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boys and refuse
The boys refuse to identify their assailants to the authorities, and there are no further repercussions.
Though acute social withdrawal in Japan appears to affect both genders equally, because of differing social expectations for maturing boys and girls, the most widely reported cases of hikikomori are from middle-and upper-middle-class families whose sons, typically their eldest, refuse to leave the home, often after experiencing one or more traumatic episodes of social or academic failure.
At a meeting of the Respect party on 6 June 2006, following the Forest Gate raid, Ridley urged all Muslims in Britain to " boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form until the boys are released ," attacking Sami Yusuf including " asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer.
He instructs her to expose herself to the boys, and she looks to the others for help, but they refuse to meet her gaze.
" The He-Man ' Womun ' Haters Club " is a club of local school-aged boys, all of whom refuse to play with girls.
He often uses Sam and puts him under pressure to make him crack, this is shown in the pilot episode when the boys refuse to clean until their dad re-hires a maid.
Lisa hires the school bullies ( Nelson, Dolph, Jimbo, and Kearney ) to protect her, but they refuse since girls fight dirtier than boys ( and boys tend to be more vulnerable to falling in love ).
The girls refuse and open fire ( killing Kenny in the fusillade ) and the boys attack, leading to a fight.
The boys manage to find their Afghan counterparts, who refuse to take back the goat ; furthermore, the two groups get into an argument over America.

boys and let
Never let anyone not in the know take a turn at the valves -- even if the little boys do want to play space ship.
* Ship 53 – founded in recent years to let kids continue their scouting experience on the water ; open to boys and girls ages 14 – 21.
Hearing that Paul was severely beaten by his father, and witnessing him being chased and cruelly teased and hazed by a gang of other boys, Carrie realises that for Paul's sake she must leave the town, let her beloved garden deteriorate, and never come back.
At the ball, Bobby and the three boys propose to Maisie and the three girls, but the girls reply in unison that " we'll let you know at midnight " and everyone dances to " The Riviera ".
On July 27, 1981, Walsh's mother, Revé, let Adam watch several older boys play video games at a Sears store in Hollywood, Florida, while she walked a few aisles away to shop for a lamp.
In the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings, the boys ask guard to let them in, but he declines.
Oblivious to the fact that their daughter is going to attend a boys school, her parents let her go.
: Heel ya ' ho boys, let her go, boys
: Heel ya ' ho boys, let her go boys
This let the boys become accustomed to hunger so that during a campaign hunger would not be a problem.
Just before the murders, Colin complained that he was doing 95 percent of the work with the boys, and according to The Guardian he wrote to her father, asking him to persuade Sheila to let the twins live with him most of the time, something her psychiatrist told the newspaper might have made her feel threatened.
Miss Lawrence agrees to let the boys back in for the ice cream party, but only if Alfalfa will make up for not singing " Good Morning " by rendering another song.
Donald is thrown out of the mall and begins to walk home in the snow thinking about how he let Daisy and the boys down.
Higgins reportedly stated " I don't let my boys take risks I don't take.
The girls beat and tie up the boys, refusing to let them go until the thugs agree to stop bothering them.
Though she never married, Evans adopted seven children and let young underprivileged boys play on her farm.
On being asked why he had remained silent, Dominic replied that he had thought that he would be let off with a scolding whereas the other boys might have been expelled.
The other boys — including Stan himself, however, plead with Kyle to let Cartman continue because they want to hear the ending ; Kyle objects that the ending is obvious, that Kyle ( in the story ) will merely be killed by Santa Claus so that Christmas is saved.
In the morning, when all boys have to fix their bed, the other people won't let him.
The next time they are seen, at school, Bebe walks in wearing a box over her chest, which causes all the boys to suddenly break out of their trance ; Stan shares his father's advice not to let breasts control their lives, and the boys all agree that it is the best.
His replacement, Dr. Hubert Work, was adamantly opposed to birth control information, earlier stating that his opinions on birth control could be summarized as " sterilize all boys and girls who are unfit to become parents, and then let nature take its course unhindered.

boys and Butters
In South Park, the authors Trey Parker and Matt Stone are also voice actors for most male roles, especially the boys: Parker voices Stan, Cartman and others while Stone is the voice of Kyle, Kenny, Butters and others.
During this period, the boys would often take advantage of Butters ' mild temperament by making him a stooge in their own personal schemes.
On the next day, Stan is back to normal and asks the other boys to play football together, along with Butters, who is now relieved of his own misery.
To avoid having to explain themselves and getting into trouble with their parents by taking him to a regular hospital along with playing with weapons, the boys decide to dress Butters up as a dog and begin their journey to the local veterinarian.
The boys hide Butters in an abandoned stove before facing off with Craig's gang, who have also acquired ninja weapons out of envy.
After an epic battle, the boys realize that Butters has disappeared and try to find him before he can tell anyone, enlisting Craig's gang in the search.
The boys decide to dispose of the evidence and return to the fair to have the vendor refund their weapons, but Craig and the others inform them that they have seen Butters wandering around on the other side of the fair auction.
The boys are under the impression that the outrage in question is Butters ' wound ( which has by this time been medically treated ), but it soon transpires that the real issue is Cartman's public nudity.
Butters pulls off all his clothes and cheerfully runs around the town naked, while the boys do nothing to stop him.
Cartman and Butters exchange goodbyes and emotional protestations of friendship for the third time when the other boys turn up and praise Cartman's heroic behavior.
" Butters doesn't want to go, but the other boys make him feel like he's betraying them.
Cartman is set to replace Butters when Butters ' parents tearfully inform the boys that Butters is missing.
Butters is the first of the boys that Trent confronts when his parents forced him to go outside to play and not listen to his screams, which results in a hospital stay for Butters, who sustains, according to the Doctor, a number of childhood pranks, including a massive snuggie, two Indian sunburns, a charlie horse, a second degree titty-twister, a " colossal " swirlie, a noogie and something called a " Polish bike ride " ( Which has no cure ).
The boys are initially relieved, only to later discover that Trent dispatched all of the sixth graders single-handedly, sending them to the hospital with injuries similar to Butters '.
When the boys get the guns, Kyle and Butters skilfully assemble them in the background while Cartman further manipulates the negotiator for an ICBM.
The two drive to Butters ' house, and come across the boys returning home, having already delivered the tape.
" Excited, the boys eagerly comply and set off toward Butters ' house.
Distraught at Butters ' behavior, they assume that the boys now have the tape and are watching it.
Butters later announces that he was finally able to produce a semen sample by imagining Stan's mom's breasts ; however, because the boys are no longer playing detective anymore, they no longer want a semen sample, and thus, the entire ordeal is forgotten.
While the two boys are talking, Stan discovers that Butters also has a slovenly " Future Self " living with him ( who only watches Becker ; a series the young Butter's finds " stupid ").

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