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grudge and with
`` I leave this church with a feeling that a great weight has been lifted off my heart, I have left my grudge at the altar and forgiven my neighbor ''.
This was a bitterly fought game, carrying almost as much grudge as a fist fight, with no friendliness exhibited between the teams except the formal politeness that accompanied the setting forth of ground rules and agreements on balls that went into the crowd.
A big eater with a grudge against the former postman-turned corporal Himmelstoß ( thanks to his strict ' disciplinary actions '), he manages to forgive Himmelstoß later in the book.
At each failure he became increasingly frustrated with the Academy for denying him the prize, and this dissatisfaction sowed the seeds of a long-standing grudge against the institution.
The agents discover that Morningside and Tobin — secretly her son — impersonated Citizen due to her old grudge against the contest, and are attempting to murder Frasier with a bomb in the title tiara.
Brubeck — married with three children and holding a grudge from his earlier experience with Desmond — instructed his wife Iola not to let him set foot in his house.
Turner has a long-running grudge with fellow cable magnate Rupert Murdoch.
" Duel " was directed by Douglas Camfield, who bore a personal grudge against Simpson and refused to work with him, and so Camfield used library music.
Her grudge against Letty becomes even worse when her children have an immediate connection with her, while they all seem to dislike their mother.
Ever since, Tangaroa has held a grudge with Tāne, the god of forests, because he offers refuge to his runaway children ( Grey 1971: 1 – 5 ).
Capelianus, governor of Numidia, loyal supporter of Maximinus Thrax, and who held a grudge against Gordian, renewed his alliance to the former emperor and invaded Africa province with the only legion stationed in the region, III Augusta, and other veteran units.
Capelianus, governor of Numidia, a loyal supporter of Maximinus Thrax, and who held a grudge against Gordian, renewed his allegiance to the reigning emperor and invaded Africa province with the only legion stationing in the region, III Augusta, and other veteran units.
There were even a few members of the BBC's staff who were not sorry when Steuart Wilson, a BBC executive with a private grudge against Boult, engineered Boult's retirement in 1950, though many profoundly regretted it.
It gives the impression of having been scribbled on the back of a soiled paper bag by a thuggish android with a grudge against humanity and a vampiric loathing of sunlight ".
This house they spoyled for wrathe they bare to the prior of St. John's, unto whom it belonged, and, after a number of them had sacked this Temple, what with labour and what with wine being overcome, they lay down under the walls and housing ,, and were slain like swyne, one of them killing another for old grudge and hatred, and others also made quick dispatch of them.
One of the film's plot points turns on Freud playing a grudge match with a Prussian nobleman ( in lieu of a duel ).
* Sarak ( Valentine Pelka ) A Saracen with a scarred face hidden by a mask, he is the right-hand man of Philip Mark and bears a grudge against Nasir, who scarred him.
On 23 November 2008 the British newspaper The Sunday Times suggested fires at swingers ' clubs were the work of ' nudist mullahs ' or fundamentalist nudists with a grudge against the echangistes or libertines.
He has an ongoing grudge against Newt which started when Newt first joined the group ; Stevil's character challenged Newt's to " swing at him with a stick " to test his combat prowess.
Golenbock, other Cardinal historians, and Caray's former wife have suggested the cause was a purported affair Caray had with the daughter-in-law of Cardinals owner August A. Busch, Jr. ( who also owned Anheuser-Busch brewery, the club's broadcast sponsor ); Caray first called it a business grudge while never necessarily denying or affirming the rumors.
It was said that when one person dies with a deep and burning grudge, a curse is born.
The massacre led the CIA to terminate its relationship with Hobeika and gave Hezbollah a lasting grudge against him.

grudge and Jonson
Somewhat uncharacteristically, Jonson does not appear to have held a grudge against the company ; in 1603, they staged his Sejanus, with dissatisfying results.

grudge and continued
Gerard continued to hold a grudge against Raymond of Tripoli, which influenced some of his political manœuvrings.
In a 60 Minute's segment about Guiding Light's historic run and cancellation, Tina Sloan states some fans continued to hold a grudge against her character because of this storyline up to the show's final hour.

grudge and late
Morrison blamed Calgary manager Mike Busch for the incident, believing that Busch held a grudge after both Morrison and another former Viper, J. P. Fauske defected to the Cracker-Cats after leaving the Vipers after a falling out with the Calgary manager late in the 2005 season.

grudge and when
The blinding and mocking of Polyphemos called down the nemesis of Poseidon upon Odysseus ; Poseidon already bore Odysseus a grudge for not giving him a sacrifice when Poseidon prevented the Greeks from being discovered inside the Trojan Horse.
Even though Poseidon fought on the side of the Greeks during the Trojan War, he bore Odysseus a grudge for not giving him a sacrifice when Poseidon prevented them from being discovered inside of the Trojan Horse.
But, he usually loses his temper when everything is not going the way it is supposed to and seems to have some unknown grudge towards his mother.
Few will now grudge Tiberius, when his whole action as a ruler is taken into account, such a title as salutaris princeps, which seemed to a former generation a specimen of shameless adulation.
Her grudge persists even after he saves her from a near-disastrous reenactment of Tennyson's " Lancelot and Elaine " when her leaky boat sank into the pond.
One of the things that really triggered this, for me to finally just go, ' Hey, you know, maybe this could work ,' is when I realized that maybe J wasn't really holding any kind of grudge against me because he didn't like me.
They are far more results-oriented than the Knights, enforcing demerit policies when Weird Pete is behind the GM screen ( often worked off by unpaid labor behind Weird Pete's counter ), and holding extensive post-mortems on their game sessions, to see where things could have been done better ( usually by the members of the group not slaughtering one another's characters for minor infractions of local " rules ", to vent a real-life grudge, or to gain experience points needed to advance their own character a level ( or two )).
Alma develops a grudge against Alison when Alison tells Claudine that someone has been pilfering the goods which were to be used for the second form feast ( the culprit is Alma ).
( In the OVA Version, Isamu escaped injury with barely a scratch ) This scene replaces the original grudge match at the climax of Episode 2 when both pilots were using their test craft in melee combat, which ended when Guld, pinned to the ground by a rampaging Isamu, uses Isamu's Gunpod ( Guld had intentionally replaced Isamu's blank ammo with live ammo in an earlier scene in the OVA ) and shoots Isamu's craft at close range, which gave him the severe injuries he was being treated for in hospital.
Lurie refused to buy 100 copies of Bednarik's new book for $ 15 each for the entire team, as that was against NFL rules, and that grudge carried over into the Eagles ' most recent Super Bowl appearance in 2005, when he openly rooted against his former team.
In one of his letters to Locke at the beginning of 1692, when Montagu, Lord Monmouth and Locke were exerting themselves to obtain some appointment for Newton, Newton wrote that he was " fully convinced that Montagu, upon an old grudge which he thought had been worn out, was false to him.
Now at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Rhodes is under the command of General Babbage, who has a personal grudge against Rhodes for his actions when he battled Ultimo and Norman Osborn in the previous War Machine series.
: Nataku may seem cold and emotionless, but, according to himself, he has a serious grudge against his father who was responsible for destroying the grave his mother made for him when he died ; Nataku has had many chances to kill his father, but never did.
In a subplot, Dr. Phlox and his fellow Enterprise crew learn that some people on Earth not only still hold a grudge over the Xindi's attack on Earth, but that all aliens are sharing the blame, as Phlox discovers when his presence in a pub results in a brawl.
He is said to have been sealed in a labyrinth, but claims that he was able to leave his prison when he discovered that everything " is all part of the labyrinth " He holds a long-standing grudge against Kurofune.
Selene then targets others who she feels have obstructed, or otherwise failed, her in her quest for divinity, namely Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Emma Frost ( against whom she especially holds a grudge because of Frost's use of the " Black Queen " codename when working for the Dark X-Men ), the X-Men, and Magma.
She had great success at first, and nearly defeated Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Mercury ( against whom she had a personal grudge ), when her wristband suddenly malfunctioned as a result of damage inflicted by Sailor Moon attacking it with Rainbow Moon Heartache.
However, Van ends up getting involved somewhat when he meets the Guylos ace pilot Raven, whom he quickly holds a grudge against after seeing Raven's brutal nature, but proves no match for him their first battle.
The trees of the Wood bear a centuries-long grudge over the death of Lisen, their beautiful forest spirit who bound herself as source to Amairgen, the First Mage, and who killed herself when he died.

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