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Page "Epileptic seizure" ¶ 6
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Symptoms and experienced
Symptoms of myotonia are more frequently experienced in women during pregnancy.
Symptoms are typically first experienced in early childhood and can be very difficult to understand ; the rarity of Fabry disease to many clinicians sometimes leads to misdiagnoses.
Symptoms may be experienced by some individuals as mild even at 10 mg per kg bwt, in a majority as significant at 20 mg per kg bwt, and severe at 40 mg per kg bwt.
Symptoms which may be experienced during withdrawal or reduction in dosage include increased heart rate and / or blood pressure, sweating, and tremors.
Symptoms experienced by the partner can include stomach pain, back pain, indigestion, changes in appetite, weight gain, diarrhea, constipation, headache, toothache, cravings, nausea, breast augmentation, hardening of the nipple and insomnia.
Symptoms described as " brain zaps ", " brain shocks ", " brain shivers ", " head shocks ", or " cranial zings " are withdrawal symptoms experienced during discontinuation ( or reduction of dose ) of antidepressant drugs.

Symptoms and by
Symptoms preceding a relapse ( prodromal ), specially those related to mania, can be reliably identified by people with bipolar disorder.
# Symptoms known to be caused by hypoglycemia
Symptoms are summarized by the mnemonic device RED DANES: rage, erythema ( redness of skin ), dilated pupils, delusions, amnesia, nystagmus ( oscillation of the eyeball when moving laterally ), excitation, and skin dryness.
Symptoms are characteristics of food allergy: from mild reactions, such as itching and mild swelling of the lips, tongue, palate and throat, followed by a rapid resolution of symptoms, to itching rush and hives in the skin or mucous swelling, stomach complaints, hay fever, constriction of the throat and asthma, or anaphylactic shock – a generalized serious reaction with a large drop in blood pressure.
Symptoms can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as allergens and irritants, and by inhaling corticosteroids.
Symptoms such as slurred speech and loss of balance were misinterpreted by the public and the media as a sign of drunkenness.
Symptoms of insomnia can be caused by or can be co-morbid with:
Symptoms of duodenal ulcers would initially be relieved by a meal, as the pyloric sphincter closes to concentrate the stomach contents, therefore acid is not reaching the duodenum.
Symptoms of cancer often appear by high school or college age.
Symptoms include dark spots on leaf margins followed by a white web covering the leaves.
Symptoms are anosmia ( loss of sense of smell ) often accompanied by chronic sinusitis.
Symptoms may range from mild abdominal discomfort to full-blown dysentery characterized by cramps, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, blood, pus, or mucus in stools or tenesmus.
Symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and cough ; sometimes accompanied by muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headache, muscle weakness, or loss of appetite.
Symptoms often start with vomiting followed by four to eight days of profuse diarrhoea.
Symptoms may remain suppressed until aggravated by stress or other factors.
* " Cyst Symptoms and Causes " by Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD and William C. Shiel, Jr., MD, FACP, FACR.
Symptoms caused chemically by drugs such as cannabis, magic mushrooms, or cocaine tend to dissipate after the chemical compound has been excreted from the body.
* Symptoms may be relieved by antacids
Symptoms of PE are sudden-onset dyspnea ( shortness of breath ), tachypnea ( rapid breathing ), chest pain of a " pleuritic " nature ( worsened by breathing ), cough and hemoptysis ( coughing up blood ).
Symptoms vary by region of the CNS affected, and include fever, headaches, tingling, pain or loss of feeling, and may extend to central or peripheral paresis and loss of bladder control.
Symptoms of bacterial infection, such as from a dental abscess, in pregnant women may also include unusual periods of incoherence and symptoms of shock, and should be treated by a physician immediately.
Symptoms reported by sufferers include: pain and aching to the neck and back, referred pain to the shoulders, sensory disturbance ( such as pins and needles ) to the arms & legs and headaches.
: Symptoms are a harsh murmur in mid-systole, often accompanied by S4, Brisk Bifid Carotid upstroke.

Symptoms and person
Symptoms vary widely from person to person, depending on the area of the brain involved.
Symptoms of infection include ( in order of frequency ) diarrhea, malaise, excessive gas ( often flatulence or a foul or sulphuric-tasting belch, which has been known to be so nauseating in taste that it can cause the infected person to vomit ), steatorrhoea ( pale, foul smelling, greasy stools ), epigastric pain, bloating, nausea, diminished interest in food, possible ( but rare ) vomiting which is often violent, and weight loss.
Symptoms can vary from person to person.
Symptoms of allergies vary from person to person.
Symptoms of chloroma at these sites are related to their anatomic location ; chloromas may also be asymptomatic and be discovered incidentally in the course of evaluation of a person with acute myeloid leukemia.
Symptoms of the condition will worsen as a person is placed under stress, during travel, and at other times when the daily routine is tampered with.
Symptoms will be different for every person and will be different depending on the type of rat bite fever that a person is infected with.
Symptoms typically begin approximately 11 days after an infected mosquito has bitten a person and the parasites can be seen in the blood between 10 – 12 days after infection.

Symptoms and during
Symptoms may also occur during a gradual dosage reduction, but are typically less severe and may persist as part of a protracted withdrawal syndrome for months after cessation of benzodiazepines.
Symptoms may be present for years ( or even decades ) without identification, during which time the sufferer may become conditioned to the daytime sleepiness and fatigue associated with significant levels of sleep disturbance.
Symptoms may include an unusual or unpleasant discharge, itching, or pain during intercourse.
* Symptoms appear predictably during the luteal ( premenstrual ) phase, reduce or disappear predictably shortly before or during menstruation, and remain absent during the follicular ( pre-ovulatory ) phase of the menstrual cycle.
Symptoms reduce during cool, rainy, or foggy weather and in humid places, such as in the shower.
Symptoms usually include one or more of the following: orthopnea ( difficulty breathing while lying flat ), dyspnea ( shortness of breath on exertion ), pitting edema ( swelling ), cough, frequent night-time urination, excessive weight gain during the last month of pregnancy ( 1-2 + kg / week ; two to four or more pounds per week ), palpitations ( sensation of racing heart-rate, skipping beats, long pauses between beats, or fluttering ), and chest pain.
Symptoms appear during childhood and early death can occur due to organ damage.
Symptoms appear during infancy and are largely a result of abnormal intestinal copper absorption with secondary deficiency in copper-dependent mitochondrial enzymes.
Symptoms that persist as a result of a chronic rotator cuff tears are sporadic worsening of pain, debilitation and atrophy of the muscles, noticeable pain during rest, crackling sensations when moving the shoulder, and inability to move or lift the arm sufficiently, especially during abduction and flexion motions.
Symptoms may subside during the summer.
Symptoms may be present for years or even decades without identification, during which time the sufferer may become conditioned to the daytime sleepiness and fatigue associated with significant levels of sleep disturbance.
Symptoms include recurrent fever, weight loss, an enlarged spleen ( felt during a rectal examination ), anemia, and swelling of the lower chest, abdominal wall, penile sheath, scrotum, and legs.
Symptoms are ineffectual straining to empty the bowels, diarrhea, rectal bleeding and possible discharge, a feeling of not having adequately emptied the bowels, involuntary spasms and cramping during bowel movements, left-sided abdominal pain, passage of mucus through the rectum, and anorectal pain.
Symptoms such as loud snoring or intermittent cessation of breathing during the night or daytime symptoms as behavioral changes, fatigue and sleepiness may alert the patient or parent to the presence of obstructive sleep apnoea, but these symptoms are generally insensitive and a sleep study ( diagnostic polysomnography ) is generally required to diagnose the presence of obstructive sleep apnoea.
Symptoms of laryngeal paralysis include voice change ( the dog's bark becomes hoarse-sounding ), gagging or coughing ( often during or after eating or drinking ), exercise intolerance, inspiratory stridor ( noisy breathing on inspiration ), difficulty breathing, and in severe cases cyanosis or syncope ( fainting ).
Symptoms are usually worse in hot and humid weather, during exercise, during times of stress or excitement, and in obese pets.
Symptoms include recurring attacks of severe acute ocular pain, foreign-body sensation, photophobia ( i. e. sensitivity to bright lights ), and tearing often at the time of awakening or during sleep when the eyelids are rubbed or opened.

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