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Page "Palace of Culture and Science" ¶ 5
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Some Related Sentences

There and are
There are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my place.
There are of course many Souths ; ;
There is unceasing pressure, but its sources are immediate.
( There are two receivers in case one should be dropped and damaged.
There are thousands of square miles of salt pan which are hideous.
There are almost no fictional treatments of the industrialized south ''.
There are certainly large areas of understanding in the human sciences which in themselves and even without political invention can help to dispel our present fears.
There are many domains in which understanding has brought about widespread and quite appropriate reduction in ritual and fear.
There are, however, some wonderful chapters at the beginning of the second part, concerning the reactions of the Swedes in adversity.
There are ghostly scenes in which the little boy on his rocking horse rocks madly toward the climax that will magically give him the name of the winning horse.
There is probably some significance in the fact that two of the best incest stories I have encountered in recent years are burlesques of the incest myth.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
There is essential pleasantness in reading the writing of men who are not angry, who can contend without quarreling.
There are in The Almagest no rules for determining in advance whether a new epicycle will be required for dealing with abberations in lunar, solar, or planetary behavior.
Said: `` There are things I must tell you about this man you are marrying which he does not know himself ''.
There is plenty more to recommend Gorton, the facts of whose life are given in The Life And Times Of Samuel Gorton, by Adelos Gorton.
There are millions who accept this doctrine, but few indeed are those who accept it so truly that the fate of humanity lies as a weight on their souls night and day.
There are some people, intelligent people, who seem to be untouched by the sea of wonder in which we are immersed and in which we spend our lives.
There are few things of which I am prouder than of that unblemished record.
There are only two men remaining in Congress who, with Rayburn, voted for the declaration of war against Germany in 1917.
There are many causes for this change.

There and rooms
There was a small, neon-lighted restaurant and cocktail lounge on the southeast corner of the intersection as he turned into the quiet, palm-lined street where most of the houses on both sides were older two-story mansions, now cut up into furnished rooms and housekeeping apartments.
There were two front rooms, both dark behind their transoms, and there was no sound or light in the entire house to indicate that any of the occupants were awake.
There were 11, 957 single room apartments and 9, 702 apartments with five or more rooms.
There were 21, 889 single room apartments and 11, 166 apartments with five or more rooms.
There were 9, 579 single room apartments and 7, 388 apartments with five or more rooms.
There are no government restrictions on access to the Internet or credible reports that the government monitored e-mail or Internet chat rooms.
There would usually be other rooms here that might be used as store rooms, a hospital and even a prison.
There are nine rooms in the mansion where the murder can take place, laid out in circular fashion on the game board, separated by pathways overlaid by playing spaces.
There are fresco cycles in the Sala delle Sibille ( Room of Sibyls ), with its original terracotta fireplace bearing the coat of arms of Giovanni Romei, in the adjoining Saletta dei Profeti ( Room of the Prophets ), depicting allegories from the Bible and in other rooms, some of which were commissioned by cardinal Ippolito d ' Este and painted by the school of Camillo and Cesare Filippi ( 16th century ).
There is a wide variety of speculative theories about the origins of the synagogue ( in the sense of purpose-built spaces for worship, or rooms originally constructed for some other purpose but reserved for formal, communal prayer ), some of which date the origins as early as the eighth century BCE or the time of the Babylonian captivity ( sixth century BCE ).
There were 728 single room apartments and 1, 634 apartments with five or more rooms.
There are 232 Houses in the United States and 22 other countries, providing approximately 6, 000 rooms every night at Ronald McDonald Houses worldwide.
There are ' East ' and ' West ' rooms so competing wrestlers do not meet their opponents of the day before the match.
There are fourteen facilities across the country with research rooms and archival holdings and microfilms of documents of federal agencies and courts pertinent to each region, and two major facilities in St. Louis, Missouri which comprise the National Personnel Records Center.
There is space for around 600, 000 books in rooms beneath Radcliffe Square.
There is also a multitude of corridors and rooms leading off from each passage.
There are a variety of travel-related businesses including several hundred hotel rooms, several truck stops, and restaurants located in the county.
There are two complete 18th-century rooms from Europe on display.
There is a Historic Lodge ( National Register of Historic Places ) called Gakona Lodge and Trading Post that has rooms, a restaurant, cabins and tavern.
There are also many other recreational opportunities, including all the offerings of the Prairie Lodge, which features a pool, a large lobby and gathering area, the Drendel Ballroom, workshop and programming rooms, exercise equipment, graceful outdoor fountains and lush landscaping, and an on-site restaurant.
There is an abundance of new development, both commercial and residential, as well as numerous hotels which absorb overflowing demand for rooms near major events in New Orleans.
There are also additional purpose-built conference facilities with lecture theatres, meeting rooms and bar, and car parking available for non-students.
There is a range of rooms and flats available which are decided by the room ballots organised by the student bodies.

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