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Some Related Sentences

absence and is
This is the primary function of the imagination operating in the absence of the original experiential stimulus by which the images were first appropriated.
Whose absence dearer comfort is, by far, Than presences of other women are ''!!
The trouble with this machinery is that it is not used and the reason that it is not used is the absence of a conscious sense of community among the free nations.
If we sit here reading editorials and looking at public-opinion polls and other reports that cross our desks, we should realize that this is raw, undigested opinion expressed in the absence of leadership.
The possibility that the absence or presence of these shunts is species-dependent is therefore inferred.
Interestingly enough, the effect of the digitalis glycosides is inhibited by a high concentration of potassium in the incubation medium and is enhanced by the absence of potassium ( Wolff, 1960 ).
In the absence of additions to the homogenate, the product formed is an iodinated particulate protein ( Fawcett and Kirkwood, 1953 ; ;
In the absence of a reservoir of political consensus each organized political group hopes that the elections will give them new prominence, but in a system where there is as yet no place for the less prominent.
For expository purposes, this is best treated as a model which spells out the conditions under which an important industry affected with the public interest would find it profitable to raise wages even in the absence of union pressures for higher wages.
Psychical blindness is a condition in which there is a total absence of visual memory-images, a condition in which, for example, one is unable to remember something just seen or to conjure up a memory-picture of the visible appearance of a well-known friend in his absence.
Therefore, if the sense of touch is functioning normally and there is a complete absence of spatial awareness in a psychically-blind person when the eyes are closed and an object is handled, the conclusion seems unavoidable that touch by itself cannot focus and take possession of the third-dimensionality of things and that actual sight or visual representations are necessary.
so that the absence of the hymen is by no means positive proof that a girl has had sex relations.
my point is that where conflicts arise they must always be resolved in favor of achieving the indispensable condition for a tolerant world -- the absence of Soviet Communist power.

absence and also
However, the possible absence of a center of symmetry not only moves the hydrogen atom off Af, but also allows the oxygen atoms to become nonequivalent, with Af at Af and Af at Af ( space group Af ), where Af represents the oxygens on one side of the Af layers and Af those on the other side.
The suburban high school, it is worth noting, also is not a widely comprehensive high school because of the absence of vocational programs.
It is borne out also by the absence of any developed theory about how sin passes from one generation to the next.
The absence of a turret also meant that tank destroyers could be manufactured significantly cheaper, faster and more easily than the tanks on which they were based and fou8nd particular favor when production resoureces were lacking.
Albinism ( from Latin albus, " white "; see extended etymology, also called achromia, achromasia, or achromatosis ) is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin.
During the two year absence of his father ` Abdu ' l-Bahá took up the duty of managing the affairs of the family, before his age of maturity ( 14 in middle-eastern society ) and was known to be occupied with reading and, at a time of hand-copied scriptures being the primary means of publishing, was also engaged in copying the writings of the Báb.
Owing to the complete absence of mountain building and glaciation since the Permian ( in many areas since the Cambrian ) ages, the outback is extremely rich in iron, aluminium, manganese and uranium ores, and also contains major deposits of gold, nickel, iron, lead and zinc ores.
Acid deposition also occurs via dry deposition in the absence of precipitation.
Thus the Bauhaus style, also known as the International Style, was marked by the absence of ornamentation and by harmony between the function of an object or a building and its design.
However, due to the absence of reinforcement, its tensile strength was far lower than modern reinforced concrete, and its mode of application was also different:
Some historians think Kling's absence was significant enough to prevent the Cubs from also winning a third straight title in 1909, as they finished 6 games out of first place.
It may also aggravate other types of generalized seizure disorder, particularly absence seizures.
Mass torts also involve high individual damage awards ; thus, the absence of class treatment will not impede the ability of individual claimants to seek justice.
Industry observers, however, speculated that the most important motivation was that a name change would help Nissan market stocks and bonds in the U. S. They also presumed substantial ego involvement, since the absence of the Nissan name in the U. S. surely rankled Nissan executives who had seen Toyota and Honda become household words.
Devanagari and related abugidas also use a diacritical mark called a virama to mark the absence of a vowel.
The absence of a stably annealed ends also means that the ligation efficiency is lowered, requiring a higher ligase concentration to be used.
They will also have no individual sense of direction in the absence of a group.
In the absence of the VFA team, there was no need for the " Same Olds " distinction and, by 1922, the other nicknames " Sash Wearers " and " Essendonians " that had been variously used from time to time were also abandoned.
At this time a further design evolved, reintroducing oars to create the galley frigate such as the Charles Galley of 1676 which was rated as a 32-gun fifth rate but also had a bank of 40 oars set below the upper deck which could be used to propel the ship in the absence of a favourable wind.
The word can also be used to describe a particularly insignificant or novel fact, in the absence of much relevant context.
It is also affected by differences in absorptivity and specific heat of the ground which in the absence of wind greatly influences the temperature attained by the superincumbent air.
The Mersa defence plan also included an armoured reserve but in its absence Ritchie believed he could organise his infantry to cover the minefields between the defended localities to prevent Axis engineers from having undisturbed access.
It is also distinguished from the works of these artists by the comparative absence of underlying motives or sentiment.
Other Aramaean sites also demonstrate a contemporary absence of pig remains at that time, unlike earlier Canaanite and later Philistine excavations.

absence and part
The absence of native British literature during the early part of the first millennium means that Britain owes its knowledge of Boudica's rebellion solely to the writings of the Romans.
For Domitian, this meant that a significant part of his adolescence was spent in the absence of his near relatives.
Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases.
Most sections also have an assistant principal ( or co-principal or associate principal ), or in the case of the first violins, an assistant concertmaster, who often plays a tutti part in addition to replacing the principal in his or her absence.
Author Peter Lehman would later observe that his absence was a part of the mystery of his persona: " Since it was never clear where he had come from, no one seemed to pay much mind to where he had gone ; he was just gone.
Many observant Jews avoid the prohibition of " carrying " in the absence of an eruv by making their keys into a tie bar, or part of a belt buckle or brooch.
For a thing whose presence or absence makes no visible difference, is not an organic part of the whole.
In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, the opinion of the Court considered secular purpose and the absence of primary effect ; a concurring opinion saw both cases as having treated entanglement as part of the primary purpose test.
This reorganization was engineered in large part by Secretary of State Knox's First Assistant Secretary, Huntington Wilson, who served as de facto Secretary of State due to the frequent absence of Knox.
This absence of negative evidence — that is, absence of evidence that an expression is part of a class of the ungrammatical sentences in one's language — is the core of the poverty of stimulus argument.
In most cases single severed arms cannot regenerate a complete individual in the absence of at least part of the disc.
For their part, the skeptics remain unconvinced, pointing out that even in the absence of out-right hoaxes, imagination has a way of twisting and inflating the slightly out-of-the-ordinary until it becomes extraordinary.
This part of the process must be very carefully controlled to ensure the absence of ' black lines '.
Ghana's sorry economic condition, according to the PNDC, had resulted in part from the absence of good political leadership.
Despite the Africans ' absence, there was another new record number of entries for the qualifying tournament, with 70 nations taking part.
Daniel argues that Hortensio's absence suggests that Shakespeare forgot to change this part of the play after making Hortensio a suitor in a later draft.
Achilles ' absence from the lists is conspicuous, but Hesiod explains that he was too young to take part in the contest.
During his absence, Regent Christine had gained control of the fortresses granted to Thomas Francis as part of the settlement of the Piedmontese Civil War ( legally, these reverted to ducal control when the Duke came of age, which under Piedmontese law Charles Emmanuel did in 1648, though his mother remained in control of the government ; Christine, accompanied by her son and part of the ducal army, entered Ivrea and dismissed Thomas ' personal garrison ; she appointed Thomas Francis instead as governor or Asti and Alba, positions which sweetened the blow but were entirely under ducal control, not guaranteed by treaty.
During his absence, Regent Christine had gained control of the fortresses granted to Thomas as part of the settlement of the Piedmontese Civil War ( legally, these reverted to ducal control when the Duke came of age, which under Piedmontese law Charles Emmanuel did in 1648, though his mother remained in control of the government ; Christine, accompanied by her son and part of the ducal army, entered Ivrea and dismissed Thomas ' personal garrison ; she appointed Thomas instead as governor or Asti and Alba, positions which sweetened the blow but were entirely under ducal control, not guaranteed by treaty.
Most likely the absence of the Koopa Troopas were part of the radical reinvisioning of the Mario universe for the follow up.
It is such a dirty trick that even Falco wants no part of it, at least until Hunsecker promises to take a long vacation from his powerful column and turn it over to Falco in his absence.
Many attempts have been made to reconstruct the plot of the play, but none of them is more than hypothetical, because of the scanty remains that survive from its text and of the total absence of ancient descriptions or résumés-though it has been suggested that a part of Hyginus ' narration of the Oedipus myth might in fact derive from Euripides ' play.

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