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Page "History of Poland" ¶ 35
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intelligentsia and educated
The values associated with intelligentsia, the values of an educated life, are strong in Polish society, though they are far less associated with a nationalistic movement today than in previous centuries.
Originally, intelligentsia meant well educated public figures, by the 1890s only those who worked against the regime qualified.
This was because, the Polish intelligentsia of Jewish origins formed at least 40 – 50 % of the whole Polish educated class.
It also provides an insight into the proliferation, distribution and availability of books printed throughout 17th century Europe which were purchased in increasing numbers by the intelligentsia, aristocracy, priestly, physician or educated merchant-class.
The MPLA's core base includes the Mbundu ethnic group and the educated intelligentsia of the capital city, Luanda.
Unlike many other concentration camps, which were intended for all categories of prisoners, Mauthausen was mostly used for extermination through labour of the intelligentsia, who were educated people and members of the higher social classes in countries subjugated by the Nazi regime during World War II.
One was anti-colonial activism and the other was the pro-independence aspiration of the politically radical section of western educated Indian Muslim intelligentsia.
This was partially motivated by the Communists seeing the traditional intelligentsia as hostile, and trying to build a new educated class more friendly towards them.
In an interview on National Public Radio ( NPR ), author Michael Lind said, " Before the rise of a self-conscious intelligentsia, most educated people – as well as the unlettered majority – spent most of their time in the countryside or, if they lived in cities, were a few blocks away from farmland or wilderness ... At the risk of sounding countercultural, I suspect that thinkers who live in sealed, air-conditioned boxes and work by artificial light ( I am one ) are as unnatural as apes in cages at zoos.
A highly educated but susceptible intelligentsia, worldwide travel, and information vectors like the Internet, cable television, and tabloid media, means that hysterical epidemics and disinformation campaigns may become more common.
He writes that poorly educated Indian so-called " intelligentsia " identify Indian " secularism " with anti-Hinduism and even a tacit Islamophobia.

intelligentsia and professional
Ironically, the fervent drive for professional education gave birth to new Soviet intelligentsia, which gave the current meaning to the term.

intelligentsia and business
Rodney ’ s father lost his business, and then the family home, in the 1929 stock market crash that began the Great Depression, an era in which communism and other radical social philosophies captured the attention of the intelligentsia.

intelligentsia and middle
As time went by, the area of the ghetto was slowly decreased until there was a small ghetto, made up mostly of intelligentsia and middle – upper class, and a large ghetto that held the rest of the Warsaw Jews.
Long before the first revolts of the urban middle classes to seize power from the coffee oligarchs in the 1920s, however, Brazil's intelligentsia, influenced by the tenets of European positivism, and farsighted agro-capitalists, dreamed of forging a modern, industrialized society — the " world power of the future ".
Some authors use the term " intelligentsia " in reference to intellectuals and certain upper middle class professionals, whose main task is to create and distribute knowledge.
The eventual goal of German state under Nazi leadership was to eradicate Czech nationality through assimilation, deportation, and extermination of the Czech intelligentsia ; the intellectual elites and middle class made up a considerable number of the 200, 000 people who passed through concentration camps and the 250, 000 who died during German occupation.
Party supporters were mostly ethnic-Polish intelligentsia, bourgeoisie, middle class and youth.
Their activity in this field is indicative of the growing interest shown towards folklore by the Bulgarian intelligentsia in the middle of the 19th century-by Vasil Aprilov, Nayden Gerov, Georgi Rakovski, Petko Slaveykov, etc.
Founded in October – November 1905 in Petersburg, URP has soon shown itself as a counter-revolutionary party of reactionary representatives of the urban lower middle class and middle class, landowners, nationalist intelligentsia, clergy, workers and peasantry.
" For too many years now, the Western media have looked at Iran through the narrow prism of Iran's liberal middle classan intelligentsia that is addicted to the Internet and American music and is more ready to talk to the Western press, including people with money to buy tickets to Paris or Los Angeles.

intelligentsia and class
The most radical one, the activist movement which included anarchistic groups both from the working class and the Swedish-speaking intelligentsia, engaged in terrorist attacks.
The ranks of the Russian individualist anarchists were predominantly drawn from the intelligentsia and the working class.
The Intelligenzaktion, a plan to eliminate the Polish intelligentsia, Poland's ' leadership class ', took place soon after the German invasion of Poland, lasting from fall of 1939 till spring of 1940.
It has been suggested that the concept of state capitalism can be traced back to Mikhail Bakunin's critique during the First International of the potential for state exploitation under Marxism, or to Jan Waclav Machajski's argument in The Intellectual Worker ( 1905 ) that socialism was a movement of the intelligentsia as a class, resulting in a new type of society he termed state capitalism.
These skeptical iconoclasts formed a new segment of Chinese society, a modern intelligentsia, whose arrival, or as lauded historian of China Maurice Meisner would label it, their defection, heralded the beginning of the destruction of the gentry as a social class in China.
Her parents were members of the Lithuanian intelligentsia, a social class which rose from the farming class during imperial Russian rule.
Normally Communist nations would value only the farmers or laborers, thus in the USSR intelligentsia was not an independent class of its own, but an insertion between the classes proletariat and bourgeoisie.
The intelligentsia ( from Russian интеллигенция, ; from Latin: intelligentia ) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture.
Today, the notion of the Polish intelligentsia has eroded, since, following widespread higher education, the " intelligentsia " has ceased to be an isolated social class.
In the ideology of Bolsheviks, intelligentsia is not a real class ; its status is described by the Russian word " prosloyka ", which is normally translated as " stratum ," but in this context has a negative connotation, meaning " liner " or " separating layer ".
Hence its independence is a mere ideological illusion, and in fact intelligentsia is by large a class of " lackeys " of bourgeoisie and landowners.
The remaining intelligentsia were supposed to serve " the cause of working class ".
In his major work, Economy and Society he used this term in arbitrary chronological and geographical frames, e. g., he wrote that " this Christian preoccupation with the formulation of dogmas was in Antiquity particularly influenced by the distinctive character of ' intelligentsia ', which was the product of Greek education " When formulating major social classes of his time, Weber combines intelligentsia with other social categories, e. g., he defines a major class consisting of " the propertyless intelligentsia and specialists ( technicians, various kinds of white-collar employees, civil servants – possible with considerable social differences depending on the cost of their training )" and yet other " classes privileged through property and education ".
The Shah's reforms more than quadrupled the combined size of the two classes that had posed the most challenges to his monarchy in the past — the intelligentsia and the urban working class.
Chapter 1, entitled " The Social Order ," declares Czechoslovakia to be " socialist state, founded on the firm bond of workers, peasants and intelligentsia, in whose lead is the working class "; it " belongs to the world socialist system ; strives for friendly relations to all nations and securing lasting peace in the whole world ".
Kádár still lived in poverty, and found it hard to blend in with the upper working class and the intelligentsia.

intelligentsia and often
Critics of academic elitism argue that highly-educated people tend to form an isolated social group whose views tend to be overrepresented amongst journalists, professors, and other members of the intelligentsia who often draw their salary and funding from taxpayers.
In English this word is often applied to the " intelligentsia " in Central European and Eastern European countries in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the popularity and influence of the intelligentsia has significantly declined, therefore it is typical for the post-Soviet intelligentsia to feel nostalgic for the last years of the Soviet Union ( perestroika ), which they often regard as the golden age of the intelligentsia.
Camps were being created near the centers of dense populations, often focusing on areas with large communities of Jews, Polish intelligentsia, Communists or Roma.
The exact numbers of victims, and the dates of the executions, the causes of death of the Polish intelligentsia members in German captivity, are often contested by other European historians who dismiss a similarity with the Katyn massacres.
It was said that Liu Yan, while serving as military governor, frequently invited members of the intelligentsia who had fled from the Central Plain to serve on his staff, and often made the prefects of the circuit's prefectures, so among the prefects there were no military officers.

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