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continuities and between
While these writings display some limited continuities with the earlier medical ideas known from the Vedas, historians have been able to demonstrate direct historical connections between early Ayurveda and the early literature of the Buddhists and Jains.
Within and sometimes between continuities, there exist a variety of dimensions, sometimes called pocket dimensions which typically are not depicted as separate continuities, but rather part of one, typically Earth-616.
The term expresses historic continuities between a pre-Civil Rights era of open white supremacism and the current racial power structure of the United States.
As a teacher of undergraduates, he was well known, and rejected the conventional wisdom that the Renaissance represented an abrupt cultural change, stressing the continuities between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
* By highlighting certain continuities in German foreign policy between 1871 and 1939, he helped to place Nazi foreign policy in a wider perspective, though the degree of continuity is still subject to considerable debate.
The use of early / mid and late Imperial China is preferred by many economic, cultural, and social historians over the standard dynastic periodization in that it emphasizes social and economic continuities between dynasties.
However, since postminimalism includes such a diverse and disparate group of artists, it is impossible to enumerate all the continuities and similarities between them.
Red Jacket continues to identify the religious continuities that exist between both people with his elaboration on the Great Spirit.
" But my life ," he wrote, " insists on continuitiesbetween America and England, between free verse and metre, between vision and everyday consciousness.
The stories and characters of Ultimate Marvel have been adapted to reflect the differences between the present and past continuities, most of which were created in the 1960s and 1970s.
Choose two of the following areas and write a well-developed essay in which you analyze change over time and continuities on how technological advances affected the regions between 1914 and 1945:
The nature and origins of Cylons differ greatly between the two Battlestar Galactica continuities.
There is very little distinction between the film version of Elizabeth and the television version, despite the fact that both productions take place within independent continuities.
Although there are many similarities between Chaotic Century and the ' New Battle Story ' accompanying the New Japanese Release, the two storylines are considered to be inherently different, and are believed to occur in alternate continuities.
In his first address as a professor at Freiburg in 1969, Hillgruber argued for understanding the entire " Bismarck Reich " as one of continuities between 1871-1945.
Producer Gary Russell subsequently decided that the two continuities should be separate ( partly because of different directions taken between the two ranges ).
The character of Connor MacLeod is divided between many separate continuities ; the original movie, each sequel, the television series, and the multiple animated series.
In 1927, anthropologist Winifred Blackman, author of The Fellahin of Upper Egypt, conducted ethnographic research on the life of Upper Egyptian farmers and concluded that there were observable continuities between the cultural and religious beliefs and practices of the fellahin and those of ancient Egyptians.
Rehabilitating Lochner emphasizes the continuities between the Supreme Court's pre-New Deal Fourteenth Amendment jurisprudence and its current jurisprudence, suggesting that Progressive Era opponents of Lochner and other cases protecting individual rights ultimately won only a partial victory.

continuities and later
" During " The Great Wars ," an ambiguous concept which is largely ignored in later continuities, a hole was opened in the dimensional wall and Skeletor was thrown from his world into Eternia.
Following on from either of the above continuities, Vector Sigma later reappeared in Beast Machines.
Hasbro has registered the name Alpha Trion for Trademark in the U. S. Alpha Trion's status as one of the Thirteen is a retroactive alteration to the character's history, as the Thirteen Primes are a later concept developed in the Transformers franchise, and as such the concept was not referenced in the Generation One continuities.
In Britain, where the break with Late Antiquity comes earliest, in the later 5th and the 6th century, cities had been in rapid decline during the 4th century, well before the withdrawal of Roman governors and garrisons ; historians emphasizing urban continuities with the Anglo-Saxon period depend largely on the post-Roman survival of Roman toponymy.
( Castelli later moved the characters into the Martin Mystère series ; Power's theories allowed Mystère and Allan Quatermain II to be identical first cousins without compromising any of the extant continuities ).
Rock supposedly died " from the last bullet fired in the last battle on the last day " of World War Two, but retconned continuities have him survive the war to later become a General.

continuities and was
Thomas B. Hess wrote that " the ‘ New figurative painting ’ which some have been expecting as a reaction against Abstract Expressionism was implicit in it at the start, and is one of its most lineal continuities.
After thirteen films in that capacity, he was assigned to the story department writing cartoon short continuities, beginning with Donald's Nephews ( released on April 15, 1938 ).
Unlike other continuities, the Autobots here aren't 100 % good, and are slightly oppressive: Wasp shew to be very arrogant, and Sentinel Prime was portrayed as hating organic in a way almost as bad as Decepticons.
In both continuities, the war raged for thousands of years and most of the Felis sapiens population was killed in the fighting.
In the many stories of Jetfire ( who was referred to as Skyfire in the TV series, known in Italy as Aquila ) told through the numerous Generation 1 continuities, there is one constant aspect — an early alliance with the Decepticons, which has served only to convince him to side with the Autobots.
In some continuities Swoop is depicted as formerly being known as Divebomb, but changed the name when it was taken by the Decepticon now known as Divebomb.
The second major series was produced by Dreamwave Productions from 2002 to 2004 with multiple limited series as well, and within multiple story continuities, until the company became bankrupt in 2005.

continuities and by
The division of the Frankish realm by the Treaty of Verdun, carried out without any regard to linguistic and cultural continuities, induced conflicts in Western Europe until the 20th century.
* Trading cards representing various continuities and published by various companies ( 1966 1996 ).
Introduction by Nat Hentoff, history of the strip with 1970s continuities.
In both continuities, it is the ultimate superweapon, created by an ancient civilization.
A series of stories printed by Fun Publications, set in a variety of continuities, the Decepticons of alternate worlds can vary greatly from the classics Decepticon image.
Others are absurd or simply impossible within the fictional setting, and have to be ignored by the series ' respective continuities.
The group is identified largely by speaking a cluster of mutually intelligible dialects rather than by large continuities in their history or even in culture.
A series of stories printed by Fun Publications, set in a variety of continuities, the Autobots of alternate worlds can vary greatly from the classics Autobot image.
This is resolved either by explicitly excluding certain media from the status of canon ( as in the case of Star Trek ), by assigning different levels of canonicity to different media ( as in the case of Star Wars ), by considering different but licensed media treatments official within their own continuities but not across them ( as with Battlestar Galactica ) or not resolved at all.
In the late 1980s and much of the 1990s, annuals published by Marvel Comics and DC Comics were usually released in the summer of the year, and often had a unifying theme, either a similar theme that individual stories were written around, or a crossover storyline bringing many of the characters in the individual publishers ' continuities together for a single overall event.
These Headmasters are more like piloted drones, controlled by their human " heads " and guided by the memories of the real Sunstreaker, rather than the fully bonded Headmasters in other continuities.

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