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Page "Feit–Thompson theorem" ¶ 2
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attack and on
In its defensive formulations, the theory will attack conscious change on the grounds of the independent existence of the community.
The distracted Miriam would agree to a settlement through her legal representative, then change her mind and make another attack on Wright as a person.
In answer to The Crisis, Swift produced The Publick Spirit Of The Whigs, his most extensive and bitter attack on his old friend.
In his comment on these laws Steele sounds all the usual notes of current Whig propaganda, ranging from a criticism of the Tory peace to an attack on the dismissal of Marlborough ; ;
Then he launches into an attack on the Tory ministers, whom he calls the `` New Converts '' ; ;
From his first bout with the canny Woodruff, Pike had learned that it was better not to attack him directly, so, harping on the theme that the cost of printing was too high, he condemned the governor for permitting such a state of affairs to exist.
The attack started on October 2, 1643, and the Gortonists held out for a day and a night.
What is not so well known, however, and what is quite important for understanding the issues of this early quarrel, is the kind of attack on literature that Sidney was answering.
Aroused by what they considered an evil influence, some members of the clergy, joined by city authorities, merchants, and master craftsmen, began the attack on the plays and the actors for what they called `` the abuses of the art '', but by 1582 some of them began to denounce the whole idea of acting.
Morgan was ordered to attack the enemy, who had meantime moved to Edge Hill on the left of the Americans.
But the real beginnings of this development in him go back to the opposing of grammar school, and probably if it had not been this occasion and these Latin lines it would have been some others, such as the first prolusion, that set off this streak in him of unbridled and scathing verbal attack on an enemy.
Through all this raving, Krim is performing a traditional and by now boring rite, the attack on intelligence, upon the largely successful attempt of the magazines he castigates to liberate American writing from local color and other varieties of romantic corn.
I grant that the dog may not be really protective, based on his training, but if you were roaming the streets looking for a purse to snatch or a young lady to molest, how quick would you be to attack a person strolling with a dog??
The United States was engaged in a military attack on a peaceful, orderly people governed by a regime that had proved itself the most pro-Western and anti-Communist within any of the new nations -- the only place in Africa, moreover, where a productive relationship between whites and blacks had apparently been achieved.
Not only, as we know, did Chou En-lai publicly treat Khrushchev's attack on Albania as `` something that we cannot consider as a serious Marxist-Leninist approach '' to the problem ( i.e., as something thoroughly dictatorial and `` undemocratic '' ), but the Albanian leaders went out of their way to be openly abusive to Khrushchev, calling him a liar, a bully, and so on.
The Navy, on April 25, announced it is bringing back the carrier Shangri-La from the Mediterranean, increasing to four the number of attack carriers in the vicinity of Cuba.
Thus, an enemy would probably use this weapon for attack on static population centers such as large cities.
Our major problem is what an enemy might accomplish in an initial attack on a target.
On the other hand, a similar attack might have been made on City B whose population was known to be lousy.
There was no extra horse so it was left to his comrades who, though numbering in the fifties, had stood around on the hillside nearby without firing a shot during the entire attack.
In transit or on station, it may not be possible to attack the submarines until commission of an overt act.
Because of this diversionary attack the main group that had been pinned down on the hill was able to surge forward again.
Mickey's eyes fixed on the other's feet, which would first betray the moment and direction of an attack.

attack and Burnside's
He approved the plan of Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside to plant explosives in a mine shaft dug underneath the Confederate line east of Petersburg, but at the last minute he changed Burnside's plan to lead the attack with a well-trained African-American division that was highly drilled just for this action, instructing him to take a politically less risky course and substitute an untrained and poorly led white division.
Both Lee and corps commander Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell wrote in admiration of his gallant attack, which drove Burnside's troops back over a half mile.
In early November 1863, Lt. Gen. James Longstreet, with two divisions and about 5, 000 cavalry, was detached from the Confederate Army of Tennessee near Chattanooga, Tennessee, to attack Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside's Union Department of the Ohio troops at Knoxville.
Potter was wounded at Antietam while participating in Burnside's attack on the Confederate right flank.

attack and conjecture
Some believe that, had Spee pressed the attack, Sturdee's ships would have been easy targets, although this is a subject of conjecture and some controversy.
For example the difference between a counterexample to a lemma ( a so-called ' local counterexample ') and a counterexample to the specific conjecture under attack ( a ' global counterexample ' to the Euler characteristic, in this case ) are discussed.

attack and was
It was all right to put a bunch of ranchers onto horses, to call them Night Riders, to set out to attack the largest mining combination the country had ever seen if all they wanted was adventure.
A few days later it was learned that General Howe was planning an attack upon the American camp.
The position of the new camp was admirably selected and well fortified, its easily defensible nature being one good reason why Howe did not attack it.
I was surprised and sorry to find in your issue of March 4 a long and detailed attack upon a book that had not yet been published.
But the attack was made from an advance copy.
In this case, then, the military objective was accomplished with an epidemic agent solely through the results secured in the initial attack.
It was not even in writing Latin epigrams, sometimes bawdy ones, or in translating Lucian from Greek into Latin or in defending the study of Greek against the attack of conservative academics, or in attacking the conservative theologians who opposed Erasmus's philological study of the New Testament.
A British officer had come aboard and told him that in case of enemy air attack he was not to open fire until bombs were actually dropped.
The troopers knew an attack was coming, but they didn't know when, and they didn't know where.
So was the attack upon Charles E. Bohlen when Eisenhower appointed him Ambassador to Moscow.
He was invulnerable to attack, but he could be handled, Mickey knew, if he could be brought to make the first move.
One Republican senator told this correspondent that he was constantly being asked why he didn't attack the Kennedy administration on this score.
Mr. Hawksley said he was not critical of city residents for not knowing what to do or where to assemble in case of an air attack.
The Portland school board was asked Monday to take a positive stand towards developing and coordinating with Portland's civil defense more plans for the city's schools in event of attack.

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