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Page "Kalmia latifolia" ¶ 8
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Symptoms and include
Symptoms include amnesia, hallucinations, and delusions.
Symptoms that may occur include unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge, pain in the abdomen, painful sexual intercourse ( dyspareunia ), fever, painful urination or the urge to urinate more frequently than usual ( urinary urgency ).
Symptoms that may occur include: a painful or burning sensation when urinating, an unusual discharge from the penis, swollen or tender testicles, or fever.
Symptoms of infection of the male genitalia include red, patchy sores near the head of the penis or on the foreskin, severe itching, or a burning sensation.
Symptoms due to bleeding include loss of consciousness, sudden and severe headache, nausea, vomiting, incontinence, and blurred vision, amongst others.
Symptoms of hydrocodone overdose include respiratory depression ; extreme somnolence ; blue, clammy, or cold skin ; narrowed or constricted pupils ; bradycardia ; coma ; seizures ; cardiac arrest ; and death.
Symptoms may include severe fatigue, a heavy swollen limb or localized fluid accumulation in other body areas, including the head or neck, discoloration of the skin overlying the lymphedema, and eventually deformity ( elephantiasis ).
Symptoms, which vary in type and severity, may include asymmetrical ptosis ( a drooping of one or both eyelids ), diplopia ( double vision ) due to weakness of the muscles that control eye movements, an unstable or waddling gait, weakness in arms, hands, fingers, legs, and neck, a change in facial expression, dysphagia ( difficulty in swallowing ), shortness of breath and dysarthria ( impaired speech, often nasal due to weakness of the velar muscles ).
Symptoms of nitrate poisoning include increased heart rate and respiration ; in advanced cases blood and tissue may turn a blue or brown color.
Symptoms include weakness or paralysis, vision loss, impaired speech, and cognitive deterioration.
Symptoms of overdose may include dry mouth, dilated pupils, ataxia, urinary retention, hallucinations, convulsions, coma, and death.
Symptoms can include catatonic stupor and waxy flexibility.
Symptoms of chronic sinusitis may include any combination of the following: nasal congestion, facial pain, headache, night-time coughing, an increase in previously minor or controlled asthma symptoms, general malaise, thick green or yellow discharge, feeling of facial ' fullness ' or ' tightness ' that may worsen when bending over, dizziness, aching teeth, and / or halitosis.
Symptoms may include chest pain and a prolonged cough producing sputum.
Symptoms include weakness and numbness of the limbs as well as motor, sensory, and sphincter deficits.
Symptoms may include an unusual or unpleasant discharge, itching, or pain during intercourse.
Symptoms of TTX poisoning range from numbness and nausea to paralysis — particularly of the muscles of the diaphragm — unconsciousness, and death, but do not include a stiffened gait or a death-like trance.
Symptoms include headache, fever, confusion, drowsiness, and fatigue.
Symptoms may include:
Symptoms of skull fracture can include:
Symptoms may include fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle pain or aches, malaise, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, myalgias and rash.
Symptoms include nausea, dizziness, or fainting, which can lead to a heat stroke.
Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles.
Symptoms of poisoning include lack of appetite, depression, constipation, diarrhea ( which may contain blood ), blood in urine, and colic.

Symptoms and irregular
Symptoms of overdose may include flushing, fast or irregular heartbeat, dry mouth, drowsiness, confusion, agitation, enlarged pupils, seizures, and loss of consciousness.
Symptoms include: shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, dry mouth and shaking, feeling sick and uneasy, psychological instability, and an altogether feeling of dread and trepidation.
Symptoms include thickening skin, irregular surface nodularities, and enlargement.
Symptoms include high fever, anemia ( due to the breakdown of red blood cells ), weakness, swelling of the lower abdomen and legs, weak pulse, and irregular heartbeat.

Symptoms and difficulty
Symptoms of diphtheria include fever of 38 ° C ( 100. 4 ° F ) or above, chills, fatigue, bluish skin coloration, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, headache, difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, foul-smelling bloodstained nasal discharge and lymphadenopathy.
Symptoms of SAD may consist of difficulty waking up in the morning, morning sickness, tendency to oversleep and over eat, especially a craving for carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain.
Symptoms may include oral irritation, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.
Symptoms include restlessness, loss of coloration, lumps on the body as cysts develop, difficulty swimming, curved spines as the disease progresses, and secondary infections, such as fin rot and bloating.
Symptoms of pulmonary embolism include difficulty breathing, chest pain on inspiration, and palpitations.
Symptoms of the " virus " included rashes, difficulty breathing, and dizziness.
Symptoms are pain, tenderness, and swelling over the thumb side of the wrist, and difficulty gripping.
Symptoms of tenosynovitis include pain, swelling and difficulty moving the particular joint where the inflammation occurs.
Symptoms of this disorder occur because the heart has difficulty pumping blood from the body through the lungs.
Symptoms most frequently reported include a persistent sensation of motion usually described as rocking, swaying, or bobbing ; difficulty maintaining balance ; extreme fatigue ; and difficulty concentrating (" brain fog ").
Symptoms may include sudden urges to urinate ( urgency ), difficulty in starting urination ( hesitancy ), a weak urine stream, and more frequent urination especially at night.
Symptoms are frequently very subtle early on and may include: bloating, pelvic pain, difficulty eating and frequent urination, and are easily confused with other illnesses.
Symptoms usually occur within a few hours, producing unsteadiness and weakness, depression, nausea and vomiting, twisting of the neck muscles, rapid and weak pulse, difficulty breathing, and eventually death.
Symptoms are generally slow to develop, and include fever, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, weight loss, drooling, spasms and loss of muscular control, and convulsions.
Symptoms usually include one or more of the following: orthopnea ( difficulty breathing while lying flat ), dyspnea ( shortness of breath on exertion ), pitting edema ( swelling ), cough, frequent night-time urination, excessive weight gain during the last month of pregnancy ( 1-2 + kg / week ; two to four or more pounds per week ), palpitations ( sensation of racing heart-rate, skipping beats, long pauses between beats, or fluttering ), and chest pain.
Symptoms of a deviated septum include infections of the sinus and sleep apnea, snoring, repetitive sneezing, facial pain, nosebleeds, difficulty with breathing, and mild to severe loss of the ability to smell.
Symptoms include ovarian failure, dyspraxia ( difficulty speaking correctly and consistently ), and neurologic deficits.
Symptoms include difficulty swallowing and breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Symptoms start with slowly developing dysarthria ( difficulty speaking ) and cerebellar ataxia ( unsteadiness ) and then the progressive dementia becomes more evident.
Symptoms caused by mold allergy are watery, itchy eyes, a chronic cough, headaches or migraines, difficulty breathing, rashes, tiredness, sinus problems, nasal blockage and frequent sneezing.
Symptoms include staggering gait, muscle tremors, convulsions, collapse, difficulty breathing, coldness and eventually heart failure.

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