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series and was
The solution reached in the agreement was more acceptable to the railroad than that originally included in a series of union demands.
This is a radical change in attitude from the conditions which prevailed several years ago, when a series of bombings was directed against Negroes who were moving into previously all-white neighborhoods of Dallas.
Among some recent imports were seat covers for one series of dining room chairs on which were depicted salad plates overflowing with tomatoes and greens and another set on which a pineapple was worked in naturalistic color.
But I have compared its text with already published commentaries on the 1960 series of Godkin lectures at Harvard, from which the book was derived, and I can with confidence challenge the gist of C. P. Snow's incautious tale ''.
Below these particulars was a series of alpha-beta-gammas connected by arrows and crosses which denoted the lineage of the breed.
At that time it was a series of sophisticated social dances whose steps were often combined with other steps devised by the choreographer.
between the north shore of Deer Island and the Salisbury side there was an arch of 113 feet and a series of piers with a draw forty feet long.
General Jones was fresh from a long series of bridge burnings, including the long bridge at Fairmont, and, after seeing a great drove of horses and cattle he had collected safely across the bridge, he sent his men to work piling combustibles in and around it.
This was followed by a comprehensive series of observations of the 1.25-cm emission of the moon over three lunar cycles by Piddington and Minnett ( 1949 ).
The required amount of carbon tetrachloride was distilled into a series of reaction cells on a manifold on a vacuum line.
Following observation of the fact that the reaction rates of supposedly identical reaction mixtures prepared on the same filling manifold and exposed under identical conditions often differed by several hundred per cent, a systematic series of experiments was undertaken to see whether the difficulty could be ascribed to the method of preparing the chlorine, to the effects of oxygen or moisture or to the effect of surface to volume ratio in the reaction tubes.
-- Although there was some variation in results which must be attributed either to trace impurities or to variation in wall effects, the photochemical exchange in the gas phase was sufficiently reproducible so that it seemed meaningful to compare the reaction rates in different series of reaction tubes for the purpose of obtaining information on the effect of chlorine concentration and of carbon tetrachloride concentration on the reaction rate.
In series 1, the relative light intensity was varied by varying the distance of the lamp from the reaction cell over the range from 14.7 to 29.2 cm..
Direct proportionality of the rate to the incident intensity has also been assumed in obtaining the value in the last column for the fourth sample of series 2, where the light intensity was reduced by use of a screen.
It seems clear, from the counter-balanced shape of the series of arrows in Figure 5 that there was about an equal number of early and late Onsets and Completions for the 34 girls.
A unified set of regulations, applicable to all areas, was issued in 1929, and a complementary series of demographic inquiries in selected areas was instituted at the same time.
-- An extensive series of measurements was made on a high-density polyethylene in a torsion pendulum instrument using forced sinusoidal oscillation, free vibration, and creep measurements over the temperature range of Af to 80-degrees-C.
It was one of a series of recommendations by the Texas Research League.
Perhaps the Pirate who will be the unhappiest over the news that Musial probably will sit out most of the series is Bob Friend, who was beaten by The Man twice last season on dramatic home runs.
It was the first in the series of `` Concerts for Young People by Young People '' to be sponsored by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy at the White House.
Such a series of articles was certainly never printed in the public press of mid-Victorian England.
The program came out of the NBC Special Projects department, and was slotted in the Du Pont Show Of The Week series.
When he was made a vice president only a year after the new sales job, a leading business magazine ran his photograph with a brief biography in a series on national business leaders of the future.

series and primarily
Words primarily used in Austria are Jänner ( January ) rather than Januar, heuer ( this year ) rather than dieses Jahr, Stiege ( stairs ) instead of Treppe, Rauchfang ( chimney ) instead of Schornstein, many administrative, legal and political terms – and a whole series of foods and vegetables such as: Erdäpfel ( potatoes ) German Kartoffeln ( but Dutch Aardappel ), Schlagobers ( whipped cream ) German Schlagsahne, Faschiertes ( ground beef ) German Hackfleisch, Fisolen ( green beans ) German Gartenbohne ( but Czech fazole and Italian fagioli ), Karfiol ( cauliflower ) German Blumenkohl ( but Italian cavolfiore ), Kohlsprossen ( Brussels sprouts ) German Rosenkohl, Marillen ( apricots ) German Aprikosen but Slovak marhuľa, Paradeiser ( tomatoes ) German Tomaten, Palatschinken ( pancakes ) German Pfannkuchen ( but Czech palačinky ), Topfen ( a semi-sweet cottage cheese ) German Quark and Kren ( horseradish ) German Meerrettich ( but Czech křen ).
This novel is the first of a series of novels primarily about the life and times of Robert the Bruce however it covers Alexander III and the circumstances surrounding his death in some detail.
The CPC series was pitched against other home computers primarily used to play video games and enjoyed a strong supply of game software.
While the Reno Air Races keep this tradition alive, most air shows today primarily feature a series of aerial demos of short duration.
The authors of the U. S. Army's Area Handbook series said at the time that '.. the Army and Gendarmery ( sic ) were effective forces in being, but the Navy and Air Force were token forces primarily for prestige and with little actual defense value.
This role as a sink for CO < sub > 2 </ sub > is driven by two processes, the solubility pump and the biological pump .< ref > The former is primarily a function of differential CO < sub > 2 </ sub > solubility in seawater and the thermohaline circulation, while the latter is the sum of a series of biological processes that transport carbon ( in organic and inorganic forms ) from the surface euphotic zone to the ocean's interior.
Unlike many anime titles, viewers weren ’ t expected to have knowledge of Asian culture — character names, signs, and the like were primarily in English to begin with — or have seen any other anime series prior.
During its existence as a division of HP, Compaq primarily competed against other budget-oriented personal computer series from manufacturers including Acer, Lenovo, and Toshiba.
After several years of directing primarily lower-key live-action films, Hideaki Anno formed his own production studio and revisited his still-popular Evangelion franchise with the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy, a new series of films providing an alternate retelling of the original story.
It was primarily a response to an earlier landmark book and television series: The Age of Uncertainty, by the noted economist John Kenneth Galbraith.
The series focuses primarily on the Gundam pilots: Heero Yuy ( an alias, not to be confused with the martyred pacifist ), Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei.
CMT only sporadically aired the series, usually in graveyard slots, and primarily held the rights in order to be able to air the musical performances as part of their music video library ( such as during the " Pure Vintage " block on CMT Pure Country ).
The Brothers Grime was a three-video cartoon-pornography series produced by Excalibur Films in 1986, 1987, and 1988, using titles primarily from the Cream Lemon series, the most popular of Japan's erotic anime before Urotsukidoji.
The various enclaves and exclaves were merged into neighbouring and surrounding counties, primarily in the mid-19th century under a series of Orders in Council.
Even after focusing primarily on his manga career, Asamiya continued to do character designs and creative consultation on anime series based on his stories, occasionally under the Kikuchi name.
Stars below about 1. 5 times the mass of the Sun ( or 1. 5 solar masses ) primarily fuse hydrogen atoms together in a series of stages to form helium, a sequence called the proton-proton chain.
These 32-bit CPUs formed the basis of their company through the 1980s, used primarily in SGI's series of workstations and later Digital Equipment Corporation DECstation workstations and servers.
* New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop ( 2010-ongoing ) by Katsuyuki Sumisawa is a novel continuation of the Gundam Wing anime series taking place primarily on the terraformed Mars.
These non-Mouseketeers primarily appeared in numerous original serials filmed for the series, only some of which have appeared in reruns.
Computing is omnipresent in the series and is based primarily on cable connections and hard media.
While primarily focused on the piano and synthesizer, this series of albums boasted a roster of collaborators that included David Sylvian, David Byrne, Thomas Dolby, Nam June Paik, and Iggy Pop, among others.
The animated series Robot Chicken continues to primarily utilize stop motion animation, using custom made action figures and other toys as principal characters.
The series centers primarily on Link, a playable character and the protagonist.
The two issued both hardcover and paperback editions of the series during their tenure as publishers, while at the same time Scholastic, Inc. produced paperback versions for sale primarily through direct mail order, book clubs, and book fairs.

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