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Such and ideas
Such a list must naturally be selective, and the treatment of each man is brief, for I am interested only in their general ideas on the moral measure of literature.
Such ideas are described as " Counter-Enlightenment " because they are contrary to the Enlightenment's ideal that humans have the capacity to make their lives and societies a heaven on earth using their own power and reason.
Such a restaurant might feature a wide variety of dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas.
Such ideas are sometimes expressed around concepts of a world government.
Such ideas have also sparked a debate on whether trade itself should be codified as a human right.
Such ideas were incorporated into what was already an ongoing effort by some working in anthropology to provide scientific evidence for the superiority of Caucasians over non white races and justify European imperialism.
Such ideas became greater in Europe following World War I, with the massive loss of life it entailed, but it was not until after World War II that real steps were taken.
Such ideas get first trivialized and sterilized, and then they are safely incorporated back within mainstream society, where they can be exploited to add new flavors to old dominant ideas.
Such ideas were used by mediaeval anti-Roman movements such as the Lollards and followers of John Wyclif.
" Such complex oppositional ideas lead to the film's violent conclusion, as the remaining men find their abandonment of Angel intolerable.
Such ideas range from the psychological-cognitive, such as Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving Process, Synectics, Science-based creative thinking, Purdue Creative Thinking Program, and Edward de Bono's lateral thinking ; to the highly structured, such as TRIZ ( the Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving ) and its variant Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving ( developed by the Russian scientist Genrich Altshuller ), and Computer-Aided Morphological analysis.
Such ideas are in contradiction to that of univocal generation: effectively exclusive reproduction from genetically related parent ( s ), generally of the same species.
Such ideas have no operative principles in common with the modern hypothesis of abiogenesis, in which life emerged in the early ages of the planet, over a time span of at least millions of years, and subsequently diversified without evidence that there ever has been any subsequent repetition of the event.
Such a world is often called " pseudo-medieval " – particularly when the writer has snatched up random elements from the era, which covered a thousand years and a continent, and thrown them together without consideration for their compatibility, or even introduced ideas not so much based on the medieval era as on romanticized views of it.
Such ideas could be in the form of stories, or novels, paintings, landscapes, or even poems.
Such theories include alternative models of dark energy, such as quintessence, phantom energy and some ideas in brane cosmology ; alternative models of dark matter, such as modified Newtonian dynamics ; alternatives or extensions to inflation such as chaotic inflation and the ekpyrotic model ; and proposals to supplement the universe with a first cause, such as the Hartle – Hawking boundary condition, the cyclic model, and the string landscape.
Such ideas do not find support in the conventional literature.
Such ideas became " commonplace to seventeenth century Baptists, Levellers, Diggers, Seekers, early Quakers and other radical groupings which took part in the free-for-all discussions of the English Revolution.
Such ideas became " commonplace to seventeenth century Baptists, Levellers, Diggers, Seekers, … early Quakers and other radical groupings which took part in the free-for-all discussions of the English Revolution ".
Such translational mortification of the source text is productive ; when placed in a specific constellation of works and ideas, newly revealed affinities, between historical objects, appear and are productive of philosophical truth.
Such ideas or explanations, though widely held, are unexamined.
Such ideas were ultimately abandoned.
Such a break would be used to allow the character of Tim Hunter to grow up a little before resuming his story-Gross had ideas for this later run to explore the character's relationship with the women in his life, through his relationship with his late mother.
Such explanations typically presented the fact of life in social groups as being largely a result of human ideas and values.

Such and greatly
Such a move adds greatly to the risk of having to face the doubling cube coming back at 8 times its original value when first doubling the opponent ( offered at 2 points, counter offered at 16 points ) should the luck of the dice change.
Such strategic claims fostered a spirit of toleration among the Manicheans and the other religious communities and this particular feature greatly assisted them in gaining the approval of authorities to practice in different regions along the Silk Road.
Such a society contrasts greatly to the one he dissected in Mythologies, which was revealed to be always asserting a greater, more complex significance on top of the natural one.
Such flow separation causes a large increase in the pressure drag, since it greatly increases the effective size of the wing section.
Such religious themes as " the conspicuous depiction of a person suffering in great pain " ( i. e. a crucifix ) or the " wild aggressive behavior of ancient barbaric tribes " ( i. e. the ancient Hebrews as depicted in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament ) is greatly frowned upon.
Such strategic claims fostered a spirit of toleration among the Manicheans and the other religious communities and this particular feature greatly assisted them in gaining the approval of authorities to practice in different regions along the Silk Road.
Such facts and conclusions would be repeated for the duration of the war, and greatly affect the future involvement of the United States.
Such division greatly weakened the defense of Wu and three out of these five sons of his were killed in the battles several years after his death, when the Jin Dynasty conquered Wu and united China.
Such homosexual men were also known to marry, according to the Kama Sutra: " There are also third-sex citizens, sometimes greatly attached to one another and with complete faith in one another, who get married together.
Such was the tempest that all the fleet was greatly fearful.
Such vehicles have the capability of being autonomous, greatly enhancing their effectiveness.
Such opportunities can greatly expand students ' understanding of the mathematical sciences, offer them possible areas of interest for thesis research, and enhance their career options.
Such policies are greatly regulated by local liquor control laws and licensing restrictions.
Such disposition greatly contributed to the numerous conflicts and uprisings in Ukraine at that time.
Such festive dancing differed greatly in character from the older ritual dances (, translit.
Such a melting pot greatly helped the new Italian language: the Provençal suffixes-ière and-ce, for example, generated hundreds of new Italian words in-iera and-za as it.
Such a system greatly reduces disk cost for large content provision systems.
Such patients ' ability to regulate interaction between the ego and the external world is greatly diminished and they typically exhibit inflexible, concrete and sometimes inappropriate behaviors.
Such engines are commonly tuned with a narrower margin of safety from detonation and hence benefit greatly from the cooling effects of vaporized water.
Such applications really need encoders with built-in bearings, which can tolerate an air gap many orders of magnitude smaller because of the greatly reduced play on the actual sensor as opposed to that of the motor bearing.
Such arbitrary use of the code was controversial among Washington reporters, and Price privately wrote that Roosevelt " greatly abused " the press ' cooperation.

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