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fat and acceptance
Activism concerning the societal acceptance of fat people covers numerous fronts but generally can be described as attempting to alter societal, personal, and medical attitudes.
Proponents of fat acceptance maintain that people of all shapes and sizes can strive for fitness and physical health .< ref >
Some people involved in the fat acceptance movement argue that fat fetishism undermines social movements towards fat acceptance, through counter-productive objectification and dehumanization of fat people.

fat and movement
He may find even moderate physical exertion uncomfortable, because excess body fat hampers his breathing and restricts his muscular movement.
In regard to the names of the daughters, scholars largely are in agreement ; Malah means " fat "/" infirmity ", Noa means " movement ", Milcah means " queen ", Tirzah means " pleasing ", Hoglah means " dancing " ( though for this reason it is also the word for partridge ).
It prevents fat deposits in the liver and facilitates the movement of fats into the cells.
# " Knotty " laces have a series of " fat " sections, which restrict movement through eyelets.
The adipokines or adipocytokines ( Greek adipo -, fat ; cyto -, cell ; and-kinos, movement ) are cytokines ( cell-to-cell signaling proteins ) secreted by adipose tissue.

fat and also
The Mongols also used adhesives to make their short bows, and the Native Americans of the eastern United States used a mixture of spruce gum and fat as adhesives to fashion waterproof seams in their birchbark canoes.
This mutation also interferes with fat deposition, resulting in very lean meat.
Bone cells also release a hormone called osteocalcin, which contributes to the regulation of blood sugar ( glucose ) and fat deposition.
In addition to the milk glands, the breast also is composed of connective tissues ( collagen, elastin ), white fat, and the suspensory Cooper's ligaments.
Thickened cream: 35 – 36. 5 % fat, with added gelatine and / or other thickeners to give the cream a creamier texture, also possibly with stabilisers to aid the consistency of whipped cream ( this would be the cream to use for whipped cream, not necessarily for cooking )
Carotenes are also found in palm oil, corn, and in the milk of dairy cows, causing cow's milk to be light yellow, depending on the feed of the cattle, and the amount of fat in the milk ( high-fat milks, such as those produced by Guernsey cows, tend to be more yellow because their fat content causes them to contain more carotene ).
In contrast, if the person follows a diet that includes a lower caloric intake than the BMR, this person will lose fat but also a higher percentage of muscle.
The same study also found no correlation ( with multivariate adjustment ) between animal fat intake and coronary heart disease ( table 4 ).
Gérard has not produced the manuscript supporting this claim which, even if true, is unrelated to the later history of the French fry, as the potato did not arrive in the region until around 1735 ; also, given the economic conditions of the 18th century: " it is absolutely unthinkable that a peasant could have consecrated large quantities of fat for cooking potatoes.
Fats also serve as energy stores for the body, containing about 37. 8 kilojoules ( 9 calories ) per gram of fat.
While it is nearly impossible to remove fat completely from the diet, it would also be unhealthy to do so.
Depending on current physiological conditions, adipocytes store fat derived from the diet and liver metabolism or degrade stored fat to supply fatty acids and also glycerol to the circulation.
Grits can also be fried in a pan or molded to create a firm block ; the resulting block can be cut with a knife or wire, and the slices fried in a fat such as vegetable oil, butter, or bacon grease.
In addition to being portrayed as lazy and fat, Garfield is also pessimistic, sadistic, cynical, sarcastic, sardonic and a bit obnoxious.
Generally, this means the skeletal muscle and associated fat and other tissues, but it may also describe other edible tissues such as offal.
Lamb is also consumed, but as North African sheep breeds store most of their fat in their tails, Moroccan lamb does not have the pungent flavour that Western lamb and mutton have.
The platypus uses its tail for storage of fat reserves ( an adaptation also found in animals such as the Tasmanian devil and fat-tailed sheep ).
Some companies have also marketed baked potato chips as an alternative with lower fat content.
It is also naturally low in fat and sodium.
The Harvard School of Public Health also recommends consumers eat red meat sparingly as it has high levels of undesirable saturated fat.
Pancakes and related fried breads or pastries made with sugar, fat and eggs are also traditionally consumed at this time in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.
" Boss Hogg was also married to Rosco's fat sister, a point that did not always sit well with either Boss Hogg or Rosco ; Hogg often claimed that Rosco was indebted to him because of it.
In addition to the fat client email clients and small email clients, there are also Web-based email applications called webmail.

fat and known
On one visit he stopped at the office of the American, where he was known surreptitiously as `` the Great White Chief '', and for the first time met his managing editor, fat Moses Koenigsberg.
Options include a minimally invasive procedure known as platelet injection fat transfer, which transfers fat cells from a woman's thighs to her smaller breast.
In Dune, Herbert notes that the Baron possesses a " basso voice " and is so " grossly and immensely fat " that he requires anti-gravity devices known as suspensors to support his weight.
Imbalances between the consumed fuels and expended energy results in either starvation or excessive reserves of adipose tissue, known as body fat.
His book includes the earliest known reference to roux using pork fat.
Without the oral tradition, it is not known whether the violation is in mixing meat with milk or with fat.
However, the Henry that many people picture when they hear his name is the Henry of his later years, when he became grotesquely fat, became very irritable, and was known for his great cruelty.
Amongst the best known are gona perume, which is a sort of sausage containing alternate layers of meat and fat, and goya-tel-perume, which is the tail of the monitor lizard ( talagoya ), stuffed with fat obtained from its sides and roasted in embers.
The earliest known candles originated in China around 200 BC, and were made from whale fat.
Many recipes advise salting, rinsing and draining of the sliced fruit ( known as " degorging "), to soften it and to reduce the amount of fat absorbed during cooking, but mainly to remove the bitterness of the earlier cultivars.
Because of his homely ways and strong Norfolk roots, he was often known to both friends and detractors as the " fat old Squire of Norfolk.
Over time, a visible dent at the injection site, due to the local destruction of fat tissue, known as lipoatrophy, may develop.
The Texas Longhorn is a beef animal and is known for its lean beef, which is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than most beef.
* Central obesity ( also known as visceral, male-pattern or apple-shaped adiposity ), overweight with fat deposits mainly around the waist
Second, visceral adiposity is related to an accumulation of fat in the liver, a condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD ).
Abdominal obesity, also known as belly fat or clinically as central obesity, is excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen.
Visceral fat, also known as organ fat or intra-abdominal fat, is located inside the peritoneal cavity, packed in between internal organs and torso, as opposed to subcutaneous fat ‚ which is found underneath the skin, and intramuscular fat ‚ which is found interspersed in skeletal muscle.

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