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Page "Martial arts" ¶ 67
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question and which
Barton waited for a long moment, then asked the question which lay always uppermost in his mind.
It is a question which New Englanders long ago put out of their minds.
For a dawning sense of illumination occurs in consequence of two events which, as so often in Malraux, suddenly confront a character with the existential question of the nature and value of human life.
I was interested in James Webb Young's Madison Avenue column in which he raised the question: `` Do We Need a College of Propaganda ''??
Petitioner was not denied due process in the administrative proceedings, because the statement in question was in his file, to which he had access, and he had opportunities to rebut it both before the hearing officer of the Department of Justice and before the appeal board.
For he knows that the first and sometimes most difficult job is to know what the question is -- that when it is accurately identified it sometimes answers itself, and that the way in which it is posed frequently shapes the answer.
Chewing it over with his colleagues and in his own mind, he reaches a tentative identification of the question -- tentative because it may change as he explores it further and because, if no tolerable answer can be found, it may have to be changed into one which can be answered.
But in such an important question, we would be satisfied if the judgment were that the principal objection to the identity of forces which produce electricity and magnetism were only a difficulty, and not a thing which is contrary to it.
When a question contains two verbs, the response does not make clear which of them is being answered.
Although there is no question but that the process of washing fabrics involves a number of phenomena which are related together in an extremely complicated way and that these phenomena and their interrelations are not well understood at the present, this section attempts to present briefly an up-to-date picture of the physical chemistry of washing either fabrics or hard surfaces.
this is a question which I have no wish to take up -- condensation is a phenomenon in which one finds not a condensed expression of various feelings and ideas which are, at an unconscious level, well sorted out, but rather a condensed expression of feelings and ideas which, even in the unconscious, have yet to become well differentiated from one another.
It is pertinent to ask the question: Has the long upswing of interest rates during the past 15 years just about run its course, and are we now entering a period in which both capital market forces and Federal policies will produce a prolonged decline of interest rates??
One such disagreement, which will receive attention in this next chapter, concerns the question whether rates for different kinds of service, in order to avoid the attribute of discrimination, must be made directly proportional to marginal costs, or whether they should be based instead on differences in marginal costs.
This question might be settled by comparing the measurement of the actual circumference with the dimensions noted, presumably in Brumidi's hand, above the various sections of his long preparatory drawing, which has been kept.
Apart, however, from the question of wasteful duplication, there is another aspect of the `` family business '' spirit in American Catholic higher education which deserves closer scrutiny.
and one U.S. official said: `` The key question now is which side picks up the phone first ''.
To do this, it is sufficient to point out that if the principle in terms of which alternatives are to be conceived is such as to exclude more than two, then the question of a `` third '' possibility is a meaningless question.
This would be by far the better choice, when `` it is a question of allowing the human race to survive, possibly under the domination of a regime which most of us detest, or of allowing it to destroy itself in appalling and prolonged anguish ''.
One question which inevitably crops up is whether such stations have a future in a nation where the Negro is moving into a fully integrated status.
In that sense it represents the feudal liege homage, which could be due only to one lord, while simple homage might be due to every lord under whom the person in question held land.

question and is
As a word of caution, we should be aware that in actual practice no message is purely one of the four types, question, command, statement, or exclamation.
If the man on the sidewalk is surprised at this question, it has served as an exclamation.
There is no socially existential answer to the question.
With regard to the change we are examining, the question is, at what point does the change become irreversible??
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
and the question before these meetings was, here is a man of international reputation and proved earning power ; ;
Carl thought the question over slowly and answered: `` I know a starving man who is fed never remembers all the pangs of his starvation, I know that ''.
But there is no question of a visa.
It is not a question of truth or falsity ; ;
Now the basic question to be asked in this situation is what motivates the manipulators, that is, what are their values??
If it proclaims that the best is yet to be, it always arouses, at least in the young, either a suspicious question or perhaps the exclamation of the Negro youth who saw on a tombstone the inscription, `` I am not dead but sleeping ''.
But exactly how far it will go toward improving conditions is another question because there is so much that needs doing.
But whether the murder of El Benefactor in Ciudad Trujillo means freedom for the people of the Caribbean fiefdom is a question that cannot now be answered.
The main question raised by the incident is how much longer will UN bury its head in the sand on the Congo problem instead of facing the bitter fact that it has no solution in present terms??
The question left by the election is whether West Germany veers slightly toward more firmness or more flexibility.
the Army, Navy and Air Force, among others, may question Secretary Freeman's claim that the high estate of United States agriculture is the `` strongest deterrent '' to the spread of communism.
A recent study on radiation exposure by the AEC's division of biology and medicine stated: `` The question of the biological effect of ( radiation ) doses is not considered '' herein.
`` The President says '', the translator came in, `` that the reason he asked you where you were going is because he hoped you would be visiting other areas in Southeast Asia, and that everywhere you went, you would seek the answer to your question.
It is another question whether `` they '' -- or a single general, off in a corner of China, secure for a few ( galvanizing??
There is even some question whether the U.S. can any longer defend itself against an initiative by the Left.
The big question is whether, in the name of a restored Chinese-Soviet solidarity, the Chinese will choose to persuade the Albanians to present their humble apologies to Khrushchev -- or get rid of Enver Hoxa.

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