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Republican and Party
Ratified in the Republican Party victory in 1952, the Positive State is now evidenced by political campaigns being waged not on whether but on how much social legislation there should be.
The Providence Daily Journal answered the Daily Post by stating that the raid of John Brown was characteristic of Democratic acts of violence and that `` He was acting in direct opposition to the Republican Party, who proclaim as one of their cardinal principles that they do not interfere with slavery in the states ''.
Hughes said Monday, `` It is the apparent intention of the Republican Party to campaign on the carcass of what they call Eisenhower Republicanism, but the heart stopped beating and the lifeblood congealed after Eisenhower retired.
Now he's gone, the Republican Party is not going to be able to sell the tattered remains to the people of the state ''.
Sunday he had added, `` We can love Eisenhower the man, even if we considered him a mediocre president but there is nothing left of the Republican Party without his leadership ''.
Then Rudy Bond was simply grand as Ben, the distraught Republican Party district chieftain.
Lincoln, a moderate from a swing state, secured the Republican Party nomination.
" Drawing on remnants of the old Whig party, and on disenchanted Free Soil, Liberty, and Democratic party members, he was instrumental in forging the shape of the new Republican Party.
Instead, he monitored the campaign closely and relied on the enthusiasm of the Republican Party.
He was the first president from the Republican Party.
Lincoln was a master politician, bringing together — and holding together — all the main factions of the Republican Party, and bringing in War Democrats such as Edwin M. Stanton and Andrew Johnson as well.
At its 1864 convention, the Republican Party selected Andrew Johnson, a War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee, as his running mate.
By contrast, the National Union Party was united and energized as Lincoln made emancipation the central issue, and state Republican parties stressed the perfidy of the Copperheads.
In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed.
The Republican Party was determined to prevent any spread of slavery, and many Southern leaders had threatened secession if the Republican candidate, Lincoln, won the 1860 election.
Irreconcilable disagreements over slavery ended the Whig and Know Nothing parties, and split the Democratic Party between North and South, while the new Republican Party angered slavery interests by demanding an end to its expansion.
Lincoln led the new Republican Party in developing their platform calling slavery a national evil, and insisting Congress end slavery expansion into the territories.
| Republican Party
| Republican Party
| Republican Party
| Republican Party
| Republican Party
| Republican Party

Republican and nominated
After the state Republican party convention nominated him for the U. S. Senate in 1858, Lincoln delivered his House Divided Speech, drawing on: " A house divided against itself cannot stand.
In April 1866 he nominated Henry Stanbery to fill the vacancy left with the death of John Catron, but the Republican Congress eliminated the seat to prevent the appointment.
Lincoln was nominated in Chicago for the nation's presidency at the 1860 Republican National Convention and went on to defeat Douglas in the general election, setting the stage for the American Civil War.
He became one of six national directors for Nelson Rockefeller's unsuccessful campaign to be nominated as the Republican candidate for the 1964 presidential election.
Already a leading player in state politics, he attended the Republican National Convention in 1884 and fought alongside the Mugwump reformers ; they lost to the Stalwart faction that nominated James G. Blaine.
Dole resigned his Senate seat on June 11 and the Republican National Convention formally nominated Dole on August 15, 1996 as the GOP's nominee for President.
Former Republican Representative Virgil Goode ( VA-5 ) was nominated at the convention in Nashville, Tennessee on April 22, 2012.
For that reason, they contend Senator Margaret Chase Smith was the first woman presidential candidate ; she was nominated at the 1964 Republican National Convention.
In 1976, Ronald Reagan, who was trailing President Gerald R. Ford in the presidential delegate count, announced prior to the Republican National Convention that, if nominated, he would select Senator Richard Schweiker as his running mate.
* August 15 – Bob Dole is nominated for President of the United States, and Jack Kemp for Vice President, at the Republican National Convention in San Diego, California.
) For example, if the Democrats had nominated both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for U. S. President in 2008, it would have allowed the Republican candidate ( John McCain ) to easily win ; the voters who preferred both Clinton and Obama over McCain could not have been relied on to solve the strategy coordination problem on their own.
Garfield was nominated at the Republican convention on the 75th roll call vote.
A group of Republican dissidents nominated John C. Frémont who later withdrew and endorsed Lincoln.
But Lincoln was still popular with most members of the Republican party and the National Union Party nominated him for a second term as president at their convention in Baltimore, Maryland, on June 7-8, 1864.
After numerous ballots, the Democrats nominated Horatio Seymour to take on the Republican candidate, Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant.
General Ulysses S. Grant announced he was a Republican and was unanimously nominated on the first ballot as the party's standard bearer at the Republican convention in Chicago, Illinois, held on May 20-21, 1868.
House Speaker Schuyler Colfax, a Radical Republican from Indiana, was nominated for vice-president on the sixth ballot, beating out the early favorite, Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio.
The Republican Party unanimously nominated him for president at their 1904 national convention.
Charles G. Dawes, a prominent Republican businessman, was nominated for vice-president instead.
The Republican Convention, held in Kansas City, Missouri from June 12 to June 15, nominated Hoover on the first ballot.
At the 1944 Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, Dewey easily overcame Bricker and was nominated on the first ballot.
The Republican Party nominated Richard Nixon, Eisenhower's Vice-President, while the Democrats nominated John F. Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts.

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