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Page "Politics of Chile" ¶ 7
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current and lower
Our current rate of incoming orders has now contracted and unless this trend can be reversed, our production for 1961 will be lower than for 1960.
A picoammeter, or pico ammeter, measures very low electrical current, usually from the picoampere range at the lower end to the milliampere range at the upper end.
With regard to the budget, both the current and overall deficits were lower than originally targeted.
Growth in real GDP averaged 8 % from 1991 – 1997, but fell to half that level in 1998 because of tight monetary policies ( implemented to keep the current account deficit in check ) and because of lower export earnings, the latter which was a product of the Asian financial crisis.
Due to their lower mass, the electrons in a plasma accelerate more quickly in response to an electric field than the heavier positive ions, and hence carry the bulk of the current.
However, this was considered an awkward title and the one-star flag rank was renamed a few months later to its current title of rear admiral ( lower half ), abbreviated by the U. S. Navy and U. S. Coast Guard as RDML.
In 1882, Edison switched on the world's first large-scale electrical supply network that provided 110 volts direct current to fifty-nine customers in lower Manhattan.
The invention in the late nineteenth century of the transformer meant that electrical power could be transmitted more efficiently at a higher voltage but lower current.
Following an average deficit of around 44 percent of GDP from 1997 to 2000, the current account deficit has increased to over 35 percent of GDP since 2001 due to higher import demand combined with lower receipts from tourism and nutmeg exports.
; in most cases the purported rationale is lower current ( less heat ) and or matched ion mobilities, which leads to longer buffer life.
Different studies have come to different conclusions about the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere during different parts of the Mesozoic, with some concluding oxygen levels were lower than the current level ( about 21 %) throughout the Mesozoic, some concluding they were lower in the Triassic and part of the Jurassic but higher in the Cretaceous, and some concluding they were higher throughout most or all of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.
In the status register, a privileged instruction allowed one to set the current minimum interrupt level, blocking lower priority interrupts.
The high-energy part of that population ( about 1 MeV ) became known as the " outer radiation belt ", but its bulk is at lower energies ( peak about 65 keV ) and is identified as the ring current plasma.
Mobilian was used from the Florida northwest coast and area of the current Alabama-Georgia border westward as far as eastern Texas and in the north from the lower Mississippi Valley ( currently south and central Illinois ) to the southern Mississippi River Delta region in the south.
Weather and climate in the coastal area are dominated by the cold, north-flowing Benguela current of the Atlantic Ocean which accounts for very low precipitation ( 50 mm per year or less ), frequent dense fog, and overall lower temperatures than in the rest of the country.
The upper Niger, from the source past the trading city of Timbuktu to the bend in the current river, once emptied into a now-gone lake, while the lower Niger started in hills near that lake and flowed south into the Gulf of Guinea.
The top sequence shows the old method that required pieces of graphite to be cut to size ; the lower sequence is the new, current method using rods of graphite and clay
Agrawal argues that the wood piece is a common find, given that 20, 000 years ago the Arabian Sea was 100 meters lower than its current level, and that the gradual sea level rise submerged entire forests.
Supporters say this would level the playing field by broadening opportunities for low-income students to attend as good of schools as the middle classes instead of the current two-tiered system which educates the middle and upper classes, but not the lower classes, particularly minorities.
The critical current ( J < sub > c </ sub >) of HTSC wire is lower than LTSC wire generally in the operating magnetic field, about 5 to 10 teslas ( T ).
Its current borders include Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lower Michigan, and parts of Kentucky, Iowa and Ontario.
The goals of fully reusable SSTO vehicles include lower operating costs, improved safety, and better reliability than current launch vehicles.
It was on September 4, 1882, that Edison switched on his Pearl Street generating station's electrical power distribution system, which provided 110 volts direct current ( DC ) to 59 customers in lower Manhattan.

current and house
The Lower Houses were built in 1931 and were originally intended to house theology students at Emmanuel College, whose current building was opened the same year.
The original city plot was around current day Ripley and 5th Streets, where Antoine LeClaire had built his house.
He started out in 1989 as a student at the current Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands, where he lived in a typical student house with all the stereotypical side-kicks, such as the fat boy, the beer drinker, the bossy girl who checks if everybody keeps to the house rules, and the tramps who use the heated shared hallway to stay the night.
A hermitage was built beside the Gernikako Arbola to double as an assembly place, followed by the current house of assembly ( Biltzar Jauregia in Basque ), built in 1826.
Through the Tudors inter-marrying with the House of Stuart Rhys is an ancestor to the current ruling house of the United Kingdom and also an ancestor of several ruling houses in Europe.
Squatting gained a legal basis in the Netherlands in 1971, when the Supreme Court ruled that the concept of domestic peace ( huisvrede ) ( which means a house cannot be entered without the permission of the current user ) also applied to squatters.
The Lower Houses were built in 1931 and were originally intended to house theology students at Emmanuel College, whose current building was opened the same year.
During the mid-to-late 19th century a series of ever larger green houses were built on the west side of the house, where the current West Wing is located.
In early 2007, reports alleged that the current Shabdrung, Pema Namgyel, who is a small child, has been held under house arrest in Bhutan along with his parents since 2005.
The game's current equipment consists of a board which shows the rooms, corridors and secret passages of an English country house called Tudor Mansion, although previously named variously as Tudor Close or Tudor Hall, and in some editions Boddy Manor or Boddy Mansion.
The removal of Claudius from the conspiracy is due to his later role as the progenitor of the house of Constantine, a fiction of Constantine's time, and may serve to guarantee that the original version from which these two accounts spring was current prior to the reign of Constantine.
The term turnpike probably originated from the gate, often a simple pike, which blocked passage until the fare was paid at a toll house ( or toll booth in current terminology ).
In 1949, and again in 1999, various morganatic members of the Bavarian Royal House were recognised as princes and princesses of Bavaria, with the current head of the house, Franz, Duke of Bavaria, being among the beneficiaries of his father's ruling, having been born of a marriage deemed morganatic.
Although still home to the current Lord and Lady Montagu, parts of the house and gardens are open daily to the public.
* Hand-powered electrical equipment, such as a clockwork radio, where an energy-storing spring accounting for much of the size and weight of the device spins a much smaller electric generator ; such equipment is very popular where batteries and mains power ( house current ) are scarce.
This building served county officials until the current court house was constructed in 1957-58.
In Woodbury ( even then the main town ) was located the county courthouse, the county jail, a Quaker meeting house ( still in existence ), and an inn ( on the current location of Woodbury Crossings ).
Bingley later sold the estate to Sir Edmund Wright, a future Lord Mayor of London, in 1629, and the current house was built of brick in 1638.
The Plough public house was Kenton's first, opening in the early 18th century ; the current building is not the original.
In a number of instances these commissioners supported the continuation of a house where they found no serious current cause for concern ; arguments that Cromwell, as vicegerent, appears often to have accepted.
The Ebenezer Hayden House ( third from the river ) was the initial hip-roof house in the lower valley, and the current Episcopal Church Rectory ( the Richard Hayden Dwelling ) was the first brick house in the lower valley.
A limestone house on Comly Road dates to this period, and there are permanent wagon wheel scars near a utility building for the 12 Mile Grove Cemetery, which is just hundreds of feet from the current corridor used by U. S. Route 20, a major east-west route through Northern Illinois.

2.243 seconds.