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Some Related Sentences

Such and names
Such names have not yet been shown conclusively to predate the twelfth century, but there are indications that they may be considerably older.
Such dishes are called by specific names that refer to their ingredients, spicing, and cooking methods.
Such icons are often given particular names ( especially those of the Virgin Mary ), and even taken from city to city where believers gather to venerate them and pray before them.
Such names are inherited from father to son ; but a sonless Roman aristocrat quite commonly adopted an heir, who would also take the family name-this could be done in his will.
Such names describe launchers only no matter a vehicle they are mounted on.
Such a relation closely corresponds to what is usually called the extension of a predicate in first-order logic except that here we identify the places in the predicate with attribute names.
Such valves have been called by various names such as regulating, throttling, metering, or needle valves.
Such " polynomial names " may sometimes look like binomials, but are significantly different.
Such amplified multimeters are called VTVMs ( vacuum tube voltmeters ), TVMs ( transistor volt meters ), FET-VOMs, and similar names.
Such languages typically do not include declarations of types ( or make them optional ), so the only sources of what types are allowed are the names themselves, documentation such as comments, and by reading the code to understand what it does.
Such European American explorers learned many different names for the Cheyenne, and did not realize how the different sections were forming a unified tribe.
Such fabrics generally have their own specific names other than linen ; for example, fine cotton yarn in a linen-style weave is called Madapolam.
Other common names for the main ritual text of certain traditions, Such as Eclectic, Gardnerian, or Devotional Wicca, are " Codex Vias ", " Codex Wicce ", or simply " The Book ".
Such details as the names of many Yeading manor holders remain unknown.
Such names are usually given by court historians, according to their good deeds or the bad ones.
Such names are private posthumous names ( Sĩshì, 私諡 ).
Such humorous insulting names were common in Comanche culture.
Such names and characters as " Wei-lei Hsu " and " Khang-sang Tze " are fictitious, and the pieces where they occur are not to be understood as narratives of real events.
Such marketable names present the product to consumers differently from the required product labels that call margarine " partially hydrogenated vegetable oil ".
Such systems use as their syllables the note names " do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do " familiar to most people.
Such names as Sharvan, Layzan, Baylaqan, etc., suggest that the Iranian immigration proceeded chiefly from Gilan and other regions on the southern coast of the Caspian ".
Such names include Voi Islet ( elephant ), Ga Choi Islet ( fighting cock ), and Mai Nha Islet ( roof ).
Such names are of little biological significance, and in this article the emphasis is on the Thomisidae.
Such code may also, in effect, be unintentionally obfuscated, as the names of variables, classes, functions, etc., are typically left unchanged, even though their purpose may be completely different in the new context from what it was in the original context.

Such and often
Such characters, with their low existence and often low morality, produce humorous effects in his novels and tales, as they did in the writing of Longstreet and Hooper and Harris, but it need not be added that he gives them far subtler and more intricate functions than they had in the earlier writers ; ;
Such agates, when cut transversely, exhibit a succession of parallel lines, often of extreme tenuity, giving a banded appearance to the section.
Such boards often featured faster and higher capacity memory interfaces and hard disk controllers.
Such judges decide, often when called upon by counsel rather than of their own motion, what evidence is to be admitted when there is a dispute ; though in some common law jurisdictions judges play more of a role in deciding what evidence to admit into the record or reject.
Such studies are often used to determine the genes implicated in a disorder: one might compare microarray data from cancerous epithelial cells to data from non-cancerous cells to determine the transcripts that are up-regulated and down-regulated in a particular population of cancer cells.
Such literature is " marked by distinctive literary features, particularly prediction of future events and accounts of visionary experiences or journeys to heaven, often involving vivid symbolism.
Such dedicated paths often have to be shared with in-line skaters, scooters, skateboarders, and pedestrians.
Such acts of recognition of a saint were authoritative, in the strict sense, only for the diocese or ecclesiastical province for which they were issued, but with the spread of the fame of a saint, were often accepted elsewhere also.
Such treatment often, though not always, is for health-related problems, and a practitioner's patient may request help for personal problems as well, such as relationships, problems of employment or housing and so on.
Such rationalism often affirms Maimonidean views of God.
Such cartoons often have pinpricks along the outlines of the design ; a bag of soot was then patted or " pounced " over the cartoon, held against the wall to leave black dots on the plaster (" pouncing ").
Such files are known as CGI scripts ; they are programs, often stand-alone applications, usually written in a scripting language.
Such visits are supposed to be universally horrible events that often end in death for one or more of the living, which would then warrant the exhumation of the draugr's tomb by a hero.
Such prayers are often appreciative ( that is, " Thank you for ...") rather than supplicative ( that is, " Please God grant me ...").
Such inputs are often created by sampling a continuous function, such as the amplitude of a person's voice over time.
Such decrees are often labeled as ' Canons ' and they often have an attached anathema, a penalty of excommunication, against those who refuse to believe the teaching.
Such exploits are referred to as ' zero day exploits ' and to obtain access to such exploits is the primary desire of unskilled attackers, often nicknamed script kiddies.
Such experiences have often been reported to be much stronger and more obvious than those observed in laboratory experiments.
Such compartmentalization is often used in early Central Indian painting to depict multiple spaces or scenes on a single flat
Such games can often have team sizes that vary considerably from 11-a-side, use a limited and / or modified subset of the official rules, and are likely to be self-officiated by the players.
Such movies were commercially successful and often enjoyed international distribution, but won little acclaim from critics.
Such a play is " insured " against all lower pairs, but far too often player with a lower pair calls at expensive times only to make sure he or she is not bluffed.
Such a preserved specimen is called a " fossil " if it is older than some minimum age, most often the arbitrary date of 10, 000 years ago.
Such etymologies often have the feel of urban legends, and can be much more colorful than the typical etymologies found in dictionaries, often involving stories of unusual practices in particular subcultures ( e. g. Oxford students from non-noble families being forced to write sine nobilitate by their name, soon abbreviated to s. nob., hence the word snob ).

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