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Some Related Sentences

poison and sodium
* Contact dermatitis is of two types: allergic ( resulting from a delayed reaction to some allergen, such as poison ivy or nickel ), and irritant ( resulting from direct reaction to a detergent, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, for example ).
The pufferfish itself is not susceptible to the poison because of a mutation in the protein sequence of its cells ' sodium channel.
The poison sodium monofluoroacetate is commonly used in Australia to control pests such as European rabbits, foxes, feral predators, and wild dogs such as dingoes.
Size is a main factor in how the poison will affect a quoll ; larger quolls will suffer no ill effects from eating one piece of prepared meat containing sodium monofluroacetate, but will suffer if they eat more than one within a short period of time.
* Batrachotoxin, a neurotoxic poison that blocks sodium channels
The Department of Conservation has plans to drop sodium fluoroacetate ( 1080 ) laced poison bait to control the rabbit numbers.
Tetrodotoxin is a poison found in the certain poisonous fishes such as pufferfish and triggerfish which blocks the sodium ion channels and prevents an action potential on the postsynaptic membrane.

poison and paralyzes
The poison paralyzes the muscles while the victim stays fully conscious, and eventually dies from asphyxiation.
The arrows used are dipped in curare poison, which paralyzes the muscles of the animal which is hit with it, so that it cannot breathe.

poison and muscles
A less common theory, held by L. Fletcher Prouty and others, is that the umbrella contained a poison dart fired at Kennedy to immobilize President Kennedy's muscles ( his movements are seen to freeze and cease within two seconds of Z-225 ).
He has an equal skill with the poisons of Sarkoy, including the dreaded cluthe, a poison which acts within seconds to paralyze and minutes to kill by means of muscle contractions ( including contractile paralysis of the respiratory muscles ).
The soldier ants have two large glands that run the entire length of their body, and when stressed during battle, abdominal muscles contract, causing the glands to explode, killing the ant, but spraying poison in all directions.
When combat takes a turn for the worse, the ant violently contracts its abdominal muscles to rupture its body and spray poison in all directions.

poison and while
An exception is the granular poison frog ( Oophaga granulifera ) where the male and female place their cloacae in close proximity while facing in opposite directions and then release eggs and sperm simultaneously.
Large seeds, such as those from a lemon, pose a choking hazard, while seeds from apples and cherries contain a poison ( cyanide ).
The poison in Case's bloodstream is washed out, and he and Molly are handsomely paid for their efforts, while Pauley's ROM construct is apparently erased at his own request.
Daughter cells that retain a copy of the plasmid survive, while a daughter cell that fails to inherit the plasmid dies or suffers a reduced growth-rate because of the lingering poison from the parent cell.
The Queen also is plotting to murder both Imogen and Cymbeline to secure Cloten's kingship, and to that end has procured what she believes to be deadly poison from the court doctor Cornelius ; Cornelius, however, suspects the Queen's malice and switches the " poison " with a drug that will cause the imbiber's body to mimic death for a while before reviving.
In normal usage, a poisonous organism is one that is harmful to consume, but a venomous organism uses poison ( venom ) to kill its prey or defend itself while still alive.
A guard restrains the boy's nurse while DeWar examines his comforter, finding it has been soaked in an unknown fluid, presumably poison.
In this version the blood of Medusa had the healing power while the lethal poison originated from Medusa's serpents.
Although it is often confused with the more common poison ivy, even in the scientific literature, Atlantic Poison oak has small clumps of hair on the veins on the underside of the leaves, while Poison ivy does not.
Laodice I took the occasion to poison Antiochus while her partisans at Antioch murdered Berenice and their infant son.
It consumes its milk, the house cat, the house's furnishings, rat poison, and passing vehicles, including airplanes and a blimp, growing larger and larger all the while.
She attempts to poison Tristran while he is tending to the horses, but the unicorn, which is also lodged in the stable, warns him just in time.
In gardens, the use of poison bait to control slugs and snails may pose a threat and in urban areas, some thrushes are killed while using the hard surface of roads to smash snails.
The poison of one species ( Bufo alvarius ) contains both 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin, while some others contain only bufotenin.
Calculating that Hawat would direct his efforts for revenge towards the Imperium instead of House Harkonnen, the Baron manages to enlist Hawat into his service while secretly making him chemically dependent on an antidote to a permanent latent poison developed by Piter De Vries and administered to Hawat in his food after his capture.
According to some historians, she tried to poison him one night while serving him dinner.
His eldest son, Mōri Takamoto, while enroute to attack the Amago clan, died of a sudden disease, though assassination by poison was suspected.
Edmund's friends, Baldrick and Percy, manage to poison the Hawk and his followers, but while celebrating this unlikely victory, the time runs out, and Edmund suffers a terrible fate.
Northumberland complained about his wife ’ s malicious acts and lies while her father worried about he was abusing and might even poison her.
After undergoing medical checks, the chambers are sealed and poison is injected through a tube, while scientists observe from above through glass.
Offstage, while Medea ponders her actions, Glauce is killed by the poisoned dress, and Creon is also killed by the poison while attempting to save her.
He was later shot by a Darklighter's poison arrow while attempting to protect his charge Daisy.

poison and victim
However, in 2003, a joint group of Russian and American historians announced their view that Stalin had ingested flavorless warfarin, a powerful rat poison that inhibits coagulation of the blood and which predisposes the victim to hemorrhagic stroke ( cerebral hemorrhage ).
In Voodoo, puffer's poison must be part of the mixture given to the victim to make them a " zombie ", most likely because the paralysis and pseudocomatose effect simulate the death portion of traditional zombie creation.
According to the diary of the German attache in Sofia at the time, Colonel von Schoenebeck, the two German doctors who attended the king – Sajitz and Hans Eppinger – both believed that the king had died from the same poison that Dr. Eppinger had allegedly found two years earlier in the postmortem examination of the Greek prime minister Ioannis Metaxas, a slow poison which takes weeks to do its work, and which causes the appearance of blotches on the skin of its victim before death.
* In the third book of the Brother Cadfael series, Monk's Hood, the herbalist Cadfael uses aconite as an ingredient in a liniment, which is later stolen and used to poison a victim.
He typically armed himself with a trick cigarette that could fire fatal poison gas — his trademark " Dust of Death " — toward his victim.
Before the forces of Batu and Guyuk met though, Guyuk, sick and worn out by travel, died en route at Qum-Senggir in Eastern Turkestan, possibly a victim of poison.
The first victim, Henry Barnett, died of mercury poisoning twelve days after taking the poison.
The second victim, Catherine Adams, died of cyanide poisoning within 30 minutes of taking the poison.
A poisoner might realize his victim has not died and say, for example, " I ought to have used more poison ," since his goal is to murder.
There is no known antidote, and treatment consists of emptying the stomach, feeding the victim activated charcoal to bind the toxin, and putting the victim on life support until the poison has worn off.
In 2012, a UC Davis study showed that the fisher population was falling victim to rat poison, commonly used on marijuana farms in northern California.
One disadvantage for the side that launched chlorine gas attacks was that it made the victim cough and therefore limited his intake of the poison.
Seeds of Mexican morning glory ( tlitliltzin, I. tricolor ) were thus used by Aztecs and Zapotecs in shamanistic and priestly divination rituals, and at least by the former also as a poison, to give the victim a " horror trip " ( see also Aztec entheogenic complex ).
His next victim was Frenchman Jean-Luc Solomon, who succumbed to the poison intended to incapacitate him during a robbery.
#: Arriving at the Marshland, Link fell victim to the poison that polluted the waters.
Dorstenius smeared his face with the poison, upon which he lost not only his beard but also much of his skin, an anecdote Wier says he heard from the victim himself.
The sword is also enchanted so that even a small nick or cut will prove eventually fatal, as the wound will fester and eventually poison the victim.
A euphemistic word for goofering is " poisoning ," which in this context does not refer to a physical poison but to a physical agent that, through magical means, brings about an " unnatural illness " or the death of the victim.
Further, both the incompetent criminal who fails because the means adopted are inadequate ( e. g. intends to poison a victim but the amount administered is harmless, or makes a false statement that does not deceive the intended victim ) and the unlucky thief who find the pocket or purse empty, can now be convicted.
Heinrici was a victim of poison gas in World War I.

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