consumers to buy a 0. 99 carat ( 198 mg ) diamond for its better price or buy a 1. 10 carat ( 220 mg ) diamond for its better cut, avoiding a 1. 00 carat ( 200 mg ) diamond, which is more likely to be a poorly cut stone.
Some people wore head bands, waist bands, feathers, bones and ear and nose jewelry on occasion.
Other cosplayers, who prefer to create their own costumes, still provide a market for individual elements, accessories, and various raw materials, such as unstyled wigs or extensions, hair dye, cloth and sewing notions, liquid latex, body paint, shoes, costume jewellery and prop weapons. Some anime and video game characters have weapons or other accessories that are hard to replicate, and conventions have strict rules regarding those weapons but, most cosplayers engage in some combination of methods to obtain all the items necessary for their costume ; for example they may commission a prop weapon, sew their own clothing, buy character jewelry from a cosplay accessory manufacturer, and buy a pair of off-the-rack shoes and modify them to match the desired look.
* Some jewelry stores and banks have airlock-like doors to slow the escape of thieves.
Some may have been worn as jewelry or intended to amuse children.
Some scientists believe that the orichalcum could have been used for jewelry for poor people as it had the appearance of gold.
Some treasure-hunting excavations were executed on a small scale in 1834 by Giuseppe Ferlini, who discovered ( or professed to discover ) various antiquities, chiefly in the form of jewelry, now in the museums of Berlin and Munich.
Some people chose to stretch to sizes over 10 mm, and the jewelry worn at these larger sizes is then usually a round or oval ' labret plug '.
Some items in the museum are items designated as national treasure and important cultural assets, like jewelry, household articles, paintings, swords, and musical instruments.
Some had jewelry such as beaded necklaces or earrings.
Some types of wood are strongly discouraged for piercing jewelry as they can cause allergic reactions or otherwise be irritating for the skin.
Some of his songs were written in collaboration with his wife Susan Shapiro ( b. November 4, 1923 ), an accomplished jewelry designer, who owned and operated a store called Trifles and Treasures on Kane Concourse in Bay Harbor Islands, Florida.
" Some Osage used their royalties to send their children to private schools ; others bought fancy cars, clothes and jewelry, and traveled in Europe ; and newspapers across the country covered their activities.
Some large gauge barbells, especially those used in tongue piercings, use " smartie beads ", flattened circular beads, to prevent the jewelry from damaging the gums and teeth and allowing free movement of the tongue.
Some forms of lending are solely based on the strength of the collateral such as gold, jewelry and property.
Some piercings will stretch slightly on their own and larger jewelry can be inserted without the potential for unpleasant side effects, especially piercings that see a lot of " play ", such as tongue piercings.
Some Lolita uses dark color schemes including black, dark blues and purples, although black and white remains popular .. As with some Western Gothic styles, cross jewelry, religious symbols, bags and purses in shapes like bats, coffins, and crucifixes are also used to accessorize the Gothic Lolita look.
Some of the jewelry was from Leigh Hainline, who had lived next door to Schaefer when they were teenagers ; Hainline had vanished in 1969 after telling her husband she was leaving him for a friend from childhood.
Some of the findings include carved ivory, stone, ceramics, metal figurines, pottery and an astonishing wide variety of bronze domestic tools and utensils, military equipment decorated with mythological symbols, forms and animals, daggers, swords, helmets, arrows, quivers, shields of an advanced metallurgy, as well as vases, bracelets, earrings and medallions in gold and varied sets of other jewelry.

Some and created
Some signs that are created with a 1 handshape can also be made using an L or a 5 handshape ( open handshape ).
Some parts of the criticism are obsolete due to ISO 7185 ( Programming Languages-Pascal ), the criticism was written before ISO 7185 was created.
Some toques were created so capoeiristas could communicate with each other within the roda without having to say a word, like Cavalaria, while others were created to define a style, like Regional de Bimba.
Some have their own keys ; some are created by first pressing the key with the diacritic mark followed by the letter to place it on.
* Some contemporary deists believe ( with the classical deists ) that God has created the universe perfectly, so no amount of supplication, request, or begging can change the fundamental nature of the universe.
Some examples of these new terms created by Derrida clearly exemplify the deconstruction procedure:
Some scholars suggest that it was created to offset the popularity of the Marcionite epistle.
Some of the first examples were created ca 1981 by graffiti artist Blek le Rat in Paris ; by 1985 stencils had appeared in other cities including New York City, Sydney and Melbourne, where they were documented by American photographer Charles Gatewood and Australian photographer Rennie Ellis.
Some stop motion tentacles were also created for the scene where the octopus grabs a native and tosses him.
Some years later the National Geographic Society created a similar robot which drilled a small hole in the southern door, only to find another larger door behind it.
Some chimera ( genetics ) | chimeras, like the blotched mouse shown, are created through genetic modification techniques like gene targeting.
Some doubted the discovery at first, arguing that the appearance of the structure was merely an optical illusion created by the observation technique used by Golgi.
Some e-mail viruses written after the Good Times scare contained text announcing that " This virus is called ' Good Times ,'" presumably hoping to gain kudos amongst other virus writers by appearing to have created a worldwide scare.
Some new helium is being created currently as a result of the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars.
Some establishments have given name to a particular meal or beverage, as is the case with the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, United States where the Waldorf Salad was first created or the Hotel Sacher in Vienna, Austria, home of the Sachertorte.
Some believe that the ancient Siamese military created muay boran from the weapon-based art, krabi krabong but others contend that both systems were developed at the same time.
Some dark milds are created by the addition of caramel to a pale beer.
Some manufacturers created systems that allowed their own equipment to interconnect, but each scheme used a different transmission rate, so one manufacturer's systems could not synchronize with those of another.
Some are deliberately created for access-such as bridges and walkways.
Some states, such as Texas and California, created separate state defense forces for assistance in local emergencies.
Some fraction of elements beyond helium were created in the Big Bang, as the protons and neutrons collided with each other ( lithium, beryllium, and perhaps some boron ), but all of the " heavier elements " ( heavier than carbon, element number 6 ) that we see today, were created inside of stars during a series of fusion stages, such as the proton-proton chain, the CNO cycle and the triple-alpha process.
Some radioisotope thermoelectric generators have been created to power space probes ( for example, the Cassini probe ), some lighthouses in the former Soviet Union, and some pacemakers.
Some theists argue that God created all knowledge and has ready access thereto.

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