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dish and was
They had been fed a hunting breakfast, so called because a kedgeree, the dish identified with fox hunting, was on the bill.
For decades it was the most popular dish served in the Ladies' Grill at breakfast, and it is one of the few old Palace dishes that still survive.
The most that was accomplished was adding Mrs. Beige's tray to the dish pile, and by means of repeated threats, on an ascending scale, seeing that the girls dressed themselves, after a fashion.
Eggs and ambergris was reportedly Charles II's favourite dish.
Bubble and squeak was a popular dish during World War II, as it was an easy way of using leftovers during a period when most foods were subject to rationing.
Couscous was elected as the third favorite dish of French people in 2011 in a study by TNS Sofres for magazine Vie Pratique Gourmand and the first in East of France.
These early mentions show that couscous spread rapidly, but generally that couscous was common from Tripolitania to the west, while from Cyrenaica to the east the main cuisine was Egyptian, with couscous as an occasional dish.
Elaborate and showy dishes were the result, such as tourte parmerienne which was a pastry dish made to look like a castle with chicken-drumstick turrets coated with gold leaf.
Ragout, a stew still central to French cookery, makes its first appearance as a single dish in this edition as well ; prior to that, it was listed as a garnish.
Its first dish, Antenna One ( dubbed " Arthur "), was built in 1962 to link with Telstar.
In reference to the dish barbecued dog in The Hollywood Hall of Shame, the authors explain that it was " a snack which produced a mixed reaction among the representatives of an industry that had given the world Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, Benji, Phyllis Diller, and Muki the Wonder Hound.
" In Burns's lifetime haggis was a common dish of the poor as it was nourishing yet very cheap, being made from leftover parts of a sheep ( the commonest livestock in Scotland ) otherwise thrown away.
The Grail was considered a bowl or dish when first described by Chrétien de Troyes.
For Chrétien a grail was a wide, somewhat deep dish or bowl, interesting because it contained not a pike, salmon or lamprey, as the audience may have expected for such a container, but a single Mass wafer which provided sustenance for the Fisher King ’ s crippled father.
The rapid growth of these bacteria was noted by Fredeking: " Normally it takes about three days for a sample of P. multocida to cover a petri dish ; ours took eight hours.
In Mexico, Nachos are considered an American dish that was falsely inspired by the Mexican totopo, a type of toasted flatbread sometimes used for dipping in salsa.
Like many Italian dishes, minestrone was probably originally not a dish made for its own sake, like for example the ancient Roman green onion soup " Patella Lucretiana ", or Lucrezio's dish.
One argues that in the 17th and 18th centuries minestrone emerged as a soup using exclusively fresh vegetables and was made for its own sake ( meaning it no longer relied on left-overs ), while the other school of thought argues that the dish had always been prepared exclusively with fresh vegetables for its own sake since the pre-Roman " pulte ", but the name minestrone lost its meaning of being made with left-overs.
‪ File: Evangelista Torricelli2. jpg ‬| Evangelista Torricelli ( 1608-1647 ): invented the barometer ‬‬ ( a glass tube of mercury inverted into a dish ), found that the change of height of the mercury each day was from atmospheric pressure, worked in geometry and developed integral calculus, published findings on fluid and projectile motion in his 1644 Opera Geometrica ( Geometric Works )‬‬‬
It was a fortuitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St. Mary's Hospital in London ( now part of Imperial College ), Fleming noticed a Petri dish containing Staphylococcus plate culture he mistakenly left open, was contaminated by blue-green mould, which formed a visible growth.

dish and invented
Some speculate that the dish may have been invented in Spain, the first European country in which the potato appeared via the New World colonies, and assumes the first appearance to have been as an accompaniment to fish dishes in Galicia, from which it spread to the rest of the country and further to the Spanish Netherlands, which became Belgium more than a century later.
Originally invented in Naples, Italy, the dish has since become popular in many parts of the world.
* " Top UK dish ' hooked French first '": BBC News: Fish and chips invented in France?
Another story is that it was invented during Qing Dynasty premier Li Hongzhang's visit to the United States in 1896 by his chef, who tried to create a dish suitable for both Chinese and American palates.
Another famous dish, chiles en nogada, was also supposedly invented here.
Carpaccio is the international name of a typical dish from Piedmont " La carne all ' albese ", it was invented at Harry's Bar in Venice, where it was first served to the countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo in 1950 when she informed the bar's owner that her vegetarian doctor had recommended she eat only raw meat.
John " White Gravy " Neutzling of Bandera in the Texas Hill Country also claims to have invented the dish.
The London department store Fortnum & Mason claims to have invented Scotch eggs in 1738, but they may have been inspired by the Moghul dish nargisi kofta (" Narcissus meatballs ").
The phrase is Persian in origin and Arabic tradition has it that the dish was invented by medieval Persian soldiers who used their swords to grill meat over open-field fires.
He is said to have had Ovid's erotic poetry and " a book about Apicius " ( presumably Apion's On the Luxury of Apicius ) as bedside reading, and to have personally invented the luxury dish tetrapharmacum.
Some people have drawn comparisons between chicken tikka masala and butter chicken, another Indian dish including chicken and gravy which was probably invented in Northern India.
* Balti, a South Asian dish invented in the United Kingdom.
The restaurant's story is that the dish was invented by di Lelio at his restaurant Alfredo in 1914 as a variation of fettuccine al burro.
The prototype for the modern gyūdon as a dish for the general public was invented at this time from gyūmeishi.
* Parmo, a dish invented on Teesside, England
It is believed to have been invented during the Edo period in Japan by a cook, of Suruga, and the dish is named after him.
Meanwhile, many chefs on The Hill stake their claims: Chef Terry Hill says he invented the dish at Oldani's restaurant in 1933.
The dish is said to have been invented in 1995 in the Haven Chip Bar ( now the Carron ) in Stonehaven, near Aberdeen on Scotland's northeast coast.
Though the issue is disputed, Sharkey ’ s began serving spiedies in 1947, which makes Iacovelli more likely to have invented the dish first.
However, when the dish was first invented, it was mainly served to labourers.
The Winkfield students were asked to cater a lunch for foreign delegates for whom Hume invented a new dish – Coronation chicken.
In introducing a recipe for beef Wellington, Clarissa Dickson Wright claims, " This dish has nothing to do with that splendid hero, the Duke of Wellington ; it was invented for a civic reception in Wellington, New Zealand, but it is a splendid addition to any party.
Today the sushi dish internationally known as " sushi " ( nigirizushi ; Kantō variety ) is a fast food invented by Hanaya Yohei ( 華屋与兵衛 ; 1799 – 1858 ) at the end of Edo period in today's Tokyo ( Edo ).

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