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early and positivist
But John Austin ( 1790 – 1859 ), an early positivist, applied utilitarianism in accepting the calculating nature of human beings and the existence of an objective morality.
The main influences on the early logical positivists were the positivist Ernst Mach, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell and the young Ludwig Wittgenstein.
The practice of smoking marijuana was bought to Brazil from its African slaves, and with the eugenic positivist intellectual and political status quo of the Western civilization in the early 20th century, its use was deemed as a signal of decadence by its stigmatized use as a recreational drug of the poor, the rural people and the Afro-Brazilian.
He was strongly influenced by Søren Kierkegaard in his early development, but later became a positivist, retaining and combining with it the spirit and method of practical psychology and the critical school.
From the early part of the 20th century until WWII, the field was characterised by a notably empiricist and positivist approach, termed the " French School ," in which scholars examined works forensically, looking for evidence of " origins " and " influences " between works from different nations.
Social research began most intentionally, however, with the positivist philosophy of science in the early 19th century.
It is a reaction against traditional positivist musicology ( meaning primary research ) of the early 20th century and postwar era.
Tilley and his early collaborator Daniel Miller were amongst the most strongly relativist of first wave postprocessualist archaeologists, and was particularly critical of what he saw as the negative political implications of positivist processual archaeology.
In an article in Science as Practice and Culture, Collins and his co-writer Steven Yearley argue that the Actor-network theory ( ANT ) approach is a step backwards towards the positivist and realist positions held by early theory of science.
He accused Popper of a positivist attitude in his early works and proposed that Popper's demarcation criterion was not as important as Popper thought.

early and school
In the early days of a homogeneous population, the public school was quite satisfactory.
And dancing school, so helpful in artistic and psychological development, also contributes to this essential early training -- and can contribute even more.
In the primary grades, reading permeates almost every aspect of school progress, and the children's early experiences of success or failure in learning to read often set a pattern of total achievement that is relatively enduring throughout the following years.
Indeed, in some periods of our history and in some neighborhoods the job opportunities have been so good that undoubtedly a great many boys who were potential members of the professions quit school at an early age and went to work.
However, if the child has been constantly surrounded, during nursery and early school age, by peer groups ; ;
Zion was surprised when Roy's buggy stopped beside her on the pike one early summer day as she was walking home from the country school where she was teaching now that Eph Showers had had a call to preach in some mountain town.
The reciprocal influence between the French school and Polish historiography was particularly evident in studies on the Middle Ages and the early modern era studied by Braudel.
The Lesbian or Aeolic school of poetry " reached in the songs of Sappho and Alcaeus that high point of brilliancy to which it never after-wards approached " and it was assumed by later Greek critics and during the early centuries of the Christian era that the two poets were in fact lovers, a theme which became a favourite subject in art ( as in the urn pictured above ).
Even as early as the 1920s he held a vision for school students of New Zealand to be involved in planting native trees and plants in their school grounds.
Scarlatti's music forms an important link between the early Baroque Italian vocal styles of the 17th century, with their centers in Florence, Venice and Rome, and the classical school of the 18th century.
C. “ Sacred Scripture in the early franciscan school ', in La Sacra Scrittura e i francescani.
The early intention was for the Bauhaus to be a combined architecture school, crafts school, and academy of the arts.
The paradox of the early Bauhaus was that, although its manifesto proclaimed that the ultimate aim of all creative activity was building, the school did not offer classes in architecture until 1927.
The Sautrāntikas, another early school, and the Theravādins, now the only modern survivor of the early Buddhist schools, criticized the realist standpoint of the Sarvāstivādins.
An immigrant from Ukraine, Marie Selig attended college, a rare accomplishment for a woman in the early 20th century, and became a school teacher.
Despite the xenophobia and intellectual introspection characteristic of the increasingly popular new school of neo-Confucianism, China under the early Ming Dynasty was not isolated.
Although founded as a preparatory and vocational school by Amos G. Throop in 1891, the college attracted influential scientists such as George Ellery Hale, Arthur Amos Noyes, and Robert Andrews Millikan in the early 20th century.
In the early 2000s, cheerleading was considered one of the most dangerous school activities.
Lynch found this transitory early life relatively easy to adjust to, noting that he found it fairly easy to meet new friends whenever he started attending a new school.
However, in early 2010, the College announced that it would re-introduce loans to its financial aid packages beginning in the 2011 – 2012 school year due to its changed financial situation.
According to one Rabbinic tradition, David was raised as the son of his father Jesse and spent his early years herding his father's sheep in the wilderness while his brothers were in school.
Vertov is known for many early writings, mainly while still in school, that focus on the individual versus the perceptive nature of the camera lens, which he was known to call his " second eye ".

early and emphasized
Alcott believed that early education must draw out " unpremeditated thoughts and feelings of the child " and emphasized that infancy should primarily focus on enjoyment.
The agency was renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) in 1972, and during the early 1970s, it emphasized direct energy programs, information processing, and tactical technologies.
Epicurus emphasized the senses in his epistemology, and his Principle of Multiple Explanations (" if several theories are consistent with the observed data, retain them all ") is an early contribution to the philosophy of science.
Critics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Karl von Baer and Wilhelm His, did not believe that living embryos reproduce the evolutionary process and produced embryo drawings of their own which emphasized the differences in early embryological development.
Some of the main trends in modern Homeric scholarship have been, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Analysis and Unitarianism ( see Homeric Question ), schools of thought which emphasized on the one hand the inconsistencies in, and on the other the artistic unity of, Homer ; and in the 20th century and later Oral Theory, the study of the mechanisms and effects of oral transmission, and Neoanalysis, the study of the relationship between Homer and other early epic material.
Simon emphasized the usefulness of the land tax, reflecting the early influence of Henry George on his economic thought.
Bloomfield throughout his career, but particularly during his early career, emphasized the Neogrammarian principle of regular sound change as a foundational concept in historical linguistics.
Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, the institute adopted the European polytechnic university model and emphasized laboratory instruction from an early date.
Telecommunications in the city were emphasized early under the Saudi reign.
In the early 1980s, some of the leading bands in Southern California's hardcore punk rock scene emphasized a more melodic approach than was typical of their peers.
The Iroquois philosophy in particular gave much to Christian thought of the time and in many cases actually inspired some of the institutions adopted in the United States: for example, Benjamin Franklin was a great admirer of some of the methods of the Iroquois Confederacy, and much of early American literature emphasized the political philosophy of the natives.
Other historians have emphasized the harshness of the life in the Eastern Cape ( which suffered one of its regular periods of drought in the early 1830s ) compared to the attractions of the fertile country of Natal, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal.
The First Great Awakening ( under Jonathan Edwards and others ) in the mid-18th century and the Second Great Awakening in the early 19th century ( under Charles Grandison Finney, among others ) emphasized personal piety, revivals, and devotion to civic duty.
Ferguson's sense of what was " right " became the basis for the Beiderbecke Romantic legend, which has traditionally emphasized the musician's Iowa roots, his often careless dress, his difficulty sight reading, the purity of his tone, his drinking, and his early death.
This second building boom continued the futuristic trend, but emphasized a much more colorful, postmodern approach that somewhat contradicted the earthy, organic designs of the early buildings.
The possible reasons for her breasts not being emphasized in the most formal statues were debated among some early Egyptologists, who failed to understand the ritual religious symbolism, to take into account the fact that many women and goddesses portrayed in ancient Egyptian art often lack delineation of breasts, and that the physical aspect of the gender of pharaohs was never stressed in the art.
( Cornell University Press ; 2012 ) 280 pages ; shows how Franciscans shifted away from an early emphasis on poverty and humility and instead emphasized educational roles
L. T. Fitz outwardly claims that early criticism of Antony and Cleopatra is “ colored by the sexist assumptions the critics have brought with them to their reading .” Fitz argues that previous criticisms place a heavy emphasis on Cleopatra ’ s “ wicked and manipulative ” ways, which are further emphasized by her association with Egypt and her contrast to the “ chaste and submissive ” Roman Octavia.
On the other hand, the Communist Party viewed the movement more favorably, although remaining suspicious of the early phase which emphasized the role of enlightened intellectuals, not revolution.
The founding organization was named " The Albert Einstein Foundation for Higher Learning, Inc ." and early press accounts emphasized his involvement.
The colonists ' accounts of interaction at Werowocomoco during the early days of Jamestown emphasized Powhatan's interests in acquiring numerous English objects, particularly copper, which the Indians used to create their own precious objects.
It also emphasized that real world populations had far more genetic variability than the early population geneticists had assumed in their models, and that genetically distinct sub-populations were important.

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