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Page "History of Europe" ¶ 14
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rise and totalitarian
The former is often thought to reflect degeneration in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism ; the latter, life under totalitarian rule.
Along with the commercial growth has come the rise of video games also depicting graffiti, usually in a positive aspect – for example, the Jet Set Radio series ( 2000 – 2003 ) tells the story of a group of teens fighting the oppression of a totalitarian police force that attempts to limit the graffiti artists ' freedom of speech.
The 1930s and 1940s, which saw the rise of totalitarian states and the Second World War, are arguably the " Golden Age of Propaganda ".
Capra describes it as " presenting a general picture of two worlds ; the slave and the free, and the rise of totalitarian militarism from Japan's conquest of Manchuria to Mussolini's conquest of Ethiopia.
The noun was first used in the political sense in 1940, with the rise of such totalitarian systems as the Soviet Union.
The couple's time in Bucharest coincided with the rise of fascist and totalitarian power within ostensibly neutral Romania, while war threatened from without, driving thousands of refugees within its borders.
Meanwhile, despite the cherished commitments to independence and freedom, Congregationalists moved increasingly in the direction of espousing the main aims of the ecumenical movement within American ( and world ) Protestantism, a movement gathering much energy from the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe and a perceived decline in religious life among Americans during the first third of the 20th century.
Following the assassination of President Luis Santiago and the rise to power of President Morgan Clark, the new President formed Nightwatch ( a pervasive secret police ) and dissolved the Senate, turning Earth and her colonies into a totalitarian fascist state.
While in office, he formed a totalitarian regime in Zaire which attempted to purge the country of all colonial cultural influence and entered wars to challenge the rise of communism in other African countries.
Giving the inaugural Thomas More Lecture in the University's Divinity School, the Cardinal spoke of the totalitarian tendencies of modern liberalism, and the dangers for the Church posed by the rise of " anti-discrimination legislation " and " human rights tribunals ".

rise and regime
Two years later he became director of the Frankfurt Opera, where he remained until he lost this position in 1933 through the rise of the Hitler regime.
Under Karmal's leadership, the Parchamite PDPA participated in Mohammad Daoud Khan's rise to power, and his subsequent regime.
This era was followed by the rise of the Pakistan-backed Taliban regime, who established a military force on the basis of Islamic sharia law.
All these factors had given rise to a sharp loss of confidence in the regime by 1916.
The nonviolent influence of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. upon Biko is then suspect, as Biko knew that for his struggle to give rise to physical liberation, it was necessary that it exist within the political realities of the apartheid regime, and Biko's nonviolence may be seen more as a tactic than a personal conviction.
* Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Worker's Party ( Nazi Party ) rise to power in Germany in 1933, forming a fascist regime committed to repudiating the Treaty of Versailles, persecuting and removing Jews and other minorities from German society, expanding Germany's territory, and opposing the spread of communism.
During the period between World War I and World War II there were many concertina and bandonion bands in Germany ; but with the rise of the Nazi regime these musical clubs disappeared.
After the rise of the communist regime in 1947, an airport and an airbase were built close to the city.
Napoleon's masterful use of propaganda contributed to his rise to power, legitimated his regime, and established his image for posterity.
Because of the provisions of the Versailles treaty, many of the planes were initially produced in Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, or Japan, but resumed work at its Friedrichshafen and other German factories following the rise of the Nazi regime.
With the Nazi rise to power in 1933, Lincke maintained his position and was feted by the Nazi regime.
In the November / December 2003 issue of Foreign Affairs, Kenneth Maxwell wrote a review of Peter Kornbluh's book The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability, which gave rise to a controversy about Henry Kissinger's relationship to the regime of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and to Operation Condor.
In general, the group's political and religious motivations developed in response to the social and political tensions wrought by the end of World War I and the attendant substitution of a republican regime for the authoritarian one of Wilhelm II — much the same as the conditions leading to Hitler's rise to power.
In 1933, within weeks of Hitler's rise to power in Germany, the German Consul-General in Palestine, the pro-nazi Heinrich Wolff, sent a telegram to Berlin reporting al-Husseini's belief that Palestinian Muslims were enthusiastic about the new regime and looked forward to the spread of Fascism throughout the region.
The rise of Napoleon troubled the other European powers as much as the earlier revolutionary regime had.
Her rise to power can be attributed to more than her affiliation with La Prensa, and in part was the result of the lack of international support for the Sandinista regime, the tiring of the masses of civil war, the symbol she meant to the people, and her strong campaign focus on being the opposition rather than trying to convince people to accept a political program.
He printed paper currency to fund his ambitious plans, resulting in monetary inflation and rise of popular opposition to his regime.
After Joseph Stalin's rise to power, the Communist regime openly encouraged exclusively socialist realism methods and initiated a campaign to stamp out all culture the Communist Party perceived as dangerous.
With the rise of Erich Honecker in May 1971 and the increasing international recognition of the GDR, the regime attempted to abandon the concept that the GDR was part of a larger German nation ; instead, the policy of Abgrenzung ( demarcation ) was instituted, with the desired effect of creating a separate GDR national identity.
Although a native of the U. S., the Bauhaus designer, Michael van Beuren, established his residence in a family hacienda in Cuernavaca while fleeing the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany where he studied and practiced his profession and a colony of Bauhaus designers grew in the city during World War II.
WJC officials have been critical of a rise of marches in a number of European countries including Hungary and Serbia by WWII Nazi veterans, far-right extremists and neo-Nazis who publicly glorify the Hitler regime and espouse anti-Semitic ideology.
In an attempt to dampen inflation the Shah's regime cut spending, but the cutbacks led to a sharp rise in layoffs – particularly among young, unskilled, male workers living in city slums.
After the 1933 rise of Salazar's dictatorial Estado Novo regime, suppression of the party grew.
The main instruments and their effects that enabled the shogun to exercise control over the shugo lords, and to broaden the base of the legitimacy of the regime involved: 1 ) a continuation of close ties between the Muromachi regime and the imperial court ; 2 ) the compulsory residential policy aimed at the shugo lords ; 3 ) further development of the shogunal army ( gobanshu ); 4 ) the rise of shogunal hegemony using the coalition of several shugo lords ; and 5 ) the use of commercial and agrarian revenue and taxes by the regime.

rise and Nazi
" In the 1930s, his German patrons, many Jewish, lost their fortunes and some their lives during the rise of the Nazi movement.
Franco's rise to power had been directly assisted by the militaries of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany during the Spanish Civil War, and had sent volunteers to fight on the side of Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union during World War II.
The 1949 Basic Law is a response to the perceived flaws of the 1919 Weimar Constitution, which failed to prevent the rise of the Nazi party in 1933.
The " short twentieth century ", from 1914 to 1991, sees the First World War, the Second World War and the Cold War, including the rise and fall of Nazi Germany and of the Soviet Union.
The Nazi Party's rise to power provided Himmler and the SS an unfettered opportunity to thrive.
" Although the spectacular rise in the Nazi vote in 1930 and July 1932 was caused mainly by the effects of the Depression, Goebbels as party campaign manager was naturally given much of the credit.
Ruth Henig has suggested that, had the United States become a member, it would have also provided backup to France and Britain, possibly making France feel more secure and so encouraging France and Britain to co-operate more fully regarding Germany, making the rise to power of the Nazi Party less likely.
At the beginning of the 1930s, the Nazi Party's rise to power increased tensions between Germany, the Soviet Union and other countries with ethnic Slavs, which were considered " Untermenschen " according to Nazi racial ideology.
In the meantime, Germanic mysticism in Germany and Switzerland had developed into baroque forms such as Guido von List's " Armanism ", from the 1900s merging into antisemitic and national mysticist ( völkisch ) currents, notably with Lanz von Liebenfels ' Guido von List Society and Ostara magazine, which with the rise of Nazism were partially absorbed into Nazi occultism.
Rabbi Philip R. Alstat, an early leader of Conservative Judaism, known for his fiery rhetoric and powerful oratory skills, wrote and spoke in 1939 about the power of the Passover story during the rise of Nazi persecution and terror:
Because of the broad range of expressions of romantic nationalism, it is listed as a contributing factor from everything from the creation of independent states in Europe, to the rise of Nazi Germany.
The play is consciously a highly satirical allegory of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, whose rise Brecht represented in parallel to that of Ui.
Such a crisis would culminate with a devaluation of the Mark in 1923, eventually leading to severe economic problems and, in the long term, favour the rise of the Nazi Party.
Although he was opposing Hitler, the deteriorating political stability of the Weimar Republic let him play an important role in the Nazi Party's rise to power.
Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups targeted by the Nazi Party and were ultimately among Holocaust victims.
:"... 27 January 2005, the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of Nazi Germany's death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, where a combined total of up to 1. 5 million Jews, Roma, Poles, Russians and prisoners of various other nationalities, and homosexuals, were murdered, is not only a major occasion for European citizens to remember and condemn the enormous horror and tragedy of the Holocaust, but also for addressing the disturbing rise in anti-Semitism, and especially anti-Semitic incidents, in Europe, and for learning anew the wider lessons about the dangers of victimising people on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion, social classification, politics or sexual orientation ...."
With the rise of the Nazi Party to power in 1933 Germany's rearmament in violation of the Versailles Treaty was begun.
The rise of fascist governments in Europe, new discoveries about the nature of atoms and the fear that Nazi Germany was working on developing atomic bombs converged in the plans of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada to develop powerful weapons using nuclear fission as their primary source of energy.
One of the lessons learned from the failure of the Weimar Republic was that disunity among the democratic parties ultimately allowed for the rise of the Nazi Party.
During the rise of the Nazi Party in Austria, his music was labeled, alongside jazz, as degenerate art.

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