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Page "Nuremberg Code" ¶ 5
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Some Related Sentences

# and voluntary
# Was the statement “ voluntary ” under the due process clause?
# Managing voluntary funds for human rights field presences ;
# Financing: There was agreement on the establishment of three new funds to provide assistance for needs associated with climate change: ( 1 ) a fund for climate change that supports a series of climate measures ; ( 2 ) a least-developed-country fund to support National Adaptation Programs of Action ; and ( 3 ) a Kyoto Protocol adaptation fund supported by a CDM levy and voluntary contributions.
# Romans 5: 18-19 ( The " one trespass " and the " one man's disobedience " refer to Adam's sin, while the " act of righteousness " and the " one man's obedience " refer to Jesus ' voluntary death on the cross ).
# voluntary or private health insurance
# knowing and voluntary involvement, and
# voluntary or private health insurance
# Midian was where Moses spent the forty years in voluntary exile after murdering the Egyptian
# The dairy cooperatives have also been instrumental in bridging the social divide of caste, creed, race, religion & language at the villages, by offering open and voluntary membership.
# The A. A. groups themselves ought to be fully supported by the voluntary contributions of their own members.
# Tax Audit: verifies the proper payment of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunition excise taxes and ensures compliance with laws and regulations by taxpayers in a manner that protects the revenue, protects the consumer, and promotes voluntary compliance.
# Tobacco Enforcement Division: protects the revenue and promotes voluntary compliance by monitoring the domestic tobacco trade, ensuring only qualified applicants enter the tobacco trade, ensuring compliance with the tax laws relating to tobacco, and facilitating TTB's enforcement functions in cases of non-compliance.
# The removal of the restrictions on eligibility for voluntary enlistment and allowing the armed forces to enlist a greater number of volunteers.
# Repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places ( e. g., clothing or floor ) whether voluntary or unintentional
# voluntary reporting of errors ( to obtain valid data for cause analysis )
# Notwithstanding the legal protection provided for in paragraph 1, in the absence of voluntary measures taken by rightsholders, including agreements between rightsholders and other parties concerned, Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure that rightsholders make available to the beneficiary of an exception or limitation provided for in national law in accordance with Article 5 ( 2 )( a ), ( 2 )( c ), ( 2 )( d ), ( 2 )( e ), ( 3 )( a ), ( 3 )( b ) or ( 3 )( e ) the means of benefiting from that exception or limitation, to the extent necessary to benefit from that exception or limitation and where that beneficiary has legal access to the protected work or subject-matter concerned.
# That they should not be under imprisonment, or other constraint, their consent being then only forced, nor in justice to be reputed voluntary.
# Open, voluntary membership.
# Businesses-get businesses much more involved in regulatory-type decision making through the use of voluntary agreements ( provided competition law ( or its interpretation ) can be modified to allow it ).
# Promote the use of the Independent sector: this was to be achieved by social work departments collaborating with and making maximum use of the voluntary and private sector of welfare.
# The free and voluntary membership of their members, in order to contribute with their personal work and economic resources, is conditioned by the existence of workplaces.
# the social economy, that embraces a wide range of community, voluntary and not-for-profit activities.
# a " voluntary " claim amendment that narrows the scope of the claim for a reason related to the statutory requirements for a patent will give rise to prosecution history estoppel as to the amended claim element ; and
# A principle of justice in transfer-This principle explains how one person can acquire holdings from another, including voluntary exchange and gifts.

# and consent
# A person may state he understands the implications of some action, as part of his consent, but in fact has failed to appreciate the possible consequences fully and later deny the validity of his consent for this reason.
# A person may move from friendship to sexual contact on the basis of body language and apparent receptivity, but very few people on a date that results in sexual contact have explicitly asked the other if his or her consent is informed, if he does in fact fully understand what is implied, and all potential conditions or results.
# A person below the age of consent may agree to sex, knowing all the consequences, but his or her consent is deemed invalid as he is deemed to be a child unaware of the issues and thus incapable of being informed consent.
# In some countries ( notably the United Kingdom ), individuals may not consent to injuries being inflicted upon them, and so a person practicing sadism and masochism upon a consenting partner may be deemed to have caused actual bodily harm without consent, actual consent notwithstanding.
# A person signs a legal release form for a medical procedure, and later feels he did not really consent.
# A person or institution ( e. g., a school or childcare professional ) exposes a minor to non-age-appropriate material, in any media format, without the expressed informed consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian.
# Informed consent in the U. S. can be overridden in emergency medical situations pursuant to 21CFR50. 24, which was first brought to the general public's attention via the controversy surrounding the study of Polyheme.
# the consent includes giving permission
# The king could not levy taxes without the consent of the Parliament.
# The first was to obey the laws and customs of my country, adhering firmly to the faith in which, by the grace of God, I had been educated from my childhood and regulating my conduct in every other matter according to the most moderate opinions, and the farthest removed from extremes, which should happen to be adopted in practice with general consent of the most judicious of those among whom I might be living.
# Both parties must freely consent to the marriage
# Both parties must be of legal age to contract a marriage or have parental consent to marry
# The plaintiff does not consent to the confinement.
# REDIRECT Age of consent
# Demonic Possession, in which Satan takes full possession of a person's body without their knowledge or consent: the victim is therefore morally blameless ;
# Mariana Francisca of Portugal ( 7 October 1736 – 6 May 1813 ), potential bride for Louis, Dauphin of France, but her mother refused to consent to the marriage, died unmarried.
# Consent — data should not be disclosed without the data subject ’ s consent ;
# REDIRECTInformed consent
# An obstruction to the consent of the Arabs to the peaceful and prosperous settlement in Palestine of hundreds of thousands of suffering European Jews, the victims of Nazi atrocities ; and provocative of Moslem antagonism within and beyond the Empire, and consequently a danger to its integrity and safety.

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