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Page "Field-programmable gate array" ¶ 4
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netlist and can
Finally the design is laid out in the FPGA at which point propagation delays can be added and the simulation run again with these values back-annotated onto the netlist.
The word netlist can be used in several different contexts, but perhaps the most popular is in the field of electronic design.
A small netlist of just a few instances can describe designs with a very large number of instances.
If a great number of attributes end up being the same as on the definition, a great amount of information can be " inherited ", and not have to be redundantly specified in the netlist, saving space, and making the design easier to read by both machines and people.
Using the proper subset of hardware description language, a program called a synthesizer ( or synthesis tool ) can infer hardware logic operations from the language statements and produce an equivalent netlist of generic hardware primitives to implement the specified behaviour.
The netlist output can take any of many forms: a " simulation " netlist with gate-delay information, a " handoff " netlist for post-synthesis place and route, or a generic industry-standard EDIF format ( for subsequent conversion to a JEDEC-format file ).
Use of characters such as spaces, pluses or minuses, or case sensitive names ( i. e. two or more names who only differ in case ) is discouraged, as it can cause subtle problems when exporting a netlist for simulation or layout.
A formal equivalence check can be performed between any two representations of a design: RTL <> netlist, netlist <> netlist or RTL <> RTL, though the latter is rare compared to the first two.
) For the MicroBlaze core, the EDK normally generates an encrypted ( non human-readable ) netlist, but the processor description ( written in VHDL ) can be purchased from Xilinx.

netlist and then
The computer program then merges the netlist ( sorted by pin name ) with the pin list ( sorted by pin name ), transferring the physical coordinates of the pin list to the netlist.
The netlist is then resorted, by net name.
The generated netlist is then read into a layout tool and associated with part footprints from a library.
Designers use additional CAD programs such as SPICE or Spectre to simulate the electronic behavior of the netlist, by declaring input stimulus ( voltage or current waveforms ) and then calculating the circuit's time domain ( analogue ) response.
The nodal connections of that netlist are then compared to those of the schematic netlist with a Layout Vs Schematic ( LVS ) procedure to verify that the connectivity models are equivalent.
DRC exhaustively compares the physical netlist against a set of " foundry design rules " ( from the foundry operator ), then flags any observed violations.
It then generates a netlist from each one and compares them.
The stipulation is that if the netlist is correct, and structural testing has confirmed the correct assembly of the circuit elements, then the circuit should be functioning correctly.

netlist and be
There may or may not be any special attributes associated with the nets in a design, depending on the particular language the netlist is written in, and that language's features.
Backannotation are data that could be added to a hierarchical netlist.
Usually they are kept separate from the netlist, because several such alternate sets of data could be applied to a single netlist.
After each movement, the associated pins in the netlist would be renamed.
Unpopulated boards may be subjected to a bare-board test where each circuit connection ( as defined in a netlist ) is verified as correct on the finished board.
When the design is ready to be placed in a fabric, the developer simply generates an Electronic Design Interchange Format ( EDIF ) netlist and imports it into his favorite toolkit.
In practice, programs have bugs and it would be a major risk to assume that all steps from RTL through the final tape-out netlist have been performed without error.
A schematic view may be generated with a number of different Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) or Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) programs that provide a Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) for this netlist generation process.
Since the logical and netlist views are only useful for abstract ( algebraic ) simulation, and not device fabrication, the physical representation of the standard cell must be designed too.

netlist and FPGA
Available in high-level language source code ( VHDL or Verilog ) or FPGA netlist forms, these cores are typically integrated within embedded systems, in products ranging from USB flash drives to washing machines to complex wireless communication systems on a chip.

netlist and using
Then, using an electronic design automation tool, a technology-mapped netlist is generated.
RS-274X cannot represent the netlist ; if needed, the netlist is usually specified using IPC-D-356.
Historically, one way to check the equivalence was to re-simulate, using the final netlist, the test cases that were developed for verifying the correctness of the RTL.

netlist and process
For HDLs, ' compiler ' refers to synthesis, a process of transforming the HDL code listing into a physically realizable gate netlist.
It uses 3D field solvers to convert the mask data of a cell and relevant process information into a SPICE netlist.
All the programs later in the process that make changes to the netlist also, in theory, ensure that these changes are logically equivalent to a previous version.
The netlist is a boolean-algebra representation of the IP's logical function implemented as generic gates or process specific standard cells.
The library ( along with a design netlist format ) is the basis for exchanging design information between different phases of the SPR process.
Using the technology library's cell logical view, the Logic Synthesis tool performs the process of mathematically transforming the ASIC's register-transfer level ( RTL ) description into a technology-dependent netlist.
The high-level synthesis tool performs the process of transforming the C-level models ( SystemC, ANSI C / C ++) description into a technology-dependent netlist.

netlist and called
Each time a part is used in a netlist, this is called an " instance.
Synthesis tools compiled HDL source files ( written in a constrained format called RTL into a manufacturable gate / transistor-level netlist description.
The resulting collection of standard cells, plus the needed electrical connections between them, is called a gate-level netlist.
Both netlist and synthesizable cores are called " soft cores ", as both allow a synthesis, placement and route ( SPR ) design flow.

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