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idea and finding
`` I arrived in the United States with the idea of establishing myself there more or less permanently and finding inspiration for new compositions ''.
She turned on her side, finding the idea oppressive.
One basis for this idea was the finding that Dolly's telomeres were short, which is typically a result of the ageing process.
" And, " Mr. Locke, in his chapter of power, says that, finding from experience, that there are several new productions in nature, and concluding that there must somewhere be a power capable of producing them, we arrive at last by this reasoning at the idea of power.
Although the alleged difference in sea levels could be problematic for a canal's construction, the idea of finding a shorter route to the east remained alive.
Kathleen Lonsdale's 1928 structure of hexamethylbenzene established the hexagonal symmetry of benzene and showed a clear difference in bond length between the aliphatic C – C bonds and aromatic C – C bonds ; this finding led to the idea of resonance between chemical bonds, which had profound consequences for the development of chemistry.
Rather than focus on narrow debates about the true nature of mathematical truth, or even on practices unique to mathematicians such as the proof, a growing movement from the 1960s to the 1990s began to question the idea of seeking foundations or finding any one right answer to why mathematics works.
Integration is a mathematical operation that corresponds to the informal idea of finding the area under the graph of a function.
The Family Research Council, a conservative Christian think tank in Washington, D. C., argues in the book Getting It Straight that finding people are born gay " would advance the idea that sexual orientation is an innate characteristic, like race ; that homosexuals, like African-Americans, should be legally protected against ' discrimination ;' and that disapproval of homosexuality should be as socially stigmatized as racism.
The idea of using an initial property is to set up the problem in terms of some auxiliary category E, and then identify that what we want is to find an initial object of E. This has an advantage that the optimization — the sense that we are finding the most efficient solution — means something rigorous and is recognisable, rather like the attainment of a supremum.
Says David Broza: " The group of people that my grandfather joined saw the place as an opportunity to expand on the idea of finding peace within yourself as a prelude to bringing peace to the community and the region ".
In a Procrustean solution in statistics, instead of finding the best fit line to a scatter plot of data, one first chooses the line one wants, then selects only the data that fits it, disregarding data that does not, so to " prove " some idea.
Little Bill has no idea who Munny is, and after finding a pistol on him he beats him brutally and kicks him out onto the street.
* Another, connected idea from Kabbalah, provides further support for its positive view of reincarnation, as well as a further demonstration of the mystical scheme of finding the inner Divine love, within apparently negative phenomena.
Though Wolf himself was obsessed with the idea that to compose only short forms was to be second-rate, his organization of lyrics of particular poets ( Goethe ; Mörike ; Eichendorff ; Heyse & Geibel in the Spanish and Italian Songbooks ) into semicyclical anthologies, finding connections between texts not explicitly intended by the poets he set and his conceptions of individual songs as dramatic works in miniature, mark him as a talented dramatist despite having written only one not particularly successful opera, Der Corregidor.
In the Victorian age there was a renewed interest in the idea of courtly love, or the finding of spiritual fulfillment in the purest form of romantic love.
An example of Frankl's idea of finding meaning in the midst of extreme suffering is found in his account of an experience he had while working in the harsh conditions of the Nazi's concentration camps:
Throughout his work he gives a prominent place to everything which illustrates human progress in moral and religious, as well as political conceptions, and specially to the rise and development of the idea of religious toleration, finding much of his source material in the writings of obscure pamphleteers, whose essays indicate currents of public opinion.
His student, August Krogh developed the single breath diffusion capacity technique along with his wife Marie, and convincingly demonstrated that gasses diffuse passively, a finding that led to the demonstration that capillaries in the blood were recruited into use as needed-a Nobel prize winning idea.
The Chief Justice attacked the Law School's asserted goal of reaching a " critical mass " of minority students, finding the absolute number African-American, Hispanic, and Native American students varied markedly, which is inconsistent with idea of a critical mass, in that one would think the same size critical mass would be needed for all minority groups.
The idea of ' internal incubation ' was first put forward in 1802 and 18th and 19th Century egg collectors had reported finding that cuckoo embryos were more advanced than those of the host species.
This finding supports the idea that certain traits are more central to a person's self-concept, however shows little support for the self-assessment motive.
He says that the worldview of MVAH is closer to the reality described by 20th century physics, which challenged the reductionist materialist worldview by finding that quantum mechanical phenomena contradict the idea of solid matter, that causality is less definite, that material existence is connected in unexpected and nonlocal ways, and that a reductionist view is untenable at the quantum level.

idea and maximal
However, Jung was ' also at pains to stress the numinous quality of these experiences, and there can be no doubt that he was attracted to the idea that the archetypes afford evidence of some communion with some divine or world mind ', and perhaps ' his popularity as a thinker derives precisely from this ' - the maximal interpretation.
For, the starting idea is to find an irreducible submodule by picking any and letting be a maximal submodule such that.

idea and analytic
The expression is often used in analytic philosophy to indicate an idea, an entity, or a reality which cannot be included in a wider concept.
Together, the presentation of natural deduction and the sequent calculus introduced the fundamental idea of analytic proof to proof theory,
Analytic tableaux apply the central idea of analytic proof from structural proof theory to provide decision procedures and semi-decision procedures for a wide range of logics.
The work was the first to propose the idea of uniting algebra and geometry into a single subject and invented an algebraic geometry called analytic geometry, which involves reducing geometry to a form of arithmetic and algebra and translating geometric shapes into algebraic equations.
She uses the idea of relatedness to move away from a pre-constructed analytic opposition which exists in anthropological thought between the biological and the social.
This idea is problematic for the analytic-synthetic distinction because ( in Quine's view ) such a distinction supposes that some facts are true of language alone, but if conceptual scheme is as open to revision as synthetic content, then there can be no plausible distinction between framework and content, hence no distinction between the analytic and the synthetic.
For multi-loop integrals that will depend on several variables we can make a change of variables to polar coordinates and then replace the integral over the angles by a sum so we have only a divergent integral, that will depend on the modulus and then we can apply the zeta regularization algorithm, the main idea for multi-loop integrals is to replace the factor after a change to hyperspherical coordinates so the UV overlapping divergences are encoded in variable r. In order to regularize these integrals one needs a regulator, for the case of multi-loop integrals, these regulator can be taken as so the multi-loop integral will converge for big enough's ' using the Zeta regularization we can analytic continue the variable's ' to the physical limit where s = 0 and then regularize any UV integral.
In specific implementations of this idea, the sets or maps in question will have specific properties, such as being analytic or smooth, but in general this is not needed ( the maps or functions in question need not even be continuous ); it is however necessary that the space on / in which the object is defined is a topological space, in order that the word local have some sense.
From this Winnicott derived his idea of how ' the infant needs " a period of hesitation " in which to rediscover ' - again a concept transferred to analytic work: ' the analyst needs to tolerate what Winnicott speaks of as " the period of hesitation "... allowing the patient to use the analyst as someone who is there to be found ... to be shoved down patients ' throats '.
As a mathematician he is known for a number of contributions: the Cartan – Kähler theorem on singular solutions of non-linear analytic differential systems ; the idea of a Kähler metric on complex manifolds ; and the Kähler differentials, which provide a purely algebraic theory and have generally been adopted in algebraic geometry.
Strawson views the analytic argument of the transcendental deduction as the most valuable idea in the text, and regards transcendental idealism as an unavoidable error in Kant's greatly productive system.
The former idea led to rejecting the approaches of earlier analytic philosophy – arguably, of any earlier philosophy – and the latter led to replacing them with the careful attention to language in its normal use, in order to " dissolve " the appearance of philosophical problems, rather than attempt to solve them.
But Hegel combines analytic and dialectic at every stage, arguing that every concept ( except the absolute idea, which even so is instantiated in these proliferating contradictions ) gives rise to antinomies or contradictions.
Although the fundamental idea behind the analytic tableau method is derived from the cut-elimination theorem of structural proof theory, the origins of tableau calculi lie in the meaning ( or semantics ) of the logical connectives, as the connection with proof theory was made only in recent decades.
This dichotomy can be seen in at least one of two ways ; as an opening of the psychoanalytic model to existential and spiritual phenomenology ( see Epstein's " Thoughts Without a Thinker " for a recent exposition of the idea that psychoanalysis and Buddhist thought can be productively synchronized ), or as an unacknowledged radical interrogation of core psychoanalytic assumptions ( See DuQuesne's " Killing Freud " for a thorough discussion of this trend in analytic writing ).
The Queen's School of Business PhD program is rooted in the idea that there are substantial benefits in selecting both a major and a minor for developing analytic and research skills.

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