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Page "History of Rwanda" ¶ 30
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Tutsis and took
The dominance of FRODEBU caused problems at a local level, as Ndadaye's Hutu supporters took over many positions previously held by Tutsis in the public service, and botched the resettlement of refugees returning after the 1972 massacres in such a way as to leave many Tutsi families homeless.
He was charged for the deaths of around 2, 000 Tutsis who took refuge in his parish church.

Tutsis and up
Military and militia groups began rounding up and killing Tutsis en masse, as well as political moderates irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds.
Hutu militias and members of the Hutu provisional government were among the refugees, and they set up operations from the camps around Goma attacking ethnic Tutsis in the Kivus and Rwandan government forces at the border.
The RPF ( Rwandese Patriotic Front ) became the only force capable of stopping the Presidential Guard ( along with the Gendarmes and Interahamwe-Kinyarwanda for ' those who attack together ') who were setting up roadblocks throughout Kigali and starting the process of slaughtering Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
But the deaths of Rwandans can also be laid at the door of the military genius Paul Kagame, who did not speed up his campaign when the scale of the genocide became clear and even talked candidly with me at several points about the price his fellow Tutsis might have to pay for the cause.
They set up check points to cull fleeing Tutsis from the rest of the evacuating crowds.

Tutsis and arms
The mayor ( burgomaster ) of the northwestern town of Gisenyi was the first local official to organize killings on a genocidal scale: on April 6, he called a meeting to distribute arms and sent militias to kill Tutsis.

Tutsis and against
These Hutu militia forces soon allied with the Zairian armed forces ( FAZ ) to launch a campaign against Congolese ethnic Tutsis in eastern Zaire.
In turn, these Tutsis formed a militia to defend themselves against attacks.
In 1988, Hutu violence against Tutsis throughout northern Burundi again resurfaced, and in response the Tutsi army massacred approximately 20, 000 more Hutu.
The Hutu genocidaires were abetted by the Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines broadcasting hate speech advocating violence against Tutsis.
In Rwanda, this led to the " Social revolution " and Hutu violence against Tutsis.
The death of Habyarimana ignited a murderous spree by extremists from the majority Hutus against Tutsis and those Hutus who had opposed the government in the past or who had supported the peace accords.
They carried out the Rwandan Genocide acts against the Tutsis in 1994.
In a 2000 news story, The Guardian reported, " The former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, played a leading role in supplying weapons to the Hutu regime which carried out a campaign of genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994.
The print media in Rwanda is believed to have started hate speech against Tutsis, which was later continued by radio stations.
A " double genocides " theory, accusing the Tutsis of engaging in a " counter-genocide " against the Hutus, is promulgated in Black Furies, White Liars ( 2005 ), the controversial book by French investigative journalist Pierre Péan.
Leterme further compared the broadcaster to Radio Mille Collines, which was a Rwandan propaganda outlet against the Tutsis during the Rwandan Genocide, though he later mentioned he had only quoted what was said in political circles.
To help remove the occupying Rwandans, President Kabila enlisted the aid of refugee Hutus in eastern Congo and began to agitate public opinion against the Tutsis, resulting in several public lynchings in the streets of Kinshasa.
In 1998, Yerodia publicly encouraged the Congolese population to kill members of a rebellion against the government, primarily ethnic Tutsis.
Within a year Kabila had quarrelled with his former allies, and in 1998 the Rwandan government backed a Goma-based rebel movement against Kabila, the Congolese Rally for Democracy ( RCD, sometimes called RCD-Goma ) made of Banyamulenge people, related to the Tutsis.
Widely listened to by the general population, it projected racist propaganda against Tutsis, moderate Hutus, Belgians, and the United Nations mission UNAMIR.
During the Genocide, the RTLM incited hatred and violence against Tutsis, against Hutus who were for the peace accord, against Hutus who married Tutsis, and advocated the annihilation of all Tutsis in Rwanda.

Tutsis and Belgians
The Belgians gave the majority of political control to the Tutsis.

Tutsis and feared
As some Tutsis had feared, the tax also made the Hutus feel less bonded to their Tutsi patrons and more dependent on the European foreigners.

Tutsis and military
Many exiled refugee Rwandan Tutsis in Uganda had joined the rebel forces of Yoweri Museveni in the Ugandan Bush War and had then become part of the Ugandan military upon the rebel victory in 1986.
In Burundi, Tutsis, who are the minority, maintained control of the government and military.
The Rwandan military and Hutu militia groups, notably the Interahamwe, systematically set out to murder all the Tutsis they could reach, regardless of age or sex, as well as the political moderates among the Hutu.
Before the 19th century, it was believed that the Tutsis held military power while the Hutus possessed supernatural power.

Tutsis and superiority
During the 1930s Belgian colonial authorities in Rwanda used phrenology to explain the so-called superiority of Tutsis over Hutus.

Tutsis and did
As individuals and as a group, members of the UNAMIR forces did manage to save the lives of thousands of Tutsis in and around Kigali and the few areas of UN control.
The majority of Rwandans, and Tutsis in particular, are Catholic, so shared religion did not prevent genocide.
The ICTR ordered his released after having already spent 11 years in prison as the judges found he had risked his life to save Tutsis, including hiding 37 Tutsi orphans at his home in Kigali along with several Tutsi priests, supported the Arusha Accords, opposed massacres, did all he could to achieve peace and was himself targeted as a possible RPF agent and was forced to flee Rwanda in June, 1994.

Tutsis and revolt
" – a reference to the Hutu revolt that overthrew the Tutsi monarchy and the subsequent politically orchestrated communal violence that resulted in thousands of mostly Tutsi casualties and forced roughly 300, 000 Tutsis to flee to neighboring Burundi and Uganda.

Tutsis and .
* 1994 – Rwandan Genocide: Massacres of Tutsis begin in Kigali, Rwanda.
Intermarriage takes place frequently between the Hutus and Tutsis.
Although Hutus encompass the majority of the population, historically Tutsis have been politically and economically dominant.
The Tutsis ( 14 % before the Genocide, probably less than 10 % now ) are a pastoral people who arrived in the area in the 15th century.
While the Rwandan Civil War was a complex sequence of violent episodes which included killers and victims on all sides, most historians agree with RPF's assertions that the 1994 genocide was a deliberate, methodical Hutu campaign to completely exterminate the Tutsis, and that plans for the genocide were well known in advance by European, American, and UN officials.
* The Rwandan Genocide – between 6 April 1994 until mid-July 1994 a mass killing of hundreds of thousands of Rwanda's Tutsis and Hutu political moderates occurred by the Hutu dominated government under the Hutu Power ideology.
** Massacres of Hutus by Tutsis in Burundi take place, with more than 450 killed in a few days.
* October 30 – Fighting erupts when Banyamulenga Tutsis of Laurent Kabila in Zaire seize Uvira and proceed to kill Hutu refugees.
The assassination of Habyarimana was the catalyst for the eruption of the 1994 genocide, in which hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.
The distinction between the three ethnic groups was somewhat fluid, in that Tutsis who lost their cattle due to a disease epidemic, such as rinderpest, sometimes would be considered Hutu.
Because of their seemingly taller stature, more " honorable and eloquent " personalities, and their willingness to convert to Roman Catholicism, the colonist, including powerful Roman Catholic officials, favored the Tutsis.
Belgian rule created more of an ethnic divide between the Tutsi and Hutu, and they supported Tutsis political power.
As a result of this, Europeans came to believe that Tutsis had Caucasian ancestry, and were thus " superior " to Hutus.
Tutsis began to believe the myth of their superior racial status, and exploited their power over the Hutu majority.
The observed differences between the Tutsis and the Hutus are about the same as those evident between the different French social classes in the 1950s.
The way people nourished themselves explains a large part of the differences: the Tutsis, since they raised cattle, traditionally drank more milk than the Hutu, who were farmers.
Through the reforms, the Tutsis were no longer perceived to be in total control of cattle, the long-standing measure of a person's wealth and social position.
Mutara made many changes ; in 1954 he shared out the land between the Hutu and the Tutsi, and agreed to abolish the system of indentured servitude ( ubuhake and uburetwa ) the Tutsis had practised over the Hutu until then.
In November 1959, Tutsis tried to assassinate Kayibanda.

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