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Some Related Sentences

goat-man and .
According to the tale, thousands of years ago a goat-man called " Bou Jeloud " appeared to an Attar ancestor in a cave, and danced to his music.
According to the tale, thousands of years ago a goat-man called " Bou Jeloud " appeared to an Attar ancestor in a cave, and danced to his music.

who and gave
The 140,414 Americans who gave `` the last full measure of devotion '' to prevent disunion, preserved individual freedom in the United States from the dangers of anarchy, inherent in confederations, which throughout history have proved fatal in the end to all associations composed primarily of sovereign states, and to the liberties of their people.
Billy Koch, who had once worked for Wright as a chauffeur, gave a deposition for Miriam's use that he had seen Olgivanna living at Taliesin.
A little boy came to give the President his personal condolences, and the President gave word that any little boy who wanted to see him was to be shown in.
Another classic sight that gave us considerable pleasure was the Evzone sentry, in his ballet skirt with great pompons on his shoes, who was patrolling up and down in front of the palace.
The younger men, Vere, and Pembroke, who was also Edward's cousin and whose Lusignan blood gave him the swarthy complexion that caused Edward of Carnarvon's irreverent friend, Piers Gaveston, to nickname him `` Joseph the Jew '', were relatively new to the game of diplomacy, but Pontissara had been on missions to Rome before, and Hotham, a man of great learning, `` jocund in speech, agreeable to meet, of honest religion, and pleasing in the eyes of all '', and an archbishop to boot, was as reliable and experienced as Othon himself.
In the eyes of those who still cared for such things, it was a reflection on his honor, and it gave further grounds for complaint to his overtaxed subjects, who were already grumbling -- although probably not in Latin -- `` Non est lex sana Quod regi sit mea lana ''.
He also ascertained that many officers were indifferent to the problem, including Commanding General Frederick Funston who gave Fosdick the nickname of `` Reverend ''.
But he, as I can now retort, was the man who could see so short a distance ahead that after a visit to Russia he gave voice to the famous exclamation: `` I have seen the future and it works ''.
He said it was stupid butchery to order men to make a charge like that, no matter who gave the order and what for.
She gave me the names of some people who would surely help pay for the flowers and might even march up to the monument with me.
Except for a rich friendship with the painter, Chauncey Ryder who gave him the only professional instruction he ever had -- and this was limited to a few lessons, though the two artists often went on painting trips together -- Roy developed his art by himself.
A suggestion Hypothesis also seems inadequate as an explanation for those who shifted their reactions after they were informed of the possibilities of `` normal '' reactions different from those which they gave.
This subject was one who gave an arm-elevation on the second trial in the naive state but not in the first.
Children scoring high in compulsivity were those who gave evidence of tension or emotionality in situations where there was lack of organization or conformity to standards and expectations, or who made exaggerated efforts to achieve these goals.
Dickens suggests the economic evils of such a society on the first page of his novel in the description of Pip's five little dead brothers `` who gave up trying to get a living exceedingly early in that universal struggle '', who seemed to have `` all been born on their backs with their hands in their trousers-pockets, and had never taken them out in this state of existence ''.
`` They won't talk about who gave the information.
Tonight at 8 o'clock the Cardinals, who gave the Pirates as much trouble as anyone did in 1960, breaking even with them, will get their first 1961 shot at baseball's world champions.
And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.
There is Mijbil, an otter who travelled with Maxwell -- and gave Maxwell's name to a new species -- from the Tigris marshes to his London flat.
Man, to whom Mij gave endless affection and fealty, was responsible in the form of a road worker with a pickaxe who somehow becomes an abstract symbol of the savage in man.
Robert Riefling, who gave the only piano recital of the recently concluded 23rd Beethoven Festival, penetrated deep into the spirit of the style.
Cady snapped the Venetian blind shut and slammed himself down before the typewriter, rolled in a fresh sheet, and gave his letter the same savage attention he bestowed on a salesman who needed to have the bucket taken off his thick head.

who and name
His name is Praisegod Piepsam, and he is rather fully described as to his clothing and physiognomy in a way which relates him to a sinister type in the author's repertory -- he is a forerunner of those enigmatic strangers in `` Death In Venice '', for example, who represent some combination of cadaver, exotic, and psychopomp.
that is, on the basis of his own sinfulness and abject wretchedness, Piepsam becomes a prophet who in his ecstasy and in the name of God imprecates doom on Life -- not only the cyclist now, but the audience, the world, as well: `` all you light-headed breed ''.
Neither was Henrietta hoydenish like Jo, who frankly wished she were a boy and had deliberately shortened her name, which, like Henrietta's, was the feminine form of a boy's name.
Within this frame of reference policies appropriate to claims advanced in the name of the Jews depend upon which Jewish identity is involved, as well as upon the nature of the claim, the characteristics of the claimant, the justifications proposed, and the predispositions of the community decision makers who are called upon to act.
Outraged, he used the Advocate of March 7th for a denial, sending immediately to Santa Fe and Van Buren for documents to vindicate himself, and demanding that Woodruff reveal the name of this perfidious slanderer who disguised himself under a pastoral pseudonym.
I had had my name taken out of the telephone book, and this was partly because of a convict who had been discharged from Sing Sing and who called me night after night.
He said he was a friend of Heywood Broun who had run a free employment bureau for several months during the depression, but the generous Broun to whom I wrote did not know his name and I somehow conceived the morbid notion that the man in question was prowling round the house.
The third name was ( John ) Ravencroft, who was admitted to the Inner Temple in November 1631.
The fourth name was ( John ) Milton of Christ's College, followed by ( Richard ) Manningham of Peterhouse, who matriculated 16 October 1624.
His words were the more ungracious to come from a man who lent his name to the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships dedicated to the same goal of international understanding.
The country was now full of Gazettes and Samuel C. Atkinson and Charles Alexander, who had just taken over Franklin's old paper, desired a more distinctive name.
At the beginning of the Hippodrome I saw the Kaiser's Fountain, an ugly octagonal building with a glass dome, built in 1895 by the German Emperor, and on my left, directly across from it, the tomb of Sultan Ahmet, who constructed the Blue Mosque, more properly known by his name.
At this date, it seems probable that the name of Serge Prokofieff will appear in the archives of History, as an effective Traditionalist, who was fully aware of the lure and danger of experimentation, and used it as it served his purpose ; ;
This explanation is attractive, but is vitiated at least in part by the observation that Cynewulf, though he used kennings in the traditional manner, was a literate man who four times inscribed his name by runes into his works.
`` There had been a threesome at the party in the suite's bedroom: Miss Harrington ( this was Diane's choice for a Roman name ), another woman who has figured in other very interesting events and one of your well-known American actors.
Boun My -- the name means one who has a boun, a celebration, and is therefore lucky -- was born in Savannakhet, the Border of Paradise.
Other hitters bloomed with more or less vigor in the news and a few even dared to dream of matching Ruth, who was still called Jidge by all his friends, or Leo or Two-Head by those who dared to taunt him ( Leo was the name of the ball player he liked the least ) and who called most of the world `` Kid ''.
It was Porter, however, who produced the very first movie whose name has lived on through the half century of film history that has since ensued.
Just think of old Granther Stannard who pulled the teeth of Dark Younger ( her real name was Dorcas ), and because he bungled the job and left two protruding tusks she put such a hex on him that he thought his legs were made of glass.
It is to those who believe on His name and belong to Him that He gives His peace ; ;
to those who believe in his name: Who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

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