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Page "Shema Yisrael" ¶ 62
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emphasis and on
It will readily be seen that in this suggested network ( not materially different from some of the networks in vogue today ) greater emphasis on monitoring is implied than is usually put into practice.
Tolerance and compromise, social justice and civil liberty, are today too often in short supply for one to be overly critical of Trevelyan's emphasis on their central place in the English tradition.
and poetry, with all its emphasis on the passions, encourages the audience to give way to emotion.
A variety of data are assembled to bear upon such alleged changes as diminished puritan morality, work-success ethic, individualism, achievement, lessened emphasis on future-time orientation in favor of sociability, moral relativism, consideration and tolerance, conformity, hedonistic present-time orientation.
He sees evidence of fair winds for the ten-year Alliance for Progress plan with its emphasis on social reforms.
Heels place emphasis on the long legged silhouette.
but with the growth of state and federal fiscal aid, the emphasis on equalization, and the state-local sharing of responsibility for certain important functions, this is no longer true.
In support of the emphasis placed by the Department of Defense on instruction in emergency medical care, the Medical Illustration Service developed casualty simulation kits and rescue breathing manikins which are being field tested ; ;
The programs in infrared spectroscopy are undergoing reorientation toward wavelength standards in the far infrared, the application of infrared techniques to solid state studies, and increased emphasis on high resolution instrumentation.
In the first year there should probably be considerable emphasis on teaching projects.
Schnabel's emphasis on structural clarity, his innate rhythmic vibrancy, and impetuous intensity all tend to stamp his reading as a symphonic one.
Like the recent Scheherazade from London ( High Fidelity, Sept. 1961 ), it is successful because emphasis has been placed on good musical and engineering practices rather than on creating sensational effects.
Just as the national and state parks place emphasis on features which are of national or state significance, counties should seek out these features which are distinctive of their area.
Our technical assistance to these countries should place special emphasis on inducing the central governments to assume the role of advisor and guide which at an earlier stage foreign experts assumed in dealing with the central governments.
A program of financial assistance would permit placing emphasis on the national interest in training highly skilled labor.
Personal financial assistance would enable more emphasis to be placed on the interests of the individual.
Where this approach becomes critical, the industry can be expected to put much emphasis on this as evidence of its sincerity in `` resisting '' the wage pressures of a powerful union, requesting tariff relief after it has `` reluctantly '' acceded to the union pressure.
There is no doubt that higher education since World War 2, has moved away from `` pure '' liberal education toward greater emphasis on technology and specialization.
Dickens lays great emphasis on the hands in this scene.
In urethane foams, for example, there has been a definite trend toward the polyether-type materials ( which are now available in two-component rigid foam systems ) and the emphasis is definitely on one-shot molding.
If anti-Semitism was on trial in Jerusalem, why was it not identified, and with enough emphasis to capture the notice of the world press, in its connection with the activities of Eichmann's Department of Jewish Affairs, as exemplified by the betrayal and murder of Jews by non-police and non-party anti-Semites in Germany, as well as in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary??
And the emphasis on nationalism in America is in proportion to the growth of American influence across the world.
The popularity of local color literature before the Spanish-American War, the steady currency of the Lincoln myth, the increased emphasis on the frontier West in our mass media are cases in point.
The keynotes of this style are activism and emphasis on achievements in gaining self-esteem.

emphasis and Divine
The emphasis on the Immanent Divine presence in everything gave new value to prayer and deeds of kindness, alongside Rabbinic supremacy of study, and replaced historical mystical ( kabbalistic ) and ethical ( musar ) asceticism and admonishment with optimism, encouragement, and daily fervour.
The key emphasis of Wesley's theology relates to how Divine grace operates within the individual.
Orthodox distinctives ( shared with some of the Eastern Catholic Churches ) include the Divine Liturgy, Mysteries or Sacraments, and an emphasis on the preservation of Tradition, which it holds to be Apostolic in nature.
And it stresses " the full equality and participation of men and women in every sphere of religious life ; an emphasis on ethical conduct above ritual observance ; an affirmation of each individual's freedom to act responsibly in accordance with the dictates of the informed religious conscience ; a pride in combining our Jewish heritage with full participation in the civic life of this country ; and an awareness of our duty not only to the Jewish people and to the State of Israel, but also to the entire human family, each one of whom is created in the Divine image ".
The Divine soul is a true " part of God ", a historic emphasis in Jewish thought, though based on earlier sources.
The key emphasis of Wesley's theology relates to how Divine grace operates within the individual.
The thought came into its own with Christianity, whose strong emphasis on Divine Judgment, heaven, hell, and the salvation of the soul brought death to the forefront of consciousness.
Interestingly before 1946 there was no comparable emphasis on or celebration of the prior marriage of Father Divine to Peninniah Divine in the Peace Mission.
This he would continue to do until his death in 1965 and the rhetorical anti-communist / pro America patriotic baton was passed to his wife, Mrs Sweet Angel Divine to continue, with renewed emphasis, under her leadership.
Cohen's emphasis on community and the collective dimension of spirituality can be traced to his encounter with Swami Krishnananda of the Divine Life Society in India.
The intense devotionalism of their poetry and insistence that caste and sex are no barrier to a relationship with the Divine is uncharacteristic of classical Vedic thought, which laid a strong emphasis on the performance of the social and religious duties proper to one's place in the social structure.
The devotion places emphasis on the veneration of the Divine Mercy image which Faustina reported as a vision of Jesus while she was in her cell in the convent.
With its emphasis on Divine Omnipresence, Hasidic philosophy sought to unify all aspects of spiritual and material life, to reveal their inner Divinity.
The Panentheism of the Baal Shem Tov gave new emphasis on the theology and perception of the immanent Divine in all things.

emphasis and immanence
Barth believed that the emphasis on the immanence of God had led human beings to imagine God to amount to nothing more than humanity writ large.

emphasis and lies
However, this understanding of original sin is what lies behind the Christian emphasis on the need for spiritual salvation from a spiritual Saviour, who can forgive and set aside sin even though humans are not inherently pure and worthy of such salvation.
This betrayal of reason lies behind the play ’ s later emphasis on feeling.
Most of the emphasis in his works lies not upon atmosphere, which is in fact given very little attention, but to the literalness of caricature: emphasizing the melancholy refinement of saints, the brutal gestures and grimaces of gaolers and executioners.
He noted that " all modern industry depends upon programmed computers, and one must be astute not to defeat patents on the ground that the subject matter is excluded under Article 52 unless the invention lies in excluded subject matter as such " ( emphasis added ).
" And then some wag would add, in a solemn, drawling tone, as if it were his purpose to give particular emphasis to the fact that John Brown was really, actually dead: " Yes, yes, poor old John Brown is dead ; his body lies mouldering in the grave.
Unlike normal motorcycle racing, the emphasis lies on slower speeds — typically less than — on short, technical tracks.
The majority of the town center now lies submerged beneath the reservoir, although the Quabbin Observatory and Enfield Lookout, located on scenic Quabbin Hill, as well as the main entrance and headquarters of Quabbin State Park, a popular tourist destination with an emphasis on state history and nature, are all within the former town's limits.
Research emphasis lies in the field of plasma physics, landscape ecology, medicine, biotechnology, the Middle Ages and the languages and cultures of countries bordering the Baltic Sea.
The emphasis of the FS lies more on astrological and Luciferian teachings, rather than on Qabalah and Tarot compared to other western magical orders founded in the early 20th century.
The emphasis of the publishing house's content lies within the field of digital libraries, particularly scientific collections of texts, and encyclopaedias.
When these school standards are mentioned during speeches, school assemblies, and the such, the emphasis almost always lies on the facet of honor as a part of each student's life ( and its involvement in the community ).< ref > Shermak, Michele.
The emphasis of the analysis lies on the near past, especially the 19th century.
The emphasis lies on building relationships of mutual trust and understanding and precludes the ‘ naming and shaming ’ that other UCP initiatives may involve.
Taekwondo means technique of kicking and punching, although the emphasis lies on the kicks.
Its distinction lies in its emphasis on the nature of interconnectedness amongst phenomena.
The emphasis in High Icelandic mainly lies on málgjörhreinsun ( ultrapurism ), the most extreme form of linguistic purism.
This program ’ s main emphasis lies in supplying food to hungry people worldwide.
Alain Silver and Elizabeth Ward's listing of the movie in the book Film Noir: An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style writes that the film is impressive because of its emphasis on style: " Jack Lambert as the blackmailed killer lies in bed smoking.

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